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17 research outputs found
The Structure of Mediation and Intravention: Comments on Carnevale's Strategic Choice Model
Barry Staw
Fisher R.
+4 more
Jeffrey Z. Rubin.
Pruitt D. G.
Sheppard B.H.
Thibaut J.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Strategic Choice in Mediation
Campbell J.C.
Carnevale P.J.
+14 more
Fisher R.
Follett M.P.
Kressel K.
Kressel K.
Pruitt D.G.
Pruitt D.G.
Pruitt D.G.
Raiffa H
Raven B.H.
Rubin J.Z.
Schelling T.C.
Schelling T.C.
Touval S.
Zartman I.W.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Challenges of Teaching Negotiation
Bass R.
Brett J.M.
+9 more
Brett J.M.
Edwards J.T.
Kolb D.
Lewicki R.
Lewicki R.J.
Lewicki R.J.
Neale M.
Pruitt D.G.
Sheppard B.H.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Fluid Resuscitation in Burns: An Update
Alderson P.
Andel D.
+38 more
Arlati S.
Baxter C.R.
Bishop M.H.
Bowser-Wallace B.H.
Bowser-Wallace B.H.
Brown M.D.
Bunn F.
Crum R.L.
Davies M.P.
Demling R.
Demling R.H.
Demling R.H.
Demling R.H.
Dries D.J.
Earle J.
Fleming A.
Gattinoni L.
Gunn M.L.
Holm C.
Holm C.
Huang P.P.
Kien N.D.
Klein M.B.
Kuroda T.
Kuwa T.
Lichtwarck-Aschoff M.
Lund T.
Monafo W.W.
Muir I.F.K.
Natanson C.
Oda J.
Onarheim H.
Perel P.
Pruitt B.A.
Pruitt B.A.
Saffle J.I.
Shoemaker W.C.
Yu M.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Comparison of Vocational Identity Factor Structures Among African American and White American College Students
Bentler P.M.
Byrne B.M.
+14 more
Donald B. Pope-Davis
Hansen J.C.
Hinkle D.E.
Holland J.L.
Leong F.T.L.
Matsumoto D.
Morales P.C.
Nicholas L.
Peeke P.L.
Poe R.E.
Pruitt D.W.
Rebecca L. Toporek
Suddarth B.H.
Vijver F., van de
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Techniques and Sequences in Mediation Strategies: A Proposed Model for Research
Alexander B.
Augsburger D.W.
+18 more
Bercovitch J.
Donohue W.A.
Donohue W.A.
Kaufman S.
Kressel K.
Kressel K.
Kressel K.
Kriesberg L.
Lewicki R.
Maggiolo W.
Merry S.E.
Pruitt D.G
Rogers N.
Sheppard B.H.
Silbey S.
Touval S.
Vliert E.
Wall J.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Why Do Some Family Businesses Out–Compete? Governance, Long–Term Orientations, and Sustainable Capability
Allouche J.
Anderson R.C.
+27 more
Bebchuk L.
Broehl W.G.
Broehl W.G.
De Geus A.
Demsetz H.
Fukuyama F.
Gersick K.
Graham M.
Grassby R.
Hagel J.
Jacobs M.T.
Khurana R.
Lansberg I.
Laverty K.J.
McCartney L.
McDonald L.
Michelin F.
Miller D.
Miller D.
Montgomery M.R.
Ortega B.
Pruitt B.H.
Sanchez R.
Shleifer A.
Tifft S.
Torekull B.
Weber J.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Counsel for the poor: An evaluation of contracting for indigent criminal defense
Alissa Pollitz Worden
American Bar Association Project on Standards for Criminal Justice
+28 more
Benjamin R.W.
Blumberg A.
Bohne B.H.
Casper J.
Cohen L.
Donahue J.D.
Eisenstein J.
Eisenstein J.
Flemming R.B.
Flemming R.B.
Gilboy J.
Gitelman M.
Grier R.
Houlden P.
Lefstein N.
McIntyre L.J.
Meeker J.W.
Moran T.
Poole R.W.
Pruitt C.
Savas E.S.
Spangenberg R.L.
Spohn C.
Sterling J.S.
Stover R.V.
Worden A.P.
Worden A.P.
Worden A.P.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Factors in Xenograft Rejection
Almohanna F.
Anrather D.
+32 more
Bach F.H.
Broersma R.J.
Collins B.H.
Cooper D.K.C.
Coughlan A.F.
Dalmasso A.P.
Dalmasso A.P.
Dalmasso A.P.
Gonias S.L.
Grey S.
Grey S.T.
Hancock W.W.
Ibrahim S.
Inverardi L.
Inverardi L.
Jakobs F.M.
Lin Y.
Makowka L.
Mccurry K.R.
Nemerson Y.
Norin A.J.
Ohair D.P.
Pruitt S.K.
Robson S.C.
Robson S.C.
Rosengard A.M.
Sandrin M.S.
Schmoeckel M.
Schulte J.
Seebach J.D.
Taniguchi S.
White D.J.G.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Constraining a Principal's Choice: Outcome versus Behavior Contingent Agency Contracts in Representative Negotiations
Allred K.G.
Austin R.A.
+105 more
Averill J.R.
Axelrod R.
Bartunek J.M.
Bateman T.S.
Bazerman M.H.
Ben-Yoav O.
Benton A.A.
Borman W.C.
Brett J.M.
Bruder J.S.
Clark M.S.
Clore G.L.
Conlon D.E.
Conlon E.J.
Damasio A.R.
Davidson M.N.
Downs G.W.
Eisenhardt K.
Ekman P.M.
Elangovan A.R.
Filley A.C.
Fisher R.
Fisher R.
Fiske A.P.
Fiske A.P.
Fiske S.T.
Folger R.
Frijda N.
Frijda N.
Fry W.R.
Gilson R.
Gouldner A.W.
Greenberg J.
Greenhalgh L.
Hambrick D.C.
Hermann M.C.
Holmes J.G.
Homans G.C.
Jensen M.C.
Johnson D.W.
Jud D.G.
Karambayya R.
Kelley H.H.
Kelley H.H.
Kelley H.H.
Keltner D.
Kemp K.E.
Klimoski R.J.
Klinnert M.
Kogan N.
Kumar R.
Larson M.S.
Latham G.P.
Laubach C.
Lax D.A.
Lax D.A.
Leventhal H.
Lewicki R.J.
Lewicki R.J.
Luce R.D.
MacCrimmon K.
Marlowe D.
McKersie R.B.
Mnookin R.H.
Mo J.
Morris M.W.
Neale M.A.
O'Connor K.M.
Olekalns M.
Parks J.M.
Perrow C.
Pfeffer J.
Pruitt D.G.
Pruitt D.G.
Pruitt D.G.
Pruitt D.G.
Putman L.L.
Reuschlein H.G.
Ross L.
Ross L.
Ross S.
Rubin J.Z.
Salacuse J.W.
Savage G.T.
Schoeninger D.
Schwarz N.
Sebenius J.K.
Sharma A.
Sheppard B.
Sheppard B.H.
Snyder R.C.
Staw B.M.
Strack F.
Thibaut J.
Thompson L.
Tosi H.L.
Ury W.
Valley K.L.
Valley K.L.
Vroom V.H.
Walton R.E.
Wegener D.
Welsh N.
Williamson G.M.
Wright P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text