89 research outputs found

    Organizational Models and Dynamic Capabilities: From Bureaucratic Structures to a Freedom and Emotional Management for a Sustainable, Participative and Innovative Bank. The Case of Italian Banks

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    The thesis that we support in this introductory work, and which we propose for discussion and technical-scientific debate, is that even the online bank, and even better the digital bank, towards which we are moving with ever-increasing acceleration, cannot escape the trends, now widespread in businesses, towards flexible and decentralized models, which recognize the principle of self-organization and empowerment, and therefore towards organizational forms that involve and participate managers and employees. Organizational models that place human capital and the ethical-motivational wellbeing of people (workers and managers) at the centre and that, if involved in decision-making processes, are capable not only of increasing dynamic capabilities but also of innovating them (renewing) by leveraging, above all, the enhancement of middle management. In this work we argue that the characteristics of organizational models promote the dynamic capabilities in a circular approach integrating vertical and horizontal competences in a flattening organization. Freedom and Emotional management shape organizations capable of adapting and regenerating even in rapidly changing environments. Reinforcing this position is the circumstance that Italian banks find themselves having to redesign their business and managerial models not only to make them economically and financially sustainable to counter the current profitability crisis, but also to make them consistent with social (and environmental) sustainability criteria by adapting to the new European regulation. A transformation that push towards the increasing convergence of eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness with more participating and creative human resources for the resilience

    I compiti del collegio sindacale e la normativa sui controlli interni nelle banche

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    Il saggio si avvale delle risultanze di un’ indagine con questionario sottoposto ai membri del collegio sindacale di un campione di banche e analizza l’evoluzione del ruolo del collegio sindacale in relazione alla normativa sul sistema dei controlli interni nelle banche italiane. Si evidenzia come la normativa determini un sostanziale cambiamento dei compiti da svolgere e degli oggetti di controllo con particolare riguardo alla adeguatezza non solo del sistema di controllo ma anche dell’intero sistema organizzativo della banca. L’attenzione è posta poi sulle relazioni che il collegio sindacale deve intrattenere con l’internal auditing. Da questo punto di vista la verifica empirica si concentra sulle modalità con cui il collegio interviene nel processo di pianificazione dell’attività di audit. Dall’analisi emergono significative difformità di comportamento che mettono in luce situazioni di diversa efficacia del ruolo del collegio sindacale avuto riguardo anche alla funzione di contrappeso nei confronti dell’organo amministrativo. Le debolezze riscontrate, dovute in parte alle competenze professionali dei membri del collegio non sempre adeguate ai nuovi compiti, costituiscono elementi che l’Organo di vigilanza è chiamato a monitorare affinché i sistemi dei controlli interni delle banche italiane possano efficacemente funzionare
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