170 research outputs found

    Physiological Correlates of Endurance Time Variability during Constant-Workrate Cycling Exercise in Patients with COPD

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    RATIONALE: The endurance time (T(end)) during constant-workrate cycling exercise (CET) is highly variable in COPD. We investigated pulmonary and physiological variables that may contribute to these variations in T(end). METHODS: Ninety-two patients with COPD completed a CET performed at 80% of peak workrate capacity (W(peak)). Patients were divided into tertiles of T(end) [Group 1: <4 min; Group 2: 4-6 min; Group 3: >6 min]. Disease severity (FEV(1)), aerobic fitness (W(peak), peak oxygen consumption [VO2(peak)], ventilatory threshold [VO2(VT)]), quadriceps strength (MVC), symptom scores at the end of CET and exercise intensity during CET (heart rate at the end of CET to heart rate at peak incremental exercise ratio [HR(CET)/HR(peak)]) were analyzed as potential variables influencing T(end). RESULTS: W(peak), VO2(peak), VO2(VT), MVC, leg fatigue at end of CET, and HR(CET)/HR(peak) were lower in group 1 than in group 2 or 3 (p≤0.05). VO2(VT) and leg fatigue at end of CET independently predicted T(end) in multiple regression analysis (r = 0.50, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: T(end) was independently related to the aerobic fitness and to tolerance to leg fatigue at the end of exercise. A large fraction of the variability in T(end) was not explained by the physiological parameters assessed in the present study. Individualization of exercise intensity during CET should help in reducing variations in T(end) among patients with COPD

    Local Inflammation Induces Complement Crosstalk Which Amplifies the Antimicrobial Response

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    By eliciting inflammatory responses, the human immunosurveillance system notably combats invading pathogens, during which acute phase proteins (CRP and cytokines) are elevated markedly. However, the Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a persistent opportunistic pathogen prevalent at the site of local inflammation, and its acquisition of multiple antibiotic-resistance factors poses grave challenges to patient healthcare management. Using blood samples from infected patients, we demonstrate that P. aeruginosa is effectively killed in the plasma under defined local infection-inflammation condition, where slight acidosis and reduced calcium levels (pH 6.5, 2 mM calcium) typically prevail. We showed that this powerful antimicrobial activity is provoked by crosstalk between two plasma proteins; CRP∶L-ficolin interaction led to communication between the complement classical and lectin pathways from which two amplification events emerged. Assays for C4 deposition, phagocytosis, and protein competition consistently proved the functional significance of the amplification pathways in boosting complement-mediated antimicrobial activity. The infection-inflammation condition induced a 100-fold increase in CRP∶L-ficolin interaction in a pH- and calcium-sensitive manner. We conclude that the infection-induced local inflammatory conditions trigger a strong interaction between CRP∶L-ficolin, eliciting complement-amplification pathways which are autonomous and which co-exist with and reinforce the classical and lectin pathways. Our findings provide new insights into the host immune response to P. aeruginosa infection under pathological conditions and the potential development of new therapeutic strategies against bacterial infection

    Clinical Use and Therapeutic Potential of IVIG/SCIG, Plasma-Derived IgA or IgM, and Other Alternative Immunoglobulin Preparations

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    Intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin preparations, consisting of IgG class antibodies, are increasingly used to treat a broad range of pathological conditions, including humoral immune deficiencies, as well as acute and chronic inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. A plethora of Fab- or Fc-mediated immune regulatory mechanisms has been described that might act separately or in concert, depending on pathogenesis or stage of clinical condition. Attempts have been undertaken to improve the efficacy of polyclonal IgG preparations, including the identification of relevant subfractions, mild chemical modification of molecules, or modification of carbohydrate side chains. Furthermore, plasma-derived IgA or IgM preparations may exhibit characteristics that might be exploited therapeutically. The need for improved treatment strategies without increase in plasma demand is a goal and might be achieved by more optimal use of plasma-derived proteins, including the IgA and the IgM fractions. This article provides an overview on the current knowledge and future strategies to improve the efficacy of regular IgG preparations and discusses the potential of human plasma-derived IgA, IgM, and preparations composed of mixtures of IgG, IgA, and IgM

    Angriffsort des Thyroxins

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    Beiträge zur Pharmakologie der Mischnarkose

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    über die Wirkung des Morphins, Codeins, Dionins und Heroins auf die Atmung

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    Über die Wirkung des Insulins auf die Zuckerbildung der Froschleber

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    Vergiftung mit Sestron (Diphenylpropylaethylamin)

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    Reaktionen des Herzens und der Kreislaufperipherie als Folge von Coronardrosselungen

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    Reserpin als Thyroxin-Antagonist

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