22 research outputs found

    Influence of solar radiation and leaf angle on leaf xanthophyll concentrations in mangroves

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    Mangroves have similar xanthophyll cycle components/chlorophyll ratios [i.e. (V+A+Z)/chl] to other plant species. (V+A+Z)/chl ratios were sensitive to the light environment in which leaves grew, decreasing as light levels decreased over a vertical transect through a forest canopy. The (V+A+Z)/chl ratio also varied among species. However, in sun leaves over all species, the (V+A+Z)/chl ratios correlate with the proportion of leaf area displayed on a horizontal plane, which is determined by leaf angle. Thus, leaf angle and the xanthophyll cycle may both be important in providing protection from high light levels in mangrove species. A canopy survey assessed whether (V+A+Z)/chl ratios could be correlated with species dominance of exposed positions in forest canopies. Rhizophora mangroves, with near-vertical leaf angles, and Bruguiera parviflora, with small, horizontal, xanthophyllrich leaves, dominated the canopy, while B. gymnorrhiza, a species with large, horizontally arranged leaves, was less abundant at the top of the canopy. Thus, two different strategies for adapting to high solar radiation levels may exist in these species. The first strategy is avoidance through near vertical leaf angles, and the second is a large capacity to dissipate energy through zeaxanthin. The (V+A+Z)/chl ratio was also negatively correlated with the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle pool (the proportion present as violaxanthin and half that present as antheraxanthin) at midday. This suggested that the requirement for dissipation of excess light (represented by the midday epoxidation state) may influence the (V+A+Z)/chl ratio

    Distribution and accumulation of ultraviolet-radiation-absorbing compounds in leaves of tropical mangroves

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    Ultraviolet (UV)-absorbing phenolic compounds that have been shown to be protective against the damaging: effects of UV-B radiation (Tevini et al., 1991, Photochem. Photobiol. 53, 329-333) were found in the leaf epidermis of tropical mangrove tree species. These UV-absorbing phenolic compounds and leaf succulence function as selective filters, removing short and energetic wavelengths. A field survey showed that the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds varied between species, between sites that would be experiencing similar levels of UV radiation, and between sun and shade leaves. Sun leaves have greater contents of phenolic compounds than shade leaves, and more saline sites have plants with greater levels in their leaves than less saline sites. In addition, increases in leaf nitrogen contents and quantum yields did not correlate with increasing levels of UV-absorbing compounds. It was concluded from these results that although UV-absorbing compounds form a UV-screen in the epidermis of mangrove leaves, UV radiation may not be the only factor influencing the accumulation of phenolic compounds, thus an experiment which altered the level of UV radiation incident on mangrove species was done. Near ambient levels of UVA and UV-B radiation resulted in a greater content of UV-absorbing compounds in Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. ex Griff., but did not result in increases in B. gymnorrhiza (L.) Lamk or Rhizophora apiculata Blume. Total chlorophyll contents were lower in R. apiculata when it was grown under near-ambient levels of UV radiation than when it was grown under conditions of UV-A and UV-B depletion, but no differences were observed between the UV radiation treatments in the other two species. There was no difference in leaf morphology, carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios, or chlorophyll a/b ratios between UV treatments, although these varied among species; B. parviflora had the highest carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio and R. apiculata had the lowest. Thus it is proposed that differences in species response tu UV radiation may be influenced by their ability to dissipate excess visible solar radiation

    Photosynthetic characteristics of dwarf and fringe Rhizophora mangle L. in a Belizean mangrove

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    Twin Cays (Belize) is a highly oligotrophic mangrove archipelago dominated by Rhizophora mangle L. Ocean-fringing trees are 3-7 m tall with a leaf area index (LAI) of 2.3, whereas in the interior, dwarf zone, trees are 1.5 m or less, and the LAI is 0.7. P-fertilization of dwarf trees dramatically increases growth. As a partial explanation of these characteristics, it was hypothesized that differences in stature and growth rates would reflect differences in leaf photosynthetic capacity, as determined by the photochemical and biochemical characteristics at the chloroplast level. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were used to compare photosynthesis of dwarf, fringe and fertilized trees. Regardless of zonation or treatment, net CO2 exchange (A) and photosynthetic electron transport were light saturated at less than 500 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1), and low-light quantum efficiencies were typical for healthy C-3 plants. On the other hand, light-saturated A was linearly related to stomatal conductance g(s). with seasonal, zonal and treatment differences in photosynthesis corresponding linearly to differences in the mean gs. Overall, photosynthetic capacity appeared to be co-regulated with stomatal conductance, minimizing the variability of C-i at ambient CO2 (and hence, C-i/C-a). Based on the results of in vitro assays, regulation of photosynthesis in R. mangle appeared to be accomplished, at least in part, by regulation of Rubisco activity