631 research outputs found

    Kappa-symmetric deformations of M5-brane dynamics

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    We calculate the first supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric derivative deformation of the M5-brane worldvolume theory in a flat eleven-dimensional background. By applying cohomological techniques we obtain a deformation of the standard constraint of the superembedding formalism. The first possible deformation of the constraint and hence the equations of motion arises at cubic order in fields and fourth order in a fundamental length scale ll. The deformation is unique up to this order. In particular this rules out any induced Einstein-Hilbert terms on the worldvolume. We explicitly calculate corrections to the equations of motion for the tensor gauge supermultiplet.Comment: 17 pages. Additional comments in section

    BPS Electromagnetic Waves on Giant Gravitons

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    We find new 1/8-BPS giant graviton solutions in AdS5Ă—S5AdS_5 \times S^5, carrying three angular momenta along S5S^5, and investigate their properties. Especially, we show that nonzero worldvolume gauge fields are admitted preserving supersymmetry. These gauge field modes can be viewed as electromagnetic waves along the compact D3 brane, whose Poynting vector contributes to the BPS angular momenta. We also analyze the (nearly-)spherical giant gravitons with worldvolume gauge fields in detail. Expressing the S3S^3 in Hopf fibration (S1S^1 fibred over S2S^2), the wave propagates along the S1S^1 fiber.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, v2: references adde

    M-theory Supertubes with Three and Four Charges

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    Using the covariant M5-brane action, we construct configurations corresponding to supertubes with three and four charges. We derive the BPS equations and study the full structure of the solutions. In particular, we find new solutions involving arbitrariness in field strengths.Comment: 24 pages, references added and typos correcte

    General 2 charge geometries

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    Two charge BPS horizon free supergravity geometries are important in proposals for understanding black hole microstates. In this paper we construct a new class of geometries in the NS1-P system, corresponding to solitonic strings carrying fermionic as well as bosonic condensates. Such geometries are required to account for the full microscopic entropy of the NS1-P system. We then briefly discuss the properties of the corresponding geometries in the dual D1-D5 system.Comment: 44 page

    Fermions from Half-BPS Supergravity

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    We discuss collective coordinate quantization of the half-BPS geometries of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena (hep-th/0409174). The LLM geometries are parameterized by a single function uu on a plane. We treat this function as a collective coordinate. We arrive at the collective coordinate action as well as path integral measure by considering D3 branes in an arbitrary LLM geometry. The resulting functional integral is shown, using known methods (hep-th/9309028), to be the classical limit of a functional integral for free fermions in a harmonic oscillator. The function uu gets identified with the classical limit of the Wigner phase space distribution of the fermion theory which satisfies u * u = u. The calculation shows how configuration space of supergravity becomes a phase space (hence noncommutative) in the half-BPS sector. Our method sheds new light on counting supersymmetric configurations in supergravity.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, epsf;(v3) eq. (3.3) clarified and notationally simplified; version to appear in JHE

    1/16-BPS Black Holes and Giant Gravitons in the AdS_5 X S^5 Space

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    We explore 1/16-BPS objects of type IIB string theory in AdS_5 * S^5. First, we consider supersymmetric AdS_5 black holes, which should be 1/16-BPS and have a characteristic that not all physical charges are independent. We point out that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of these black holes admits a remarkably simple expression in terms of (dependent) physical charges, which suggests its microscopic origin via certain Cardy or Hardy-Ramanujan formula. We also note that there is an upper bound for the angular momenta given by the electric charges. Second, we construct a class of 1/16-BPS giant graviton solutions in AdS_5 * S^5 and explore their properties. The solutions are given by the intersections of AdS_5 * S^5 and complex 3 dimensional holomorphic hyperspaces in C^{1+5}, the latter being the zero loci of three holomorphic functions which are homogeneous with suitable weights on coordinates. We investigate examples of giant gravitons, including their degenerations to tensionless strings.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, v2: references added, comments added in the conclusio

    Three-Charge Supertubes in a Rotating Black Hole Background

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    The low velocity scattering of a D0-F1 supertube in the background of a BMPV black hole has been investigated in the moduli space approximation by Marolf and Virmani. Here we extend the analysis to the case of the D0-D4-F1 supertube of Bena and Kraus. We find that, similarly to the two-charge case, there is a critical value of the supertube circumferential angular momentum; above this value an adiabatic merger with the black hole cannot occur. By reconsidering the calculation of supertube angular momentum in the transverse direction, correspondence between the worldvolume and supergravity descriptions is established. We also examine dynamical mergers and discuss their implications.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures. New discussion of moduli space approximation vs. exact DBI action, references adde

    Holographic anatomy of fuzzballs

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of 2-charge fuzzball solutions, that is, horizon-free non-singular solutions of IIB supergravity characterized by a curve on R^4. We propose a precise map that relates any given curve to a specific superposition of R ground states of the D1-D5 system. To test this proposal we compute the holographic 1-point functions associated with these solutions, namely the conserved charges and the vacuum expectation values of chiral primary operators of the boundary theory, and find perfect agreement within the approximations used. In particular, all kinematical constraints are satisfied and the proposal is compatible with dynamical constraints although detailed quantitative tests would require going beyond the leading supergravity approximation. We also discuss which geometries may be dual to a given R ground state. We present the general asymptotic form that such solutions must have and present exact solutions which have such asymptotics and therefore pass all kinematical constraints. Dynamical constraints would again require going beyond the leading supergravity approximation.Comment: 87 pages, begins with 10 page self contained summary of results;v2:JHEP version; v3: typos corrected, see in particular formula D.1

    Spinning Strings as Small Black Rings

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    Certain supersymmetric elementary string states with spin can be viewed as small black rings whose horizon has the topology of S^1 \times S^{d-3} in a d-dimensional string theory. By analyzing the singular black ring solution in the supergravity approximation, and using various symmetries of the \alpha' corrected effective action we argue that the Bekenstein-Hawking-Wald entropy of the black string solution in the full string theory agrees with the statistical entropy of the same system up to an overall normalization constant. While the normalization constant cannot be determined by the symmetry principles alone, it can be related to a similar normalization constant that appears in the expression for small black holes without angular momentum in one less dimension. Thus agreement between statistical and macroscopic entropy of (d-1)-dimensional non-rotating elementary string states would imply a similar agreement for a d-dimensional elementary string state with spin. Our analysis also determines the structure of the near horizon geometry and provides us with a geometric derivation of the Regge bound. These studies give further evidence that a ring-like horizon is formed when large angular momentum is added to a small black hole.Comment: LaTeX file, 31 pages; v2: references to earlier work adde
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