30,530 research outputs found
Improved Memoryless RNS Forward Converter Based on the Periodicity of Residues
The residue number system (RNS) is suitable for DSP architectures because of its ability to perform fast carry-free arithmetic. However, this advantage is over-shadowed by the complexity involved in the conversion of numbers between binary and RNS representations. Although the reverse conversion (RNS to binary) is more complex, the forward transformation is not simple either. Most forward converters make use of look-up tables (memory). Recently, a memoryless forward converter architecture for arbitrary moduli sets was proposed by Premkumar in 2002. In this paper, we present an extension to that architecture which results in 44% less hardware for parallel conversion and achieves 43% improvement in speed for serial conversions. It makes use of the periodicity properties of residues obtained using modular exponentiation
FIR Filter Implementation by Efficient Sharing of Horizontal and Vertical Common Sub-expressions
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Limited processivity of single motors improves overall transport flux of self-assembled motor-cargo complexes
Single kinesin molecular motors can processively move along a microtubule
(MT) a few micrometers on average before dissociating. However, cellular length
scales over which transport occurs are several hundred microns and more. Why
seemingly unreliable motors are used to transport cellular cargo remains poorly
understood. We propose a new theory for how low processivity, the average
length of a single bout of directed motion, can enhance cellular transport when
motors and cargoes must first diffusively self assemble into complexes. We
employ stochastic modeling to determine the effect of processivity on overall
cargo transport flux. We show that, under a wide range of physiologically
relevant conditions, possessing "infinite" processivity does not maximize flux
along MTs. Rather, we find that low processivity i.e., weak binding of motors
to MTs, is optimal. These results shed light on the relationship between
processivity and transport efficiency and offer a new theory for the
physiological benefits of low motor processivity
Augmented L1 and Nuclear-Norm Models with a Globally Linearly Convergent Algorithm
This paper studies the long-existing idea of adding a nice smooth function to
"smooth" a non-differentiable objective function in the context of sparse
optimization, in particular, the minimization of
, where is a vector, as well as the
minimization of , where is a matrix and
and are the nuclear and Frobenius norms of ,
respectively. We show that they can efficiently recover sparse vectors and
low-rank matrices. In particular, they enjoy exact and stable recovery
guarantees similar to those known for minimizing and under
the conditions on the sensing operator such as its null-space property,
restricted isometry property, spherical section property, or RIPless property.
To recover a (nearly) sparse vector , minimizing
returns (nearly) the same solution as minimizing
almost whenever . The same relation also
holds between minimizing and minimizing
for recovering a (nearly) low-rank matrix , if . Furthermore, we show that the linearized Bregman algorithm for
minimizing subject to enjoys global
linear convergence as long as a nonzero solution exists, and we give an
explicit rate of convergence. The convergence property does not require a
solution solution or any properties on . To our knowledge, this is the best
known global convergence result for first-order sparse optimization algorithms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1207.5326 by other author
Carbon and Strontium Abundances of Metal-Poor Stars
We present carbon and strontium abundances for 100 metal-poor stars measured
from R7000 spectra obtained with the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager
at the Keck Observatory. Using spectral synthesis of the G-band region, we have
derived carbon abundances for stars ranging from [Fe/H] to
[Fe/H]. The formal errors are dex in [C/Fe]. The strontium
abundance in these stars was measured using spectral synthesis of the resonance
line at 4215 {\AA}. Using these two abundance measurments along with the barium
abundances from our previous study of these stars, we show it is possible to
identify neutron-capture-rich stars with our spectra. We find, as in other
studies, a large scatter in [C/Fe] below [Fe/H]. Of the stars with
[Fe/H], 94% can be classified as carbon-rich metal-poor stars. The Sr
and Ba abundances show that three of the carbon-rich stars are
neutron-capture-rich, while two have normal Ba and Sr. This fraction of carbon
enhanced stars is consistent with other studies that include this metallicity
range.Comment: ApJ, Accepte
Post-Newtonian Models of Binary Neutron Stars
Using an energy variational method, we calculate quasi-equilibrium
configurations of binary neutron stars modeled as compressible triaxial
ellipsoids obeying a polytropic equation of state. Our energy functional
includes terms both for the internal hydrodynamics of the stars and for the
external orbital motion. We add the leading post-Newtonian (PN) corrections to
the internal and gravitational energies of the stars, and adopt hybrid orbital
terms which are fully relativistic in the test-mass limit and always accurate
to PN order. The total energy functional is varied to find quasi-equilibrium
sequences for both corotating and irrotational binaries in circular orbits. We
examine how the orbital frequency at the innermost stable circular orbit
depends on the polytropic index n and the compactness parameter GM/Rc^2. We
find that, for a given GM/Rc^2, the innermost stable circular orbit along an
irrotational sequence is about 17% larger than the innermost secularly stable
circular orbit along the corotating sequence when n=0.5, and 20% larger when
n=1. We also examine the dependence of the maximum neutron star mass on the
orbital frequency and find that, if PN tidal effects can be neglected, the
maximum equilibrium mass increases as the orbital separation decreases.Comment: 53 pages, LaTex, 9 figures as 10 postscript files, accepted by Phys.
Rev. D, replaced version contains updated reference
Binary Neutron Stars in General Relativity: Quasi-Equilibrium Models
We perform fully relativistic calculations of binary neutron stars in
quasi-equilibrium circular orbits. We integrate Einstein's equations together
with the relativistic equation of hydrostatic equilibrium to solve the initial
value problem for equal-mass binaries of arbitrary separation. We construct
sequences of constant rest mass and identify the innermost stable circular
orbit and its angular velocity. We find that the quasi-equilibrium maximum
allowed mass of a neutron star in a close binary is slightly larger than in
isolation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe
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