14 research outputs found

    De la disposition génétique au crime

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    la théorie de Lombroso est discutée et discutable, il reste que le génie génétique atteste des géniales intuitions de Lombroso: le réductionisme biologique reste à nouveau à combattr

    Nanotechnologies e greffes d'organes

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    The legal discussion about organ transplantatio

    La persona biogiuridica

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    The moral and legal need to uphold the concept of personhood in bioethic

    Bioetica e persona

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    The teaching of bioethics with the concept of personhhod as the moral imperativ

    Adolescence et acte médical : la situation italienne

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    la difficulté en Italie pour trouver un cadre juridique permettant à l'adolescent de se prononcer pleinement sur l'opportunité d'un acte médica

    Philosophical outlines of the common good and its never-ending division

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    The common good is the final causality (telos) of living together. Both public order and a public moral virtue participate to its realization. Through a never-ending reference to human solidarity, language articulates its implementation and division. The expression «common good» is a commonplace in political philosophy. As with any common expression, everyone tends to attribute his/her own personal definition to it. To clarify «common good» in a philosophical perspective, one can begin with an analysis of its two composite words («good» and «common») and then proceed with a reasoning based on the social nature of the expression. Shared by all as a reasonable truth, a commonplace (I intend here the topoi of Aristotle) is a map to understand the values that constitute the reflections of human beings about their lives. Any commonplace lacks exactitude on certain points because, similar to common sense, it is made of intuitions. Nevertheless, a truth about humanity emerges from intuition, which speaks to us spontaneously

    Aspetti etico-giuridici per Regolamento europeo 191/2006 relativo ai medicinali per uso pediatrico

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    Clinical research with minors in order to produce drugs for children brings a new ethical issue

    Le code de nuremberg: mémoire de la bioéthique

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    The code of nuremberg issued after the trial of nazi phycisian is the memory of bioethic

    Francia: controversia sul controllo biometrico dei cittadini

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    New french rules about freedom and control of public orders based on biometrics

    Le métier de juriste : du droit politique selon Michel Villey

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    According to French philoopher of law Michel Villey (1914-1988), the work of a layer cannot be resumed to applying the law or to follow what the judge can say: a philosophy of nature is intrinsic to the way of determinig fairness; it turns out to become a challenge among different philosophies of nature to define the right. Against legal positivism and Modern natural law, the author provides (in the wake of Villey's thought) to analyse the perenial philosophy of natural law as it was explained in Roman law in the Aristotle/Thomas Aquinas's legal theory