2,298 research outputs found

    Enumerating fundamental normal surfaces: Algorithms, experiments and invariants

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    Computational knot theory and 3-manifold topology have seen significant breakthroughs in recent years, despite the fact that many key algorithms have complexity bounds that are exponential or greater. In this setting, experimentation is essential for understanding the limits of practicality, as well as for gauging the relative merits of competing algorithms. In this paper we focus on normal surface theory, a key tool that appears throughout low-dimensional topology. Stepping beyond the well-studied problem of computing vertex normal surfaces (essentially extreme rays of a polyhedral cone), we turn our attention to the more complex task of computing fundamental normal surfaces (essentially an integral basis for such a cone). We develop, implement and experimentally compare a primal and a dual algorithm, both of which combine domain-specific techniques with classical Hilbert basis algorithms. Our experiments indicate that we can solve extremely large problems that were once though intractable. As a practical application of our techniques, we fill gaps from the KnotInfo database by computing 398 previously-unknown crosscap numbers of knots.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; v2: Stronger experimental focus, restrict attention to primal & dual algorithms only, larger and more detailed experiments, more new crosscap number

    The complexity of the normal surface solution space

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    Normal surface theory is a central tool in algorithmic three-dimensional topology, and the enumeration of vertex normal surfaces is the computational bottleneck in many important algorithms. However, it is not well understood how the number of such surfaces grows in relation to the size of the underlying triangulation. Here we address this problem in both theory and practice. In theory, we tighten the exponential upper bound substantially; furthermore, we construct pathological triangulations that prove an exponential bound to be unavoidable. In practice, we undertake a comprehensive analysis of millions of triangulations and find that in general the number of vertex normal surfaces is remarkably small, with strong evidence that our pathological triangulations may in fact be the worst case scenarios. This analysis is the first of its kind, and the striking behaviour that we observe has important implications for the feasibility of topological algorithms in three dimensions.Comment: Extended abstract (i.e., conference-style), 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; v2: added minor clarification

    Enumeration of non-orientable 3-manifolds using face pairing graphs and union-find

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    Drawing together techniques from combinatorics and computer science, we improve the census algorithm for enumerating closed minimal P^2-irreducible 3-manifold triangulations. In particular, new constraints are proven for face pairing graphs, and pruning techniques are improved using a modification of the union-find algorithm. Using these results we catalogue all 136 closed non-orientable P^2-irreducible 3-manifolds that can be formed from at most ten tetrahedra.Comment: 37 pages, 34 figure

    A duplicate pair in the SnapPea census

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    We identify a duplicate pair in the well-known Callahan-Hildebrand-Weeks census of cusped finite-volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Specifically, the six-tetrahedron non-orientable manifolds x101 and x103 are homeomorphic.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor edits. To appear in Experimental Mathematic

    Optimizing the double description method for normal surface enumeration

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    Many key algorithms in 3-manifold topology involve the enumeration of normal surfaces, which is based upon the double description method for finding the vertices of a convex polytope. Typically we are only interested in a small subset of these vertices, thus opening the way for substantial optimization. Here we give an account of the vertex enumeration problem as it applies to normal surfaces, and present new optimizations that yield strong improvements in both running time and memory consumption. The resulting algorithms are tested using the freely available software package Regina.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures; v2: Removed the 3^n bound from Section 3.3, fixed the projective equation in Lemma 4.4, clarified "most triangulations" in the introduction to section 5; v3: replace -ise with -ize for Mathematics of Computation (note that this changes the title of the paper

    The complexity of detecting taut angle structures on triangulations

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    There are many fundamental algorithmic problems on triangulated 3-manifolds whose complexities are unknown. Here we study the problem of finding a taut angle structure on a 3-manifold triangulation, whose existence has implications for both the geometry and combinatorics of the triangulation. We prove that detecting taut angle structures is NP-complete, but also fixed-parameter tractable in the treewidth of the face pairing graph of the triangulation. These results have deeper implications: the core techniques can serve as a launching point for approaching decision problems such as unknot recognition and prime decomposition of 3-manifolds.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables; v2: minor updates. To appear in SODA 2013: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm

    Embeddings of 3-manifolds in S^4 from the point of view of the 11-tetrahedron census

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    This is a collection of notes on embedding problems for 3-manifolds. The main question explored is `which 3-manifolds embed smoothly in the 4-sphere?' The terrain of exploration is the Burton/Martelli/Matveev/Petronio census of triangulated prime closed 3-manifolds built from 11 or less tetrahedra. There are 13766 manifolds in the census, of which 13400 are orientable. Of the 13400 orientable manifolds, only 149 of them have hyperbolic torsion linking forms and are thus candidates for embedability in the 4-sphere. The majority of this paper is devoted to the embedding problem for these 149 manifolds. At present 41 are known to embed. Among the remaining manifolds, embeddings into homotopy 4-spheres are constructed for 4. 67 manifolds are known to not embed in the 4-sphere. This leaves 37 unresolved cases, of which only 3 are geometric manifolds i.e. having a trivial JSJ-decomposition.Comment: 58 pages, 80+ figures. V6: Included references to libraries valid in Regina 5.0+. Incorporated changes suggested by Ahmed Issa, following from his techniques developed with McCoy. Included a few recent references. To appear in Experimental Mathematic
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