1,327 research outputs found

    On the stability of the stochastic parabolic ItĂ´ equation with delay and Markovian jump

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    AbstractWe present a new result concerning the stability of the stochastic parabolic Itô equation subject to homogenous white noise. Our main results state that this system is exponentially stable by means of a new Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and a linear matrix inequality (LMI). A numerical example is exploited to show the usefulness of the derived LMI-based stability

    Effectiveness of Trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Tamil Nadu

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    In an agricultural country like India, training of farmers is a laborious task and requires a heavy investment in training infrastructure to reach most of the farmers on a regular basis. Trainings are conducted in Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs) at various levels for which the programmes are designed based on the farmers problems their needs and interests. Altogether, 300 respondents were selected for the study through random sampling method to assess the effectiveness of trainings imparted by a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). Majority of the trainees were having medium level of adoption of recommended technologies followed by low level and high levels of adoption of recommended crop cultivation practices in major crops

    Collaborative Environments for Leveraging Modeling Knowledge

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    We explore how a collection of models and related modeling knowledge could be made available over an organizational Intranet. Because of their widespread use in organizations today, we plan to focus on spreadsheet models. We envision two approaches to a collaborative modeling environment: one is the pull model where knowledgeable users search for what they want, the other is the push model where the system distributes models and modeling knowledge to those who are likely to need the

    Robust Ultrasonic Waveguide Based Distributed Temperature Sensing

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    AbstractThis is a novel technique for distributed temperature measurements, using single robust ultrasonic wire or strip-like waveguides, special embodiments in the form of Helical or Spiral configurations that can cover large area/volume in enclosed regions. Such distributed temperature sensing has low cost applications in the long term monitoring critical enclosures such as containment vessels, flue gas stacks, furnaces, underground storage tanks, buildings for fire, etc. The range of temperatures that can be measured are from very low to elevated temperatures. The transduction is performed using Piezo-electric crystals that are bonded to one end of the waveguide which acts as both transmitter and receivers. The wires will have periodic reflector embodiments (bends, gratings, etc.) that allow reflections of an input ultrasonic wave, in a pulse echo mode, back to the crystal. Using the time of fight (TOF) variations at the multiple predefined reflector locations, the measured temperatures are mapped with multiple thermocouples. Using either the L(0,1) or the T(0,1)modes, or simultaneously, measurements other than temperature may also be included. This paper will describe the demonstration of this technology using a 0.5MHz longitudinal piezo-crystal for transmitting and receiving the L (0, 1) mode through the special form of waveguide at various temperatures zones

    Effect of silicate solubilizing bacteria and fly ash on silicon uptake and yield of rice under lowland ecosystem

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    A field experiment was conducted in sandy loam soils of eastern farm, Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, Tamil Nadu, India to study the effect of silicon on yield and uptake of rice (var. BPT 5204) during Kharif season of 2010-11 by taking the treatment combinations based on graded levels of Fly Ash (FA), Silicate Solubilizing Bacteria (SSB) and Farm Yard Manure (FYM) at fixed fertilizer schedule. The experimental soil (0-15 cm) had pH 7.22; organic C 1.4 %; available Si 66.0 mg kg-1; available N 266.0 kgha-1; available P 14.42 kgha-1 and available K 107.50 kgha-1. The results of graded levels of FA show that all the growth and yield attributes were significantly influenced by silicon uptake. The mean silicon uptake at panicle initiation, straw and grain at harvest varied from 53.8 - 98.7, 105.5 - 197.2 and 21.4- 62.3 kgha-1 respectively, in rice. Number of filled grains per panicle and grain yield displayed conspicuous relationships with content of Si in grains. The highest mean grain yield of 3622 kg ha-1 was recorded by the addition of SSB+FYM followed by FYM (3530 kg ha-1), SSB (3310 kg ha-1) and control (3240 kg ha-1). The combined application of 25 t ha-1 FA with SSB+FYM was recorded the highest grain yield of 3710 kg ha-1 which was 16.3 per cent moreover yield of control. The results further show that 25 t ha-1 FA and SSB+FYM have been proved to be superior treatments for best management of silicon in coastal loamy sand soils under irrigated rice ecosystem

    A Study on the Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern in the Post Operative Wards of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Erode

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    India has an enormous and growing problem in anti-biotic abuse. Infection of incised skin or soft tissue is a common but potentially avoidable complication of any surgical procedure. Some bacterial contamination of surgical site is inevitable, patient’s own bacterial flora or from the environment. It is considered as one of the most common nosocomial infection. The post operative complication has brought about considerable financial burden, undue discomfort to the patient, and sometimes even death. There has been an introduction of many antimicrobial agents in the market. This has lead surgeon to a wide range of antibiotics to choose from. Some of this antimicrobial agent is so effective that they invite complacency on the part of die attending surgeon so that no documentation of causative organism is made. Many troves found it convenient to shift from one kind of antibiotics to another prompt by transient clinical response followed by a recrudescence of the initial problem and ending up with the need to do culture and sensitivity testing only after a series of trial antibiotic treatment had been administered. They have been responsible for the increasing cost, morbidity and mortality related to surgical operations and continues to be a major problem even in hospitals with most modern facilities and standard protocols of preoperative preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis. The laboratory testing of antibiotic susceptibility contributes directly to patient care and the expertise of the microbiology laboratory can have powerful influence on antibiotic usage 29. This practice is overshadowed by the fact that many investigations have showed the potential benefits of a more systematic recording of the causative factors which encouraged us to assess our local situations. Surgical site infections rank third among nosocomial infections, representing a global threat, associated with the emergence of multi-drug-resistant bacteria. Monitoring institutional resistance patterns is vital in order to make required formulary changes in response to emerging resistance patterns and to determine the most effective agents given prevailing susceptibility patterns30. The study will be useful in reducing the incidence of surgical site infection, identify the operations for which routine prophylaxis is supported by evidence, minimize the effect of antibiotics on the patient's normal bacterial flora and minimize adverse effects and the antibiotics chosen for the prophylaxis can be those used for active treatment of infection and cause minimal change to the patient's host defenses. AIM OF THE STUDY: Study was conducted to determine the anti-biotic sensitivity pattern among the surgical cases in a tertiary hospital in erode and use the result to format an antibiotic policy for the usage in the surgical wards of the hospital. OBJECTIVES: 1. To conduct survey on the surgeries conducted in the tertiary hospital in Erode. 2. To study the antibiotics usage pattern in the surgical wards of tertiary hospital in Erode. 3. To identify the common bacteria isolated from the surgical wound of the patients in the post operative wards of tertiary hospital in Erode. 4. To analyze the antimicrobial activity pattern of the commonly used antibiotics in the surgical wards of tertiary hospital in Erode. 5. To prepare an antibiotic policy for the antibiotic treatment in the surgical wards Tertiary Hospital in Erode, on the basis of the study findings. METHODOLOGY: Study Site: Tertiary hospital in Erode among which 87 beds goes for the Surgical wards. Study Duration: 6 months study(march-2013 to august-2013) (tertiary hospital in erode). Study Design: Prospective observational study on the surgical patients for whom surgery was done. Study Criteria: a) Inclusion criteria: Patient in the post operative wards after surgery. Presence of at least one of the following signs and symptoms of infection: pain or tenderness, localized swelling, purulent drainage site of incision, redness or heat and demonstration of infection on deliberate opening of the wound by a surgeon. b) Exclusion criteria: Patients with non-willing to give the study sample. Study Procedure: a. The antibiotic usage survey in the surgical wards to be done. b. The patients who are satisfying the inclusion criteria will be enrolled after getting their signature or thumb impression in the informed consent form (ANNEXURE I). c. The patient details were entered into the data collection form (ANNEXURE II) which included details such as: socio-demographic data (age and sex of the patient), clinical diagnosis, duration of hospitalization, drug data (drug name, dosage form, route and duration of therapy), basis of treatment (empirical or definitive), and other relevant information. Culture Sensitivity testing d. selection of patients based on the willingness and collection of swabs from the surgical sites of the patients using sterile Hiculture collecting device (Himedia). e. The collected incision swabs were then streaked into the previously prepared agar plates. The plates were then incubated for 24 hours at 320C. The antimicrobial sensitivity testing was carried out using standard techniques. f. The zones of inhibition around the antibiotic disc in the plates were measured using normal measuring scale. Thereby the antibiotic sensitivity level was measured. g. The data obtained will be recorded to develop an antibiotic policy for treatment in the surgical wards. CONCLUSION: From tertiary hospital in erode totally 213 operations were conducted in surgical ward of erode hospital Among which the incision swab was collected for culture and sensitivity testing for 50 cases. Mainly 4 micro-organisms were identified and isolated, namely Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas. The study showed that the micro organisms isolated from the swabs were resistant to some of the antibiotics prescribed in the hospital. The antibiotic therapy observed in the study was empirical. The various antibiotic sensitivity and resistance pattern of commonly used anti microbial agents were presented to show a changing trend towards unsatisfactory drug performance. The increasing rate of surgical site infection in This hospital should be seriously looked into before this pattern escalates into epidemic proportions. The development of effective control programs through adoption of measures that restrict use of specific antibiotics, establishment of therapeutic guideline, a constant monitoring of antibiotic resistant pattern of the common pathogenic organism in the hospital are recommended in order to improve the use of antibiotics. This information can guide surgeons in particular and physicians in general in the fight against surgical site infection. Only with this scheme, we can sincerely offer patients a more optimistic outlook on their change of acquiring this post operative complication

    Effect of soil and crop management practices on sodicity stress alleviation and rice productivity under water scarce condition

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    The prominent issue faced by the farmers of Cauvery Delta regionin Tamil Nadu particularly Tiruchirapalli District is the lack of timely release of water for rice nursery preparation and transplanting. Hence wet seeding of rice is recommended for timely cultivation. On the other hand, sodic nature of the soil warrants rice cultivation only. Therefore, the present investigation was carried out to study the different soil and crop management practices on alleviating sodicity stress and improving rice (variety ADT 3) productivity under water-scarce conditions. The experiment was laid in a split plot design with six mainplots,including rice wet seeding, daincha (Sesbania aculeata) application as green manure, anti-oxidant microbial consortia (AOMC) spray and four sub-plots with graded levels of NPK based on soil test values with three replication. Results showed that the daincha incorporation @ 6.25 t/ha followed by rice wet seeding + AOMC spray @1.5 % with 125 % soil test based NPK had significantly increased thechlorophyll content, SPAD values, proline content and grain and straw yields which remained on par with daincha incorporation @ 6.25 t/ha followed by rice wet seeding + AOMC spray @1.5 % with 100 % soil test based NPK.Significantly lower ESP at 5% level and higher phosphatase activity in soil was also recorded by daincha incorporation @ 6.25 t/ha followed by rice wet seeding + AOMC spray @1.5 % with 125 % and 100 % soil test based NPK. Gross return, net return and B:C ratio were also higher in the plot, which received daincha incorporation @6.25 t/ha followed by rice wet seeding + AOMC spray @1.5 % with 100 % soil test based NPK. The present study reveals that the inclusion of ectophytic microbial population spray in rice plants and the management practices helps the crop to tolerate the sodicity stress under water-scarce condition by maintaining required physiological functions like proline synthesis and enzyme activities etc which need to be further explored at the genotypic level.

    Hopf Bifurcation and Stability of Periodic Solutions for Delay Differential Model of HIV Infection of CD4 +

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    This paper deals with stability and Hopf bifurcation analyses of a mathematical model of HIV infection of CD4+ T-cells. The model is based on a system of delay differential equations with logistic growth term and antiretroviral treatment with a discrete time delay, which plays a main role in changing the stability of each steady state. By fixing the time delay as a bifurcation parameter, we get a limit cycle bifurcation about the infected steady state. We study the effect of the time delay on the stability of the endemically infected equilibrium. We derive explicit formulae to determine the stability and direction of the limit cycles by using center manifold theory and normal form method. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the results
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