8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of fish behaviour and aggregation by underwater videography in an artificial reef in Tioman Island, Malaysia

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    The behaviour and aggregation of fish in an artificial reef area in Tioman Island, Malaysia, was observed using underwater videography under a combination of shooting conditions. The camera distance and direction relative to the neighboring artificial reef module was varied, and comparisons of images with a color filter were made. A distance of 260 cm at a diagonal shooting angle provided a suitable observation of the reef fish around the reef module, and a red color filter provided a truer color replication in morning observations while better images were obtained without the color filter in afternoon light environments. Four criteria were considered to assess the artificial reef effectiveness: total abundance, appearance rate, residence time and feeding frequency. A total of 824 individuals were observed during the study. Mean residence times were shorter for schooling fishes such as Caesio caerulaurea and Liza subviridis, and longer for solitary swimmers like Cephalopholis boenak and Scolopsis bilineatus. Feeding frequency was lower for schooling fishes. A significant correlation was obtained between the feeding frequency and residence time for the high feeding frequency fishes (r = 0.89; p<0.05). The effectiveness of the artificial reef was suggested to be significant in solitary swimmers but less so for schooling fishes

    A new species of Bradyidius (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia

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    A new species of copepod belonging to the family Aetideidae, Bradyidius slyliformis sp. nov. is described and figured. The relationship of this species to the other 12 members of the genus is discussed

    Sedimentation impacts on the growth rates of the scleractinian coral acropora formosa from fringing reefs of Tioman Island, Malaysia

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    The rates of sedimentation and growth of the branching coral Acropora formosa at Marine Park, Tulai and Renggis reefs in Tioman Island, Malaysia were surveyed between November 2000 and October 2001. The sedimentation rates were measured using sediment traps and the coral growth rates were measured using digital photography and computer image analysis. The rates of sedimentation at Marine Park (17.3 ± 18.7 mg dry weight cm-2 d-1) were 5.0 times higher than the Tulai site and 11.4 times higher than the Renggis site. In contrast, both the linear extension (3.9 ± 0.9 mm month-1) and areal growth rates (3.9 ± 1.7 cm2 month-1) of A. formosa at Marine Park were significantly less than at Tulai and Renggis. The higher sedimentation and consequent lowered light levels at Marine Park may have resulted in the lower growth of the Acropora corals

    Quality and quantity of particulate organic Carbon in a coral reef at Tioman Island, Malaysia

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    The quality and quantity of particulate organic carbon (POC) were investigated in a fringing coral reef of Tioman Island, Malaysia to better understand the food sources for reef meso-zooplankton. Phytoplankton biomass in the water column was on average 0.22 (± 0.07) mg Chl-a m-3, of which picophytoplankton was the most important (size <3 μm, 50-70% of the total Chl-a). The proportion of C biomass by phytoplankton and other plankton to particulate organic carbon (POC) was low (6% and 5%, respectively) and the major portion of POC was occupied by detritus (89%), suggesting that the diet of particle-feeding or suspension feeding meso-zooplankton would chiefly consist of detritus

    The Labidocera pectinata group: An Indo-West Pacific lineage of planktonic copepods with descriptions of two new species

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    The Labidocera pectinata species group is recognized as a unique monophyletic lineage within the primarily tropical Indo-West Pacific radiation of coastal water species encompassed by the Labidocera kroyeri complex. Both categories are defined and the six species comprising the pectinata group, including two new to science, are diagnosed. Review of available facts supports the proposal that L. bipinnata be ranked as a junior synonym of L. rotunda. Phylogenetic relationships within the group based on sexually modified characters are assessed. Two geminate pairs of parapatric species are identified. The geographic ranges of one pair are adjacent in the Andaman Sea, those of the other pair in the vicinity of Cape York, Australia. Each pair appears to be a consequence of a relatively recent speciation event. The apparent phylogenetic intermediacy of L. japonica linking the two tropical species of Asia and the three from Papua-Australia suggests an older sequence of trans-hemisphere spreading and diversification

    Kesan penggunaan rumpai laut sebagai agen penapis semula jadi dalam pengkulturan intensif rotifer Brachionus plicatilis

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    Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk menilai kesan penggunaan tiga spesies rumpai laut iaitu Ulva sp., Gracilaria sp. dan Kappaphycus sp. sebagai agen penapis semula jadi untuk menstabilkan pengkulturan rotifer dengan menggunakan petunjuk kaedah kuantitatif iaitu membandingkan nilai pertumbuhan seketika per hari rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Kadar pertumbuhan seketika per hari rotifer dengan penggunaan Ulva sp. (p<0.01), Gracilaria sp. (p<0.05) dan Kappaphycus sp. (p<0.05) pada berat basah 7 g dalam 10 L air laut menunjukkan kesan yang ketara berbanding kawalan. Bagi kesemua rumpai laut yang diuji, keputusan menunjukkan setelah tercapainya nilai min kadar pertumbuhan seketika per hari rotifer yang tertinggi, penambahan jumlah berat penggunaan rumpai laut memberikan kesan penurunan kepada kadar pertumbuhan seketika rotifer. Keputusan menunjukkan Ulva sp. sesuai digunakan sebagai penapis biologi

    Coral reef management in Malaysia: conservation strategies after AGENDA 21

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    Coral reef ecosystems are among the most species diverse, complex and beautiful ecosystems. Coral reef serves many functions to humans either commercially, recreationally, aesthetically or environmentally. However these ecosystems are under increasing pressure and are in serious decline globally. It has been estimated that 10 percent of the earth’s coral reefs have already been seriously degraded and a much greater percentage is threatened. Coral reefs of Malaysia suffer from anthropogenic stresses and also natural disturbances. Provisions for the protection and management of islands and the surrounding aquatic resources in Malaysia is found in relevant legislation such as the Exclusive Economic Zone Act (Act 311), the Fisheries Act 1985 (Act 317), the Continental Shelf Act 1966 (Act 83) and the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127). Management measures currently taken should ensure the continued preservation of the biological diversity of coral reef ecosystem in Malaysia. All reefs in peninsula Malaysia region are expected to decline significantly in the next 20 years as a result of sedimentation and water pollution. Meanwhile reefs off Sabah are experiencing overexploitation. The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) under Agenda 21, Chapter 17 specifically mentioned coral reefs as one of the marine ecosystems of high levels of biodiversity and productivity and should be accorded high priority for identification and protection. Several strategies under Agenda 21, Chapter 17 should be considered and implemented to ensure effective conservation and sustainable use of the coral reef in Malaysia. The strategies are to implement integrated coastal zone management; improve coral reef ecosystem monitoring, database collection, restoration and scientific understanding; strengthen legal and regulatory framework and finally increase awareness on the importance of coral reef ecosystem