5 research outputs found
Characterization of a Putative Antimicrobial Peptide from an Antarctic Bacterium
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A systematic search for switch-like behavior in type II toxin–antitoxin systems
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Autoregulation of bacterial gene expression: lessons from the MazEF toxin–antitoxin system
- Author
- A Battesti
- A Becskei
- A Garcia-Pino
- A Harms
- A Harms
- A Rocker
- A Singh
- A Tripathi
- A Vandervelde
- AM Alawneh
- B Ananthasubramaniam
- BA Berghoff
- BA Berghoff
- BCM Ramisetty
- BCM Ramisetty
- C Tian
- E Aizenman
- F Goormaghtigh
- F Wessner
- H Masuda
- I Cataudella
- I Kolodkin-Gal
- I Kolodkin-Gal
- I Marianovsky
- J Zhang
- JE Peters
- JM Schifano
- JP Norton
- K Fiedoruk
- K Gerdes
- K Kamada
- L Gelens
- L Melderen Van
- M Ackermann
- M Gross
- M Muthuramalingam
- M Overgaard
- M Sauert
- N Goeders
- N Maheshri
- N Nikolic
- N Nikolic
- N Rosenfeld
- Nela Nikolic
- O Vesper
- OS Venturelli
- P Bokes
- PH Culviner
- R Hõrak
- R Page
- S Amitai
- S Gama-Castro
- S Helaine
- S Klumpp
- SK Christensen
- V Kasari
- V Kasari
- V Tsilibaris
- V Zorzini
- WK Smits
- X Wang
- Y Otsuka
- Y Shan
- Y Yamaguchi
- Y Zhang
- ZD Dalebroux
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Nature of Programmed Cell Death
- Author
- A Debrabant
- A Gardner
- A Gardner
- A Gardner
- A GlĂĽcksmann
- A Vardi
- A Vardi
- A Vardi
- A Vardi
- A Zuppini
- AG Uren
- AM Nedelcu
- AM Nedelcu
- AM Nedelcu
- AP Hendry
- BC Ramisetty
- BCM Ramisetty
- C Jiménez
- D Carmona-Gutierrez
- D Engelbrecht
- D Lam
- D Ratel
- D Refardt
- DC Queller
- DJ Franklin
- E Bar-Zeev
- E Hanschen
- E Herker
- E Kallius
- E Koonin
- E Sober
- E Sober
- E Sober
- EA Lloyd
- EM Al-Olayan
- EV Koonin
- EV Koonin
- G Kroemer
- G Ramsey
- G Sun
- G Zandbergen van
- G Zandbergen van
- GC Williams
- GR Price
- GR Price
- Grant Ramsey
- H Engelberg-Kulka
- HK Reeve
- I Berman-Frank
- J Damuth
- J Iranzo
- J Klim
- J Mallet
- J Roughgarden
- JA Berges
- JA Berges
- JA Kiel
- JA Marshall
- JC Ameisen
- JC Ameisen
- JF Kerr
- JM Frade
- JM PĂ©rez MartĂn
- JT Bonner
- JW Pepper
- K Lewis
- KC Kasuba
- KD Bidle
- KD Bidle
- KW Bayles
- KW Bayles
- L Aravind
- L Lehmann
- L Van Valen
- LM Merlo
- LR Franklin
- M Deponte
- M Ernst
- M Lynch
- M Segovia
- MF Luciani
- MJ Affenzeller
- MR Rose
- MV Orellana
- NA Khan
- P Fabrizio
- P Laun
- Pierre M. Durand
- PM Durand
- PM Durand
- PM Durand
- PM Durand
- R Collin
- R Hazan
- R Hazan
- R Sansom
- RA Lockshin
- RA Olie
- RE Michod
- RE Michod
- RE Michod
- RE Michod
- RM Fisher
- S Cornillon
- S Kaczanowski
- S Moharikar
- S Okasha
- S Okasha
- S Sathe
- SA Frank
- SE Kapsetaki
- SE Reece
- SJ Gould
- SJ Gould
- SJ Gould
- SS Pandey
- V Hamburger
- V Luque
- WC Ratcliff
- WD Hamilton
- WD Hamilton
- WR Proto
- Z Palkova
- Z Zuo
- ZP Yordanova
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Impacts of type II toxin-antitoxin systems on cell physiology and environmental behavior in acetic acid bacteria
- Author
- A Butt
- A Garcia-Pino
- A Harms
- A Harms
- A Kharina
- A Rheinberg
- A Srivastava
- B Gollan
- BCM Ramisetty
- BL Brown
- C Andres-Barrao
- C Andrés-Barrao
- C Han
- C Schwechheimer
- D Jurenas
- DH Coucheron
- DH Hur
- DS Agyirifo
- H Sberro
- H Takemura
- H Van Acker
- H Yang
- H Yin
- I Cataudella
- I Zander
- J De Roos
- J Megaw
- J Trcek
- J Trcek
- J Trcek
- J Trcek
- J Wu
- J Xu
- J Yao
- JA Rycroft
- JP Norton
- JS Kim
- JU Brandt
- JW Bigger
- JY Peng
- K Gerdes
- K Xia
- K Xia
- K Xia
- K Xia
- K Xia
- K Xia
- KS Makarova
- KS Makarova
- LM Malone
- M Ai
- M Gullo
- M Hashimoto
- M Koga
- M Matsutani
- M Wang
- N Kaldalu
- NQ Balaban
- PM Nussenzweig
- R Hazan
- R Leplae
- R Page
- RA Fasani
- RA Wozniak
- RJ Gomes
- RL Dy
- S Ronneau
- S Song
- S Song
- S Szekeres
- S Yang
- T Ogura
- V Anantharaman
- VW Soo
- WT Chan
- X Wang
- X Wang
- Y Azuma
- Y Guo
- Y Hu
- Y Kim
- Y Li
- Y Song
- Y Yamada
- Y Zheng
- Y Zheng
- Y Zheng
- Z Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study