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20 research outputs found
The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Posttraumatic Growth with Respect to Contemplative Practice Engagement
A Moore
AS Troy
+16Â more
BA Chopko
BL Fredrickson
BL Fredrickson
BL Green
C Kurash
D Huston
DR Vago
G Dreyfus
J Carmody
JE Bormann
KW Brown
L Witek-Janusek
RA Baer
RW Thompson
S Joseph
SN Garland
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Cortisol Awakening Response and Health Outcomes among Law Enforcement Officers
A Chiesa
A Clow
+89Â more
A Omidi
Aaron L. Bergman
AF O'Hara
B Gelderen
B Juniper
B Rees
BA Chopko
BA Chopko
BA Chopko
BB Arnetz
BP Gersons
Brant S. Rogers
BW Smith
CJ Maas
CJ Robins
D Cella
D Kearney
D Paton
David T. Zava
DR McCreary
DS Sharp
DT Shek
E Demerouti
E Demerouti
E Fries
EA Stanley
EI Bruin de
EK Adam
Greg Baron
GS Anderson
J Eberth
J Kabat-Zin
J Taverniers
J Vøllestad
JA Waters
JC Pruessner
JM Shane
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
KL Gratz
KL Gratz
KS Menard
L Miller
LE Carlson
LM Schaible
M Akinola
M Berking
M Fourer
M Martinussen
Matthew Hunsinger
MH Anshel
Michael S. Christopher
MR Tuckey
MS Christopher
MT Marcus
NB Epstein
NN Singh
NS Schutte
P Salovey
P Shipley
PE Carlan
PN Joseph
R McCraty
RA Baer
RA Baer
RA Baer
RH Matousek
RH Matousek
RI Kabacoff
Richard J. Goerling
RJ Burke
RJ Burke
RJ Goerling
RS Ranta
RT Lee
S Brand
S Cohen
S Vrshek-Schallhorn
SG Hofmann
SJB GoodmanMJ
SM Erisman
SW Rajaratnam
T Kelley
TA Hartley
TA Hartley
TA Snijders
V Williams
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Acting with Awareness and Distress Tolerance Relate to PTSD Symptoms Among Women with Substance Use Disorder
A Ehlers
AA Vujanovic
+43Â more
AA Vujanovic
AA Vujanovic
AA Vujanovic
AA Vujanovic
AA Vujanovic
AA Vujanovic
American Psychiatric Association
AN Banducci
BA Chopko
CE Martin
CM Luberto
E Bohlmeijer
E Boughner
E Foa
EA Holmes
EC Berenz
EJ Khantzian
EL Garland
H Amaro
H Johnson
J Wolfe
JC Shipherd
JS Simons
K Lehavot
K Naragon-Gainey
KA Karyadi
KM Kraemer
KR Stephenson
KS Kalill
LJ Simms
M Schoorl
PA Boelen
PA Harris
PM Podsakoff
RA Baer
RB Goldstein
RC Shorey
S Bowen
SH Hsu
SL Pineles
SR Bishop
TM Leyro
Z Vallejo
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Swedish Police Officers’ Job Strain, Work-Related Social Support and General Mental Health
A Dijk van
A Noblet
+44Â more
AL Undén
Anna-Karin Hurtig
B Arnetz
BA Chopko
C Staland-Nyman
C Viswesvaran
CJ Holahan
DP Goldberg
EC Ward
IG Sarason
J Hansson
J Rodin
J Siegrist
J Sundqvist
JB Stinchcomb
JM LaRocco
Jonas Hansson
JV Johnson
KA Myers
L Andre-Petersson
Lars-Erik Lauritz
M Casale
M Lipsky
M Morash
MH Banks
ML Buis
Mojgan Padyab
R Karasek
R Karasek
R Schwarzer
RL Leavy
RW Connell
S Backteman-Erlanson
S Cohen
S Cohen
S Garbarino
S Garbarino
SE Taylor
T Theorell
TW Britt
U Aasa
WG Skogan
Y Israel-Cohen
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effects of emergency medical service work on the psychological, physical, and social well-being of ambulance personnel: a systematic review of qualitative research
A Coxon
A Givati
+47Â more
A Jonsson
A Lanza
A Wolkow
AY Alzahrani
B Wiitavaara
BA Chopko
BE Bledsoe
C Regehr
C Regehr
C Schardt
D Chappell
E Donnelly
EA Donnelly
EA Goble
G Larsson
J Dropkin
J Halpern
J Halpern
J Pow
JL Paterson
K Adams
K Forslund
K Hamling
K Hugelius
K Mahony
K Petrie
KE Klimley
KL Mahony
M Bracken-Scally
M Skogstad
MKF Cheng
MW Lindahl
N Avraham
NF Lewis-Schroeder
R Carleton
R Gist
RB Flannery Jr
S Gallagher
S Hegg-Deloye
S Sofianopoulos
SE Golding
SG Roth
SR Clompus
T Sterud
T Varker
V Rice
Z Pyper
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Mental Health and Service Use of Texas Law Enforcement Officers
A Kazdin
AK White
+48Â more
AM Berg
American Psychiatric Association
AT Beck
AT Beck
BA Chopko
BP Bowser
C Regehr
CA Blevins
CL Gutshall
D McMillan
DG Kilpatrick
DJ Buysse
DJ Buysse
DM Bierie
DN Shapiro
DS Weiss
G Bardhoshi
G Kim
GA Adams
H Campeau
I Komarovskaya
J Fox
J Violanti
JB Saunders
JM Petri
JM Shane
JM Violanti
JM ViolantI
K Kroenke
K Kroenke
K Kroenke
KM Karaffa
KS MĂ©nard
LL Osterman
MJ Bovin
MK Crowder
MS Christopher
PT Haugen
RM Bowler
RP Brown
RRM Gershon
S Kula
SA El Sayed
SL Aita
SL Rawski
SMW Rajaratnam
TM Benavidez
VR LeBlanc
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Police Officers
A Krick
AL Bergman
+47Â more
B Terluin
BA Chopko
BW Smith
C Cross
CL Cooper
CR Marmar
D Derryberry
D Watson
DD Colgan
DM Davis
DM Fisher
DP Farrington
DR McCreary
DW Grupe
E Bohlmeijer
E Van der Ploeg
EI De Bruin
EI De Bruin
EK Lindsay
F Faul
F Raes
GT Patterson
J Ilmarinen
JB Kaplan
JB Kaplan
JM Violanti
KW Brown
L Ahlstrom
M Alsubaie
M Horowitz
M Virgili
MK Abdollahi
MR Judah
MS Christopher
MS Christopher
R Leontjevas
R Schilling
RA Baer
RA Baer
RRM Gershon
RS Crane
S Lyubomirsky
S Syed
SL Keng
SMW Rajaratnam
TM Kelley
V Williams
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Prevalence and Predictors of Suicidal Ideation Among U.S. Law Enforcement Officers
A Schmidtke
AI Sheikh
+80Â more
AK Fairweather-Schmidt
AM Berg
B Ahrens
B Kelly
BA Chopko
BO Rothbaum
Brian A. Chopko
C Cantor
D Paton
D Watson
DD Hallfors
DJ Kenney
DP Goldberg
DR Jahn
DS Weiss
E Amaranto
E Hem
E Kirschman
ES Paykel
ES Renberg
F Charbonneau
F Weathers
G Borges
G Zakir
H Chabrol
H Chen
H Hendlin
HC Wilcox
J Janik
J Langhinrichsen-Rohling
J Pienaar
JB Saunders
JJ Hurrell
JM Madonna
JM Shane
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JS Dempsey
K Kroenke
K Mohandie
KA Wittkampf
KC Cukrowicz
KC Wilkins
KD Baas
L Miller
L Territo
M Gili-Planas
M Piccinelli
M Rutter
MA Perrin
MG Aamodt
MJ Bohn
N Tarrier
P Chamberlain
PA Linley
Patrick A. Palmieri
PM Marzuk
R Loo
RC Kessler
RD Goldney
RD Goldney
RD Goldney
RD Goldney
RD Goldney
RG Tedeschi
RJ Burke
S Thoresen
SP McCoy
T Wenzel
TF Babor
TK Hamilton
TP Sokero
Vanessa C. Facemire
VS Guerra
X Yu
Z Gul
Z Wang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Whatever Gets you Through the Night: Officer Coping Strategies after the High-Profile Line of Duty Deaths in Dallas and Baton Rouge
AA McLean
AC Davidson
+56Â more
BA Chopko
CL Cooper
CR Marmar
CR Swanson
CS Carver
DA Alexander
DL Kurtz
DS Weiss
FH Biggam
GA Adams
GA Adams
GT Patterson
GT Patterson
GT Patterson
H Ben-Zur
H Shin
IV Carlier
J Clark-Miller
J Nix
JA Waters
James Hawdon
JD Aaron
JF Ballenger
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
Jose Torres
K Danna
KS MĂ©nard
M Frese
M Morash
M Padyab
MH Anshel
ML Dantzer
ML Swatt
N He
N Khamisa
Ni He
P Manzoni
R Leonard
RA Lazarus
RJ Burke
RM Pasillas
S Cartwright
S Folkman
S Folkman
S Folkman
SE Wolfe
SR Band
Stacey Clifton
TA Beehr
TH Blau
WP McCarty
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Mindfulness Training, Implicit Bias, and Force Response Decision-Making
A Chiesa
A Chiesa
+56Â more
A Lueke
A Lueke
A Nieuwenhuys
AD Crosswell
AF O’Hara
AG Greenwald
AG Greenwald
AJ Porcelli
AP Jha
AS Avdija
B Gawronski
BA Chopko
BK Payne
BK Payne
BS McEwen
CA Cottrell
DM Amodio
E Bohlmeijer
E Dias-Ferreira
EI de Bruin
F Plessow
H Uusberg
H Wahbeh
HM Kleider
IE Dror
J Correll
J Correll
J Correll
J Nix
JB Kaplan
JL Eberhardt
JM Violanti
JM Violanti
JP Andersen
JP Gouin
JT Kubota
L James
L James
L James
LL Jacoby
M Akinola
M Friese
MD Holmes
MS Christopher
MS Christopher
MS Wheeler
R McCraty
RA Baer
RC Hetey
S Whitmarsh
SD DuCharme
W Hofmann
W Hofmann
Y Mekawi
Y Wang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text