27 research outputs found

    Istraživanje dipolnih uzbuda u 89Y ispod gigantske dipolne rezonancije u pogonu ELBE

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    We have investigated the dipole response of the stable N = 50 nucleus 89Y up to the excitation energy of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) using the bremsstrahlung facility at the ELBE accelerator at the research center Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf. After eliminating background radiation from atomic processes as well as inelastic transitions in the spectra by using statistical methods, the photoabsorption cross section could be deduced from the photon-scattering data. This cross section was combined with that known from (γ, n) experiments. An excess of the cross section relative to a simple Lorentz approximation of the tail of the GDR is found in the energy range from about 6 MeV up to 11 MeV. The comparison with predictions of a quasiparticle-random-phase approximation (QRPA) showed that the corresponding excitations may be caused by an oscillation of the excessive neutrons forming a so-called pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) as it was found for the neighbouring isotones 88Sr and 90Zr.Istraživali smo dipolne rezonancije u stabilnoj jezgri 89Y s N = 50 do energije uzbude giganske dipolne rezonancije (GDR) rabeći sustav za kočno zračenje pri ubrzivaču ELBE u istraživačkom središtu Dresden-Rosendorf. Nakon uklanjanja pozadinskog zračenja od atomskih procesa kao i od neelastičnih prijelaza u spektrima, mogli smo, primjenom statističkih metoda, odrediti fotoapsorpcijske udarne presjeke za podatke o fotonskom raspršenju. Ti su udarni presjeci povezani s onima iz mjerenja (γ, n) reakcija. Našli smo višak u udarnim presjecima u odnosu na jednostavno Lorentzovo približenje u repu GDR, u području energije od oko 6 MeV do 11 MeV. Usporedba s približenjem kvazičestica i slučajnih faza pokazuje na mogućnost da su odgovorne uzbude uzrokovane oscilacijama viška neutrona koji načine tzv. “pigmy” dipolnu rezonanciju, nađenu u susjednim izotonima 88Sr i 90Zr

    Electric and magnetic dipole strength in Zn 66

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    The dipole strength of the nuclide Zn66 was studied in photon-scattering experiments using bremsstrahlung produced with electron beams of energies of 7.5 and 13.4 MeV at the γELBE facility as well as using quasimonoenergetic and linearly polarized photon beams of 30 energies within the range of 4.3 to 9.9 MeV at the HIγS facility. A total of 128 J=1 states were identified, among them 9 with 1+ and 86 with 1- assignments. The quasicontinuum of unresolved transitions was included in the analysis of the spectra and the intensities of branching transitions were estimated on the basis of simulations of statistical γ-ray cascades. As a result, the photoabsorption cross section up to the neutron-separation energy was determined and compared with predictions of the statistical reaction model. The experimental M1 strengths from resolved 1+ states are compared with results of large-scale shell-model calculations

    Dipole excitations in open shell nuclides near the neutron threshold energy from (γ,γ′) experiments: The case of Ge isotopes

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    The dipole response of the open-shell nuclide 70Ge has been inves- ′ tigated in high-resolution (γ,γ ) experiments using bremsstrahlung produced with electron beams of energies of 8.5 and 14.7 MeV at the linear accelerator ELBE. A resonance-like structure of levels mostly with spin J = 1 has been identified, dis- tributed between 5 MeV up to neutron separation energy Sn as in the case of 76Ge and in contast to 74Ge where the level density is lower and ceases abruptly at about 1 MeV below Sn. The distibution strength was complemented by the unresolved levels using simulations of statistical γ-ray cascades, corrected by estimations of branching transitions. The summed strength in 70Ge, completed by the data from 74,76Ge do not fit with a linear trend as function of the neutron excess. Such unex- pected behaviour might be related to the nuclear deformation which seems to play the major role in the moderately deformed Germanium isotopic chain

    Isospin mixing from β -delayed proton emission

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    We present a general scheme of a shell-model analysis of a β-delayed proton emission. We show that the experimental proton to γ-ray branching ratio for the isobaric analog state (IAS) populated in β decay of a precursor, supplemented by theoretical proton and γ-ray widths, can be used to extract spectroscopic factors for isospin-forbidden proton emission. In the case of a well-justified two-level mixing approximation and a relatively well known spectroscopic factor of the admixed state, the proposed scheme provides a new way to determine the amount of the isospin mixing in the IAS. This conjecture is illustrated by the theoretical analysis of Cr44 and Fe48 decay

    Theoretical analysis of isospin mixing with the β decay of Zn56

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    International audienceWe present a shell-model analysis of the β decay of Zn56. The calculations are performed using isospin-nonconserving Hamiltonians constructed on the basis of the GXPF1A and KB3G interactions. Our theoretical results reproduce the essential features of the decay of Zn56 and explain the surprising competition between β-delayed proton and γ-ray emission from the isobaric analog state

    Theoretical analysis of isospin mixing with the β decay of Zn56

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    We present a shell-model analysis of the β decay of Zn56. The calculations are performed using isospin-nonconserving Hamiltonians constructed on the basis of the GXPF1A and KB3G interactions. Our theoretical results reproduce the essential features of the decay of Zn56 and explain the surprising competition between β-delayed proton and γ-ray emission from the isobaric analog state