5 research outputs found

    Social Impetus, Economic Roots, and Political Logic: China’s Transformation Through the Lens of American History

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    China is facing a crucial turning point in its sociopolitical development with the recent turnover of the leadership and the potential of further reform carried out by the new administration. To shed light on the future of China, this research compares the United States between 1789 and 1917 with China between 1949 and 2012. We examine the social impetus, economic roots, and political logic of the great transformations of the two countries. Through the lens of American history, we argue, first, that social discontent in the short run may push structural reform forward. Second, to transform the passive, piecemeal, and unpredictable reform into a proactive, systematic, and integral reform, we propose that China must build social consensus and a strong middle class.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Interphase cytogenetics in estimation of genomic mutations in somatic cells

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    Mitosis: Regulation and organization of cell division

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