9 research outputs found

    The GPIb thrombin-binding site is essential for thrombin-induced platelet procoagulant activity

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    The role of the platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX receptor in thrombin activation of platelets has remained controversial although good evidence suggests that blocking this receptor affects platelet responses to this agonist. The mechanism of expression of procoagulant activity in response to platelet agonists is also still obscure. Here, the binding site for thrombin on GPIb is shown to have a key role in the exposure of negatively charged phospholipids on the platelet surface and thrombin generation, in response to thrombin, which also requires protease-activated receptor-1, GPIIb-IIIa, and platelet-platelet contact. Von Willebrand factor binding to GPIb is not essential to initiate development of platelet procoagulant activity. Inhibition of fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-IIIa also failed to block platelet procoagulant activity. Both heparin and low molecular weight heparin block thrombin-induced platelet procoagulant activity, which may account for part of their clinical efficacy. This study demonstrates a new, critical role for platelet GPIb in hemostasis, showing that platelet activation and coagulation are tightly interwoven, which may have implications for alternative therapies for thrombotic diseases

    Alboaggregin A activates platelets by a mechanism involving glycoprotein VI as well as glycoprotein Ib

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    The snake venom C-type lectin alboaggregin A (or 50-kd alboaggregin) from Trimeresurus albolabris was previously shown to be a platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib agonist. However, investigations of the signal transduction induced in platelets showed patterns of tyrosine phosphorylation that were different from those of other GPIb agonists and suggested the presence of an additional receptor. In this study, the binding of biotinylated alboaggregin A to platelet lysates, as well as affinity chromatography evaluations of platelet lysates on an alboaggregin A-coated column, indicated that this other receptor is GPVI. Additional experiments with reagents that inhibit either GPIb or GPVI specifically supported this finding. These experiments also showed that both GPIb and GPVI have a role in the combined signaling and that the overall direction this takes can be influenced by inhibitors of one or the other receptor pathway

    Platelet activation and signal transduction by convulxin, a C-type lectin from Crotalus durissus terrificus (tropical rattlesnake) venom via the p62/GPVI collagen receptor

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    Convulxin, a powerful platelet activator, was isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, and 20 amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. These indicated that convulxin belongs to the heterodimeric C-type lectin family. Neither antibodies against GPIb nor echicetin had any effect on convulxin-induced platelet aggregation showing that, in contrast to other venom C-type lectins acting on platelets, GPIb is not involved in convulxin-induced platelet activation. In addition, partially reduced/denatured convulxin only affects collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The mechanism of convulxin-induced platelet activation was examined by platelet aggregation, detection of time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins, and binding studies with 125I-convulxin. Convulxin induces signal transduction in part like collagen, involving the time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma chain, phospholipase Cgamma2, p72(SYK), c-Cbl, and p36-38. However, unlike collagen, pp125(FAK) and some other bands are not tyrosine-phosphorylated. Convulxin binds to a glycosylated 62-kDa membrane component in platelet lysate and to p62/GPVI immunoprecipitated by human anti-p62/GPVI antibodies. Convulxin subunits inhibit both aggregation and tyrosine phosphorylation in response to collagen. Piceatannol, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with some specificity for p72(SYK), showed differential effects on collagen and convulxin-stimulated signaling. These results suggest that convulxin uses the p62/GPVI but not the alpha2beta1 part of the collagen signaling pathways to activate platelets. Occupation and clustering of p62/GPVI may activate Src family kinases phosphorylating Fc receptor gamma chain and, by a mechanism previously described in T- and B-cells, activate p72(SYK) that is critical for downstream activation of platelets

    Aggretin, a heterodimeric C-type lectin from Calloselasma rhodostoma (malayan pit viper), stimulates platelets by binding to alpha 2beta 1 integrin and glycoprotein Ib, activating Syk and phospholipase Cgamma 2, but does not involve the glycoprotein VI/Fc receptor gamma chain collagen receptor

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    Aggretin, a potent platelet activator, was isolated from Calloselasma rhodostoma venom, and 30-amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. Aggretin belongs to the heterodimeric snake C-type lectin family and is thought to activate platelets by binding to platelet glycoprotein alpha(2)beta(1). We now show that binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib is also required. Aggretin-induced platelet activation was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb as well as by antibodies to alpha(2)beta(1). Binding of both of these platelet receptors to aggretin was confirmed by affinity chromatography. No binding of other major platelet membrane glycoproteins, in particular GPVI, to aggretin was detected. Aggretin also activates platelets from Fc receptor gamma chain (Fcgamma)-deficient mice to a greater extent than those from normal control mice, showing that it does not use the GPVI/Fcgamma pathway. Platelets from Fcgamma-deficient mice expressed fibrinogen receptors normally in response to collagen, although they did not aggregate, indicating that these platelets may partly compensate via other receptors including alpha(2)beta(1) or GPIb for the lack of the Fcgamma pathway. Signaling by aggretin involves a dose-dependent lag phase followed by rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins. Among these are p72(SYK), p125(FAK), and PLCgamma2, whereas, in comparison with collagen and convulxin, the Fcgamma subunit neither is phosphorylated nor coprecipitates with p72(SYK). This supports an independent, GPIb- and integrin-based pathway for activation of p72(SYK) not involving the Fcgamma receptor

    Thrombospondin-1 mediates platelet adhesion at high shear via glycoprotein Ib (GPIb): an alternative/backup mechanism to von Willebrand factor

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    Acute thrombotic arterial occlusion is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Von Willebrand factor is thought to be the only indispensable adhesive substrate to promote thrombus formation in high shear environments. We found that thrombospondin-1, a glycoprotein enriched in arteriosclerotic plaques, might function as an alternative substrate for thrombus formation. Platelets adhered to thrombospondin-1 in a shear dependent manner with an optimum shear as found in stenosed arteries. Adhesion is extremely firm, with no detachment of platelets up to a shear rate of 4000 s(-1). Experiments using platelets from a patient completely lacking von Willebrand factor showed that von Willebrand factor is not involved in platelet binding to thrombospondin-1. Platelet adhesion to thrombospondin-1 is not mediated via beta3-integrins or GPIa. CD36 partially mediates the adhesion of pre-activated platelets. We identified GPIb as high shear adhesion-receptor for thrombospondin-1. Soluble GPIb, as well as antibodies against the GPIb, blocked platelet adhesion almost completely. The new discovered thrombospondin-1-GPIb adhesion axis under arterial shear conditions might be important, not only during thrombus formation but also for pathological processes where other cells bind to the endothelium or subendothelium, including arteriosclerosis, inflammation and tumor metastasis, and a promising therapeutic target