43 research outputs found

    Spectra of ergot alkaloids produced by Claviceps purpurea 1029c in solid-state fermentation system : influence of the composition of liquid medium used for impregnating sugar-cane pith bagasse

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    A total of 16 different combinations of the liquid nutrient medium used for impregnating sugar-cane pith bagasse have been evaluated for the production of total alkaloids by #Claviceps purpurea$ 1029c in a solid-state fermentation system, and for their effects on the spectra of the alkaloids produced. The data indicated large differences in the alkaloids spectra. There is therefore the possibility of achieving tailor-made spectra of ergot alkaloids by changing the liquid nutrient media composition. (Résumé d'auteur

    Solid substrate mediated changes in ergot alkaloid spectra in solid state fermentation system

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    Use of different solid substrates resulted in minor alterations in total alkaloid production by #Claviceps purpurea$ 1029c in solid state fermentation system but the changes in the spectra of ergot alkaloids were of significantly higher magnitudes. Ergonovine accounted for 93% of the total alkaloid production in wheat grain medium while lysergic acid derivatives and ergonovine comprised of 66% and 32% of total alkaloids in rye grain medium. In contrast, ergonovine, ergotamine, and lysergic acid derivatives were 35, 35, and 25% respectively of the total alkaloids with the use of sugar cane pith bagasse impregnated with sucrose. No information on these aspects was available earlier. (Résumé d'auteur

    Efficient leaching of cellulases produced by Trichoderma harzianum in solid state fermentation

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    Recovery of cellulases from solid state culture of #Trichoderma harzianum$ was efficiently achieved by hydraulic pressing. Pressing of fermented solids yielded carboxymethyl-cellulase (CMCase) extraction efficiency of 71% and a ratio of leachate to fermented solids of 0.58 (v/w). Addition of water to pressed solids and second pressing improved the efficiency (95%) with simultaneous increase in the ratio to 1.16 (v/w). The overall extraction of filter paper activity was lower (85%) than that of CMCase. This technique is simple and its extraction efficiency is similar to that obtained in multiple-contact counter-current systems. The hydraulic press in its individuality was not used earlier to leach the product from fermented solids. (Résumé d'auteur

    Potential of solid state fermentation for production of ergot alkaloids

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    Production of total ergot alkaloids by #Claviceps fusiformis in solid state fermentation was 3.9 times higher compared to that in submerged fermentation. Production was equal in the case of #Claviceps purpurea but the spectra of alkaloids were advantageous with the use of solid state fermentation. The data establish potential of solid state fermentation which was not explored earlier for production of ergot alkaloids. (Résumé d'auteur

    Potential of using a single fermenter for biomass build-up, starch hydrolysis, and ethanol production

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    Data on conversion of starch on biomass and ethanol by #Schwanniomyces castellii in an aerobic-anaerobic solid state fermentation is reported. #Schwanniomyces castellii grew exponentially in the aerobic phase (12h) and simultaneously hydrolyzed nearly half (55%) of the starch initially present. The accumulation of glucose increased up to 12h, whereas maltose was nearly absent beyond 7h. Shift or metabolism from oxidative to fermentative pattern was observed about 10h as a result of the build-up of CO2 level and faster utilization of O2. The ethanol production in the anaerobic phase reached the level of 89.3 mg ethanol/g initial dry matter by the end of 30h. A total of 92.9% of the starch is utilized during the fermentation. The overall ethanol conversion yields are 57.8% of the theoretical value, whereas in the anaerobic phase it was found to be 94.4%. The cell shape, its morphology, and the type of attachment to the solid support were found to be similar in aerobic and anaerobic phases of fermentation. Data given in this work indicate the feasibility of using one single fermenter for aerobic growth to generate inoculum as well as to simultaneously hydrolyze the starch and subsequent anaerobic fermentation to produce ethanol. (Résumé d'auteur

    Potential of ensiling for efficient management of spent residue from solid state fermentation system

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    Studies on ensiling of spent solids from solid state fermentation process for production of cellulases by #Trichoderma harzianum$ showed that good quality ensiled solids can be obtained by using about 43% initial substrate dry matter with 0.3% ensiling additive. (Résumé d'auteur

    Maintenance of heat and water balances as a scale-up criterion for the production of ethanol by Schwanniomyces castellii in a solid state fermentation system

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    The scale-up of column fermenters by 6 to 410 gravimetric scale factors, from 10 g moist substrate size, has been achieved efficiently by maintaining heat and water balances in the media. The data on the patterns of ethanol production, biomass formation, the concentration of different carbohydrates, dry matter and pH values against time were of equal magnitude in 10- and 60-g size column fermenters. The reactors of 60-, 370- and 4100-g sizes also compared well in respect of O2 consumption, CO2 evolution and the specific growth rates in aerobic and anaerobic fermentations phases. The overall productivities of ethanol were similar in all the four column fermenters. The ability to obtain the same results in all the fermenter sizes, in spite of the increases in the diameter and the height of the columns, indicates the high potential of this simple scale-up criterion which has not been used earlier for scale-up of any fermentation process. (Résumé d'auteur

    Advances in solid state fermentation : proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on solid state fermentation

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    L'historique du programme de recherche mené à l'ORSTOM depuis vingt ans sur les fermentations en milieu solide a été brossé dans le but de faire une synthèse de nos travaux de recherche, au moment même où apparaît un regain d'intérêt international sur cette technique originale de culture de microorganismes. L'ORSTOM, Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en Coopération, avait compris dès 1975 l'intérêt scientifique et les applications potentielles des fermentations en milieu solide (FMS). L'historique et l'évolution des fermentations en milieu solide ont été développées tout au long de cette présentation. Les activités de l'ORSTOM dans le domaine de l'enrichissement en protéines du manioc, du tourteau de coprah, de la valorisation des substrats lignocellulosiques, la production d'enzymes, des spores pour l'inoculation, les aspects physiologiques, les cultures sur support, la bioremédiation, les biopesticides, les métabolites secondaires, ont été analysées d'une manière critique afin de présenter les perspectives de cette technique de culture dans le domaine de la recherche pour les années à venir. (Résumé d'auteur