17 research outputs found
Acceleration of heavy ions to MeV/nucleon energies by ultrahigh-intensity lasers
The primary aim of this thesis was the acceleration of ions with a nuclear charge Z > 1 to multi-MeV energies by means of a laser pulse. While laser-induced proton acceleration in the MeV-range has recently been achieved by a number of groups, the laser acceleration of high quality, high energy beams of heavier particles has been demonstrated for the first time within the framework of this thesis. Furthermore, the obtained data could then subsequently be used to understand the dynamics of the acceleration physics, which was not accessible by the means of the previously performed experiments. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 5339(281) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Spectroscopic diagnostics for multi-TW laser-produced plasmas
Data from a pinhole camera and a transmission grating spectrograph
are used in multi-TW laser irradiance of thin metal films to assess
the maximum laser spot size and to show tenths of a percent
conversion of laser light to K-, L-, and M-band x rays. The
distribution of target debris, an operational issue for the
survivability of an unshielded parabola in a large laser system, is
revealed by x-ray fluorescence measurements of witness samples. At
the 25-J, 30-TW level, we find little evidence of damage to the f/3
parabola with an angle of incidence on target greater than
Theory and modeling of ion acceleration from the interaction of ultra-intense lasers with solid density targets
The interaction of a high intensity, short-pulse laser with a thin
target can lead to the generation of a highly collimated beam of
fast ions off the rear target surface. These ion beams have the
potential to impact inertial confinement fusion applications,
including their use in diagnostics and fast-ignition. Recent work
by the authors in the modeling of ion acceleration, using both full
particle-in-cell and hybrid (particle ions, reduced electron
physics) models, is leading to improved understanding of the physics
governing ion acceleration
Ultrashort-laser-produced heavy ion generation via target laser-ablation cleaning
It has become apparent in the last few years that the
surface contamination on laser-acceleration targets is a major impediment to
the acceleration of the actual target ions. To this end we have performed
experiments at the Los Alamos Trident Laser facility using one arm of the
Trident laser at 150 ps to ablatively clean targets that are subsequently
irradiated by the Trident TW Short-pulse arm to accelerate the bulk target
ions to high energies. The 150 ps ablation pulse rids the rear of the target
of its omnipresent surface contamination layer allowing the short-pulse to
illuminate the target and accelerate ions via the Target Normal Sheath
Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism. Our experimental results are compared to the
LASNEX code to validate and improve our predictive capabilities for future
acceleration experiments
Improved large-energy-range magnetic electron-positron spectrometer for experiments with the Texas Petawatt Laser
© 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab. We present the design, construction, and first use of a magnetic electron-positron spectrometer at the Texas Petawatt Laser facility. The Global Spectrometer for Positron and Electron Characterization (GSPEC) is capable of detecting electrons and positrons over a large energy range from 3-150 MeV and has been designed to diagnose the electrons and positrons accelerated by high-intensity laser interactions with over-critical target