26 research outputs found

    Superpotentials for Gauge and Conformal Supergravity Backgrounds

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    Effective superpotentials obtained by integrating out matter in super Yang-Mills and conformal supergravity backgrounds in N=1 SUSY theories are considered. The pure gauge and supergravity contributions (generalizing Veneziano-Yankielowicz terms) are derived by considering the case with matter fields in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. These contributions represent quantum corrections to the tree-level Yang-Mills and conformal supergravity actions. The classical equations of motion following from the conformal supergravity action require the background to be (super)conformally flat. This condition is unchanged by quantum corrections to the effective superpotential, irrespective of the matter content of the theory.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    The `BRST-invariant' Condensate of Dimension Two in QCD

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    The status of the `BRST-invariant' condensate of mass dimension two in QCD is explained. The condensate is only invariant under an `on-shell' BRST symmetry which includes a partial gauge-fixing. The on-shell BRST symmetry represents the residual gauge symmetry under gauge transformations which preserve the partial gauge fixing. The gauge-invariant operators which correspond to the BRST-invariant condensate are identified in the Lorentz and maximal Abelian gauges and are shown to be invariant under the residual gauge transformations.Comment: 6 page

    Forbidden Landscape from Holography

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    We present a class of field configurations that are forbidden in the quantum gravity because of inconsistency in the dual field theory from holography. Scale invariant but non-conformal field theories are impossible in (1+1) dimension, and so should be the corresponding gravity dual. In particular, the "spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking" models and the "ghost condensation" models, which are well-studied in phenomenology literatures, are forbidden in any consistent quantum theories of gravity in (1+2) dimension since they predict such inconsistent field configurations.Comment: 4pages, v2: some improvements, reference adde

    Gravitational F-terms of N=1 Supersymmetric SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    We use the generalized Konishi anomaly equations and R-symmetry anomaly to compute the exact perturbative and non-perturbative gravitational F-terms of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. We formulate the general procedure for computation and consider chiral and non-chiral SU(N) gauge theories.Comment: 25 pages, v2: minor changes in section 4, references adde

    Gravitational F-terms of N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We consider four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in a supergravity background. We use generalized Konishi anomaly equations and R-symmetry anomaly to compute the exact perturbative and non-perturbative gravitational F-terms. We study two types of theories: The first model breaks supersymmetry dynamically, and the second is based on a G2G_2 gauge group. The results are compared with the corresponding vector models. We discuss the diagrammatic expansion of the G2G_2 theory.Comment: LaTeX2e, 23 pages, 2 figures. Added a reference and converted into JHEP styl

    Dynamics of Gravity in a Higgs Phase

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    We investigate the universal low-energy dynamics of the simplest Higgs phase for gravity, `ghost condensation.' We show that the nonlinear dynamics of the `ghostone' field dominate for all interesting gravitational sources. Away from caustic singularities, the dynamics is equivalent to the irrotational flow of a perfect fluid with equation of state p \propto \rho^2, where the fluid particles can have negative mass. We argue that this theory is free from catastrophic instabilities due to growing modes, even though the null energy condition is violated. Numerical simulations show that solutions generally have singularities in which negative energy regions shrink to zero size. We exhibit partial UV completions of the theory in which these singularities are smoothly resolved, so this does not signal any inconsistency in the effective theory. We also consider the bounds on the symmetry breaking scale M in this theory. We argue that the nonlinear dynamics cuts off the Jeans instability of the linear theory, and allows M \lsim 100MeV.Comment: 54 pages, 15 figures; postscript figures downloadable from http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~wiseman/Ghost/ghostepsfigs.tar.gz ; v2: substantial revision to section 5 on bound

    A Symmetry for the Cosmological Constant

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    We study a symmetry, schematically Energy -> - Energy, which suppresses matter contributions to the cosmological constant. The requisite negative energy fluctuations are identified with a "ghost" copy of the Standard Model. Gravity explicitly, but weakly, violates the symmetry, and naturalness requires General Relativity to break down at short distances with testable consequences. If this breakdown is accompanied by gravitational Lorentz-violation, the decay of flat spacetime by ghost production is acceptably slow. We show that inflation works in our scenario and can lead to the initial conditions required for standard Big Bang cosmology.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, References correcte

    Exact Superpotentials, Theories with Flavor and Confining Vacua

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    In this paper we study some interesting properties of the effective superpotential of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with fundamental matter, with the help of the Dijkgraaf--Vafa proposal connecting supersymmetric gauge theories with matrix models. We find that the effective superpotential for theories with N_f fundamental flavors can be calculated in terms of quantities computed in the pure (N_f=0) gauge theory. Using this property we compute in a remarkably simple way the exact effective superpotential of N=1 supersymmetric theories with fundamental matter and gauge group SU(N_c), at the point in the moduli space where a maximal number of monopoles become massless (confining vacua). We extend the analysis to a generic point of the moduli space, and show how to compute the effective superpotential in this general case.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    More about spontaneous Lorentz-violation and infrared modification of gravity

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    We consider a model with Lorentz-violating vector field condensates, in which dispersion laws of all perturbations, including tensor modes, undergo non-trivial modification in the infrared. The model is free of ghosts and tachyons at high 3-momenta. At low 3-momenta there are ghosts, and at even lower 3-momenta there exist tachyons. Still, with appropriate choice of parameters, the model is phenomenologically acceptable. Beyond a certain large distance scale and even larger time scale, the gravity of a static source changes from that of General Relativity to that of van Dam--Veltman--Zakharov limit of the Fierz--Pauli theory. Yet the late time cosmological evolution is always determined by the standard Friedmann equation, modulo small correction to the ``cosmological Planck mass'', so the modification of gravity cannot by itself explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. We argue that the latter property is generic in a wide class of models with condensates.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, JHEP3.cls; Added reference

    Ultra-large distance modification of gravity from Lorentz symmetry breaking at the Planck scale

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    We present an extension of the Randall--Sundrum model in which, due to spontaneous Lorentz symmetry breaking, graviton mixes with bulk vector fields and becomes quasilocalized. The masses of KK modes comprising the four-dimensional graviton are naturally exponentially small. This allows to push the Lorentz breaking scale to as high as a few tenth of the Planck mass. The model does not contain ghosts or tachyons and does not exhibit the van Dam--Veltman--Zakharov discontinuity. The gravitational attraction between static point masses becomes gradually weaker with increasing of separation and gets replaced by repulsion (antigravity) at exponentially large distances.Comment: 28 page