6 research outputs found

    Ring-and-circle, symbolical and practical meaning of the form in town planning and architecture

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    In the research analysis of historical urban and architectural developments was confronted with the newest concepts in town planning and architecture. The search was set against the background of political and social situation as well as changing technical possibilities. Applied methodology was focused on finding links between forms created by people and crucial events characterizing analyzed periods. The methods involved included studies of literature, historical registers in museums and research in situ. Oval or circular urban systems and structures were shaped by several factors: safety, community demand, worship, expression of emotions and experience of decision makers and builders. At times when the defence of people and their possessions was a frequent necessity it was a ring of walls or circular rampart or tower on a plan of a circle that were used. Logics of this solution can be easily proved by simple equations. When mathematics imbued with magic or religion, and became a tool of shaping architecture, use of a ring was symbolic, and often used in sacred urban layouts and architecture. Circle, as the most perfect of figures was appreciated by the people of power of all periods up to now. First theoretical urban plans developed either from circular focal building or implemented circle or ring in shaping the whole layout. In the era of rationalism theorists of that time saw the opportunity to organize functional zones in concentric way. Recent decades unveiled new phenomena: circular projects in urban and architectural scale

    Systematyka założeń historycznych ogrodów jako element wspomagający współczesne koncepcje projektowe

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    People always valued nature around them so the gardens accompanied their houses and residences from the ancient times. Some features of garden compositions were recurring in historical periods differing only in some aspects. In contemporary gardens they are repeated again. To assess the coincidences, a short graphic analysis of the basic features of historical gardens was developed. A tool that has allowed to identify differences and similarities between old and contemporary is the tabulation of composition schemes of well-known historic gardens and comparing the results with the features of the recent developments. This allowed us to investigate whether the same elements of composition, despite 21st century changes, apply today.Ludzie zawsze cenili otaczającą przyrodę, więc od najdawniejszych czasów ogrody towarzyszyły ich domom i rezydencjom. Niektóre formy ogrodowych kompozycji powtarzały się we wielu okresach historycznych różniąc się w niewielki sposób. We współczesnych ogrodach elementy te są powtarzane ponownie. Aby ocenić te zbieżności została przeprowadzona krótka graficzna analiza podstawowych cech ogrodów historycznych. Narzędziem, które pozwoliło na określenie różnic i podobieństw pomiędzy dawnymi i dzisiejszymi rozwiązaniami jest zapis typów schematów kompozycyjnych znanych historycznych ogrodów i zestawienie ich z cechami najnowszych realizacji. Pozwoliło to na zbadanie czy te same elementy kompozycji, pomimo zmian XXI wieku są stosowane dziś

    Ring-and-circle, symbolical and practical meaning of the form in town planning and architecture

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    In the research analysis of historical urban and architectural developments was confronted with the newest concepts in town planning and architecture. The search was set against the background of political and social situation as well as changing technical possibilities. Applied methodology was focused on finding links between forms created by people and crucial events characterizing analyzed periods. The methods involved included studies of literature, historical registers in museums and research in situ. Oval or circular urban systems and structures were shaped by several factors: safety, community demand, worship, expression of emotions and experience of decision makers and builders. At times when the defence of people and their possessions was a frequent necessity it was a ring of walls or circular rampart or tower on a plan of a circle that were used. Logics of this solution can be easily proved by simple equations. When mathematics imbued with magic or religion, and became a tool of shaping architecture, use of a ring was symbolic, and often used in sacred urban layouts and architecture. Circle, as the most perfect of figures was appreciated by the people of power of all periods up to now. First theoretical urban plans developed either from circular focal building or implemented circle or ring in shaping the whole layout. In the era of rationalism theorists of that time saw the opportunity to organize functional zones in concentric way. Recent decades unveiled new phenomena: circular projects in urban and architectural scale

    Awangardowe formy w konserwacji architektury, a teoria przemian Stewarta Branda

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    The subject of the research focused on contemporary architectural forms applied in the conservation of monuments. Based on Theory of Changes and Layered Construction of an Architectural Object by Stewart Brand, diversified enterprises were examined proving that they follow the concept of differentiating life spans of the individual buildings’ layers. The research methods include analysis of the 20th c. conservation development, analysis of Brand's concept in the light of conservation assumptions, case studies and summary.Tematem badań były współczesne formy architektoniczne stosowane w konserwacji zabytków. W oparciu o Teorię przemian i warstwowej budowy obiektu architektonicznego Stewarta Branda zbadano zróżnicowane realizacje wykazując, że wpisują się one w tę koncepcję różnicując znacznie trwałość rozwiązań poszczególnych warstw. Zastosowane metody badawcze to analiza rozwoju konserwacji w XX w., analiza teorii Branda w świetle założeń konserwacji zabytków, analiza przykładów realizacji i podsumowanie

    Zmienna przestrzeń perskich dziedzińcowych domów używanych jako miejsce zamieszkania polskich dzieci podczas II wojny światowej

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    During WW2 thousands of Polish citizens were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan in the USSR doomed to exterminating labour. The Polish army was also detained there. The Iranian Shah allowed Polish soldiers and civilians to cross from Russia to Iran. In Isfahan Polish fugitives, mainly children, were accommodated in Persian traditional court houses which were converted into their temporary habitat, where new Polish social space emerged. The following problems are discussed in this paper: location of Polish children in Isfahan, recreation of Persian courtyard houses, redefining the meaning of interior and exterior of the houses.Podczas drugiej wojny światowej tysiące polskich obywateli zostało zesłanych na Syberię i do Kazachstanu i skazanych na morderczą pracę. Polska armia również została tam uwięziona. Szach Iranu zezwolił polskim żołnierzom i cywilom przekroczyć granicą irańsko-sowiecką. W Isfahanie polscy uciekinierzy, przede wszystkim dzieci, umieszczeni zostali w tradycyjnych perskich dziedzińcowych domach które stały się miejscem ich czasowego pobytu i których przestrzeń wykorzystywana była zgodnie z potrzebami polskiej społeczności. W pracy omówiono następujące kwestie: rozmieszczenie polskich uchodźców w Isfahanie, nowy sposób korzystania z perskiego dziedzińcowego domu, nowe zdefiniowanie znaczenia wnętrza i przestrzeni zewnętrznej w obrębie domów