53 research outputs found

    Using nondeterministic learners to alert on coffee rust disease

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    Motivated by an agriculture case study, we discuss how to learn functions able to predict whether the value of a continuous target variable will be greater than a given threshold. In the application studied, the aim was to alert on high incidences of coffee rust, the main coffee crop disease in the world. The objective is to use chemical prevention of the disease only when necessary in order to obtain healthier quality products and reductions in costs and environmental impact. In this context, the costs of misclassifications are not symmetrical: false negative predictions may lead to the loss of coffee crops. The baseline approach for this problem is to learn a regressor from the variables that records the factors affecting the appearance and growth of the disease. However, the number of errors is too high to obtain a reliable alarm system. The approaches explored here try to learn hypotheses whose predictions are allowed to return intervals rather than single points. Thus,in addition to alarms and non-alarms, these predictors identify situations with uncertain classification, which we call warnings. We present 3 different implementations: one based on regression, and 2 more based on classifiers. These methods are compared using a framework where the costs of false negatives are higher than that of false positives, and both are higher than the cost of warning prediction

    Relationship between physical-chemical parameters of hot water and growth of aerobes and legionella neumophila: experiences in three spanish hospitals

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    Articulo presentado al 25º Congreso Internacional de Dirección e Ingeniería de ProyectosLa presencia de Legionella Neumophila en el agua caliente sanitaria tiene influencia en la posible aparición de legionelosis en las personas ingresadas en los hospitales. Se ha estudiado la relación entre los parámetros físico-químicos del agua y el recuento microbiológico de aerobios y Legionella Neumophila. Dentro del programa de vigilancia del agua de consumo, se realizan, desde hace años, analíticas de la composición química del agua fría y caliente en los hospitales de Huelva: Juan Ramón Jiménez, Infanta Elena y Vázquez Díaz. Asimismo, se hacen cultivos de Legionella Neumophila con la frecuencia reglamentaria. Esto permite conocer el grado de cumplimiento de la normativa vigente en España para tratar de evitar que las instalaciones de agua de consumo se conviertan en focos diseminadores de patógenos. Se explican las determinaciones que se han hecho, los resultados encontrado y las actuaciones más adecuadas para minimizar el riesgo de proliferación de la bacteria. Se observa una casuística variada en lo que se refiere a poblaciones de Legionella spp en el agua caliente sanitaria de las instalaciones hospitalarias. Los resultados hallados permiten vislumbrar los procedimientos que podrían evitar o minimizar el crecimiento incontrolado de Legionella Neumophila en el agua caliente sanitaria de los hospitales.The presence of Legionella Neumophila in domestic hot water has an influence on the possible appearance of legionellosis in people admitted to hospitals. The relationship between the physicochemical parameters of water and the microbiological count of aerobes and Legionella Neumophila has been studied. Within the drinking water surveillance program, analyzes of the chemical composition of hot and cold water have been carried out for years in the hospitals of Huelva: Juan Ramón Jiménez, Infanta Elena and Vázquez Díaz. Likewise, Legionella Neumophila cultures are made with the regulatory frequency. This allows knowing the degree of compliance with current regulations in Spain to try to prevent drinking water facilities from becoming sources of pathogens. The determinations that have been made, the results found and the most appropriate actions to minimize the risk of proliferation of the bacteria are explained. A varied casuistry is observed with regard to populations of Legionella spp in the sanitary hot water of the hospital facilities. The results found allow us to glimpse what procedures could avoid or minimize the uncontrolled growth of Legionella pneumophila in the sanitary hot water of hospitals

    Effect of the change of the water supply pipes of the Juan Ramón Jiménez Hospital in the proliferation of Legionella

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    The impact of the modernization of the water systems was assessed through microbiological screening of the flowing water for Legionella Neumophila at Juan Ramón Jiménez Hospital in Huelva. As a consequence of the high number of this microorganism detected in previous periodic creenings, despite quite frequent chlorine-based and thermal disinfections, the decision was taken to substitute the original hot and cold water distribution pipes of galvanized steel for others with a higher spectrum of resistance to chemicals. Thus, 316L stainless steel and cross-linked polythene became the obvious choice, also considering the fact that they are less prone to biofilm formation. Similarly, water filters were placed at the hospital’s general water intake point and at the hot water inlet facilities. New hot water storage devices were assembled. In this paper, information is provided on their layout and the building materials used. Considerations are presented on the most appropriate kind of materials to minimize the risks of bacterial proliferation. The implementation of the measures described in this paper has resulted in a drastic decrease of Legionella Neumophila population in flowing water

    TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2 coated cement: Comparison of mechanic and photocatalytic properties

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    peer reviewedAn increasingly known application of nanomaterials in the construction industry is related to the photoactivity ability of semiconductors, where nano-anatase TiO2 is perhaps the most well-known photocatalytic semiconductor and one which possesses a strong oxidizing capability. To analyze the photo-efficiency of four TiO2 coatings and the effect of SiO2 interlayer on the mechanic and photocatalytic activity in Rhodamine B (RhB) and NOx photodegradation, two photocatalytic cement series have been prepared. First, cement mortar was coated with three commercial TiO2 suspensions (GG1, GC7 and CG13) and a home-made titania sol-gel (TEA), and secondly an insertion of a SiO2 layer was applied on cement surface before spraying the TiO2 layer.All studied TiO2-cements exhibited a significant RhB and NOx photodegradation, arising almost total RhB molar conversions, and upper 53% for NOx photo-oxidation respectively. Nevertheless, although SiO2 layer deposited in between mortar and TiO2-cement did not stabilize the commercial TiO2 coatings, a good adhesion was observed when silica was applied joint to the home-made titania gel (TEA), probably as a consequence of the interactions encountered between SiO2 and TiO2 gels. CG7-Si-Cem exhibited high rate at shorter irradiation times, but TEA-Cem and TEA-Si-Cem can be considered as very interesting and potential photocatalytic mortars due to useful mechanical properties, with a very good coatings adhesion that provides promising outdoor use, and good photo-efficiencies in RhB and NOx photo-oxidation

    Caffeine, a Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis and Longitudinal Bone Growth Inhibition

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    Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common chronic rheumatic disease, is mainly characterized by a progressive degradation of the hyaline articular cartilage, which is essential for correct joint function, lubrication, and resistance. Articular cartilage disturbances lead to joint failure, pain, and disability. Hyaline cartilage is also present in the growth plate and plays a key role in longitudinal bone growth. Alterations of this cartilage by diverse pathologies have been related to longitudinal bone growth inhibition (LBGI), which leads to growth retardation. Diet can play a crucial role in processes involved in the OA and LBGI's onset and evolution. Specifically, there is ample evidence pointing to the negative impacts of caffeine consumption on hyaline cartilage. However, its effects on these tissues have not been reviewed. Accordingly, in this review, we summarize all current knowledge in the PubMed database about caffeine catabolic effects on articular and growth plate cartilage. Specifically, we focus on the correlation between OA and LBGI with caffeine prenatal or direct exposure. Overall, there is ample evidence indicating that caffeine intake negatively affects the physiology of both articular and growth plate cartilage, increasing consumers predisposition to suffer OA and LBGI. As a result, caffeine consumption should be avoided for these pathologies

    Estudio de los microorganismos del suelo en ambientes de bosque y estepa en Santa Cruz: líneas de base y su respuesta a pastoreo y fertilización

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    En los ecosistemas terrestres, la descomposición de la materia orgánica es un importante proceso mediado por microorganismos que utilizan al material orgánico muerto como hábitat y fuente de carbono (C) y energía. Este proceso de descomposición contribuye a la formación de la materia orgánica del suelo y es una vía fundamental en el ciclado de nutrientes en el ecosistema. En los bosques nativos de Patagonia Sur, no existían antecedentes de mediciones de contenido de C o nitrógeno (N) en biomasa microbiana, por lo que el proyecto PI 29/A-334-1 fue el primero en la región en generar información de base en cuanto a la actividad de los microorganismos de los bosques de N. antarctica en su estado natural como así también bajo uso silvopastoril, a fin de poder detectar si este tipo de uso afecta a la actividad microbiana y por ende a la biología del suelo. Por otra parte, en el Sur de la provincia de Santa Cruz se encuentra el área ecológica denominada estepa magallánica seca, caracterizada como un ambiente de pastizales naturales de clima frío semi árido con fuertes vientos, cuya actividad principal es la producción del ganado ovino extensivo. Una herramienta a implementar para tratar de aumentar la productividad del sistema puede ser el agregado de fertilizantes o la implementación de alguna superficie bajo riego. En este contexto, el recientemente iniciado PI29/A-403 intenta conocer cómo es la biología natural de estos suelos en cuanto a carbono (C) y nitrógeno (N) en los microorganismos y su respuesta ante la implementación de distintas pautas de manejo como pueden ser el agregado de fertilizantes y riego en pos de querer aumentar la productividad del pastizal como alimento para el ganado.EEA Santa CruzFil: Gargaglione Verónica Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Gargaglione Verónica Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Gargaglione Verónica Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Birgi, Jorge Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Birgi, Jorge Alberto. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Toledo, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Toledo, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. CIT Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Toledo, Santiago: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Toledo, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Monelos, Lucas H. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina

    In search of an evidence-based strategy for quality assessment of human tissue samples: report of the tissue Biospecimen Research Working Group of the Spanish Biobank Network

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    The purpose of the present work is to underline the importance of obtaining a standardized procedure to ensure and evaluate both clinical and research usability of human tissue samples. The study, which was carried out by the Biospecimen Science Working Group of the Spanish Biobank Network, is based on a general overview of the current situation about quality assurance in human tissue biospecimens. It was conducted an exhaustive review of the analytical techniques used to evaluate the quality of human tissue samples over the past 30 years, as well as their reference values if they were published, and classified them according to the biomolecules evaluated: (i) DNA, (ii) RNA, and (iii) soluble or/and fixed proteins for immunochemistry. More than 130 publications released between 1989 and 2019 were analysed, most of them reporting results focused on the analysis of tumour and biopsy samples. A quality assessment proposal with an algorithm has been developed for both frozen tissue samples and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, according to the expected quality of sample based on the available pre-analytical information and the experience of the participants in the Working Group. The high heterogeneity of human tissue samples and the wide number of pre-analytic factors associated to quality of samples makes it very difficult to harmonize the quality criteria. However, the proposed method to assess human tissue sample integrity and antigenicity will not only help to evaluate whether stored human tissue samples fit for the purpose of biomarker development, but will also allow to perform further studies, such as assessing the impact of different pre-analytical factors on very well characterized samples or evaluating the readjustment of tissue sample collection, processing and storing procedures. By ensuring the quality of the samples used on research, the reproducibility of scientific results will be guaranteed.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/00528, PI16/00946, PI16/01207 and PI16/01276), co-funded by the Spanish Biobank Network (PT13/0010/0030, PT17/0015/0001, PT17/0015/0021, PT17/0015/0049, PT17/0015/0018, PT17/0015/0002, PT17/0015/0016, PT17/0015/0038, PT17/0015/0027, PT17/0015/0004, PT17/0015/0047, PT17/0015/0014, PT17/0015/0041, and PT17/0015/0006), European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) "A way to make Europe" and granted by Conselleria d'Innovacio, Recerca i Turisme del Govern de les Illes Balears (TEC/002/2017).S

    Suppressive Antibiotic Therapy in Prosthetic Joint Infections: A Multicentre Cohort Study

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    Objectives: The aim was to describe the effectiveness of suppressive antibiotic treatment (SAT) in routine clinical practice when used in situations in which removal of a prosthetic implant is considered essential for the eradication of an infection, and it cannot be performed. Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective and multicentre cohort study of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) cases managed with SAT. SAT was considered to have failed if a fistula appeared or persisted, if debridement was necessary, if the prosthesis was removed due to persistence of the infection or if uncontrolled symptoms were present. Results: In total, 302 patients were analysed. Two hundred and three of these patients (67.2%) received monotherapy. The most commonly used drugs were tetracyclines (39.7% of patients) (120/302) and cotrimoxazole (35.4% of patients) (107/302). SAT was considered successful in 58.6% (177/302) of the patients (median time administered, 36.5 months; IQR 20.75-59.25). Infection was controlled in 50% of patients at 5 years according to Kaplan-Meier analysis. Resistance development was documented in 15 of 65 (23.1%) of the microbiologically documented cases. SAT failure was associated with age <70 years (sub-hazard ratio (SHR) 1.61, 95% CI 1.1-2.33), aetiology other than Gram-positive cocci (SHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.09-2.27) and location of the prosthesis in the upper limb (SHR 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-3.84). SAT suspension was necessary due to adverse effects in 17 of 302 patients (5.6%). Conclusions: SAT offers acceptable results for patients with PJI when surgical treatment is not performed or when it fails to eradicate the infection

    Cutibacterium spp. Infections after Instrumented Spine Surgery Have a Good Prognosis Regardless of Rifampin Use: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Infection after spinal instrumentation (IASI) by Cutibacterium spp. is being more frequently reported. The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence, risk factors, clinical characteristics, and outcome of a Cutibacterium spp. IASI (CG) compared with non-Cutibacterium IASI (NCG) infections, with an additional focus on the role of rifampin in the treatment. All patients from a multicentre, retrospective, observational study with a confirmed IASI between January 2010 and December 2016 were divided into two groups: (CG and NCG) IASI. Baseline, medical, surgical, infection treatment, and follow-up data were compared for both groups. In total, 411 patients were included: 27 CG and 384 NCG. The CG patients were significantly younger. They had a longer median time to diagnosis (23 vs. 13 days) (p = 0.025), although 55.6% debuted within the first month after surgery. Cutibacterium patients were more likely to have the implant removed (29.6% vs. 12.8%; p = 0.014) and received shorter antibiotic regimens (p = 0.014). In 33% of Cutibacterium cases, rifampin was added to the baseline therapy. None of the 27 infections resulted in treatment failure during follow-up regardless of rifampin use. Cutibacterium spp. is associated with a younger age and may cause both early and late IASIs. In our experience, the use of rifampin to improve the outcome in the treatment of a Cutibacterium spp. IASI is not relevant since, in our series, none of the cases had therapeutic failure regardless of the use of rifampin

    Risk Factors and Predictive Score for Bacteremic Biliary Tract Infections Due to Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium: a Multicenter Cohort Study from the PROBAC Project

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    Biliary-tract bloodstream infections (BT-BSI) caused by Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium are associated with inappropriate empirical treatment and worse outcomes compared to other etiologies. The objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors for enterococcal BT-BSI. Patients with BT-BSI from the PROBAC cohort, including consecutive patients with BSI in 26 Spanish hospitals between October 2016 and March 2017, were selected; episodes caused by E. faecalis or E. faecium and other causes were compared. Independent predictors for enterococci were identified by logistic regression, and a predictive score was developed. Eight hundred fifty episodes of BT-BSI were included; 73 (8.5%) were due to target Enterococcus spp. (48 [66%] were E. faecium and 25 [34%] E. faecalis). By multivariate analysis, the variables independently associated with Enterococcus spp. were (OR; 95% confidence interval): cholangiocarcinoma (4.48;1.32 to 15.25), hospital acquisition (3.58;2.11 to 6.07), use of carbapenems in the previous month (3.35;1.45 to 7.78), biliary prosthesis (2.19;1.24 to 3.90), and moderate or severe chronic kidney disease (1.55;1.07 to 2.26). The AUC of the model was 0.74 [95% CI0.67 to 0.80]. A score was developed, with 7, 6, 5, 4, and 2 points for these variables, respectively, with a negative predictive value of 95% for a score ? 6. A model, including cholangiocarcinoma, biliary prosthesis, hospital acquisition, previous carbapenems, and chronic kidney disease showed moderate prediction ability for enterococcal BT-BSI. Although the score will need to be validated, this information may be useful for deciding empirical therapy in biliary tract infections when bacteremia is suspected. IMPORTANCE Biliary tract infections are frequent, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Bacteremia is common in these infections, particularly in the elderly and patients with cancer. Inappropriate empirical treatment has been associated with increased risk of mortality in bacteremic cholangitis, and the probability of receiving inactive empirical treatment is higher in episodes caused by enterococci. This is because many of the antimicrobial agents recommended in guidelines for biliary tract infections lack activity against these organisms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study analyzing the predictive factors for enterococcal BT-BSI and deriving a predictive score