325 research outputs found

    On the Hilbert function of intersections of a hypersurface with general reducible curves

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    Let WβŠ‚PnW\subset \mathbb {P}^n, nβ‰₯3n\ge 3, be a degree kk hypersurface. Consider a "general" reducible, but connected, curve YβŠ‚PnY\subset \mathbb {P}^n, for instance a sufficiently general connected and nodal union of lines with pa(Y)=0p_a(Y)=0, i.e. a tree of lines. We study the Hilbert function of the set Y∩WY\cap W with cardinality kdeg⁑(Y)k\deg (Y) and prove when it is the expected one. We give complete classification of the exceptions for k=2k=2 and for n=k=3n=k=3. We apply these results and tools to the case in which YY is a smooth curve with OY(1)\mathcal {O}_Y(1) non-special.Comment: corrected a big typo in the first two lines of the introduction, no other modificatio

    On the gonality sequence of smooth curves: normalizations of singular curves in a quadric surface

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    Let CC be a smooth curve of genus gg. For each positive integer rr the rr-gonality dr(C)d_r(C) of CC is the minimal integer tt such that there is L∈Pict(C)L\in {Pic}^t(C) with h0(C,L)=r+1h^0(C,L) =r+1. In this paper for all gβ‰₯40805g\ge 40805 we construct several examples of smooth curves CC of genus gg with d3(C)/3<d4(C)/4d_3(C)/3< d_4(C)/4, i.e. for which a slope inequality fails.Comment: Accepted on Acta Math. Vie

    Embeddings of general curves in projective spaces: the range of the quadrics

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    Let CβŠ‚PrC \subset \mathbb {P}^r a general embedding of prescribed degree of a general smooth curve with prescribed genus. Here we prove that either h0(Pr,IC(2))=0h^0(\mathbb {P}^r,\mathcal {I}_C(2)) =0 or h1(Pr,IC(2))=0h^1(\mathbb {P}^r,\mathcal {I}_C(2)) =0 (a problem called the Maximal Rank Conjecture in the range of quadrics)

    Ranks on the boundaries of secant varieties

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    In many cases (e.g. for many Segre or Segre embeddings of multiprojective spaces) we prove that a hypersurface of the bb-secant variety of XβŠ‚PrX\subset \mathbb {P}^r has XX-rank >b>b. We prove it proving that the XX-rank of a general point of the join of bβˆ’2b-2 copies of XX and the tangential variety of XX is >b>b

    On the typical rank of real bivariate polynomials

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    Here we study the typical rank for real bivariate homogeneous polynomials of degree dβ‰₯6d\ge 6 (the case d≀5d\le 5 being settled by P. Comon and G. Ottaviani). We prove that dβˆ’1d-1 is a typical rank and that if dd is odd, then (d+3)/2(d+3)/2 is a typical rank

    On the stratification by XX-ranks of a linearly normal elliptic curve XβŠ‚PnX\subset \mathbb {P}^n

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    Let XβŠ‚PnX\subset \mathbb {P}^n be a linearly normal elliptic curve. For any P∈PnP\in \mathbb {P}^n the XX-rank of PP is the minimal cardinality of a set SβŠ‚XS\subset X such that P∈⟨S⟩P\in \langle S\rangle. In this paper we give an almost complete description of the stratification of Pn\mathbb {P}^n given by the XX-rank and the open XX-rank.Comment: Added a result on the open ran

    Dependent subsets of embedded projective varieties

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    Let XβŠ‚PrX\subset \mathbb {P}^r be an integral and non-degenerate variety. Set n:=dim⁑(X)n:= \dim (X). Let ρ(X)β€²β€²\rho (X)'' be the maximal integer such that every zero-dimensional scheme ZβŠ‚XZ\subset X smoothable in XX is linearly independent. We prove that XX is linearly normal if ρ(X)β€²β€²β‰₯⌈(r+2)/2βŒ‰\rho (X)''\ge \lceil (r+2)/2\rceil and that ρ(X)β€²β€²<2⌈(r+1)/(n+1)βŒ‰\rho (X)'' < 2\lceil (r+1)/(n+1)\rceil, unless either n=rn=r or XX is a rational normal curve

    Nodal curves and components of the Hilbert scheme of curves in Pr\mathbb {P}^r with the expected number of moduli

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    We study the existence of components with the expected number of moduli of the Hilbert scheme of integral nodal curves CβŠ‚PrC \subset \mathbb {P}^r with prescribed degree, arithmetic genus and number of singular points

    On the typical rank of real polynomials (or symmetric tensors) with a fixed border rank

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    Let Οƒb(Xm,d(C))(R)\sigma_b(X_{m,d}(\mathbb {C}))(\mathbb {R}), b(m+1)<(m+dm)b(m+1) < \binom{m+d}{m}, denote the set of all degree dd real homogeneous polynomials in m+1m+1 variables (i.e. real symmetric tensors of format (m+1)Γ—...Γ—(m+1)(m+1)\times ... \times (m+1), dd times) which have border rank bb over C\mathbb {C}. It has a partition into manifolds of real dimension ≀b(m+1)βˆ’1\le b(m+1)-1 in which the real rank is constant. A typical rank of Οƒb(Xm,d(C))(R)\sigma_b(X_{m,d}(\mathbb {C}))(\mathbb {R}) is a rank associated to an open part of dimension b(m+1)βˆ’1b(m+1)-1. Here we classify all typical ranks when b≀7b\le 7 and d,md, m are not too small. For a larger sets of (m,d,b)(m,d,b) we prove that bb and b+dβˆ’2b+d-2 are the two first typical ranks. In the case m=1m=1 (real bivariate polynomials) we prove that dd (the maximal possible a priori value of the real rank) is a typical rank for every bb.Comment: Acta Mathematica Vietnaminica (to appear

    On the Hilbert function of general unions of curves in projective spaces

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    Let X=X1βˆͺβ‹―βˆͺXsβŠ‚PnX=X_1\cup \cdots \cup X_s\subset \mathbb {P}^n, nβ‰₯4n\ge 4, be a general union of smooth non-special curves with XiX_i of degree did_i and genus gig_i and diβ‰₯max⁑{2giβˆ’1,gi+n}d_i\ge \max \{2g_i-1,g_i+n\} if gi>0g_i>0. We prove that XX has maximal rank, i.e. for any t∈Nt\in \mathbb {N} either h0(IX(t))=0h^0(\mathcal{I}_X(t))=0 or h1(IX(t))=0h^1(\mathcal{I}_X(t))=0
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