1,608 research outputs found

    Diffusion, Fragmentation and Coagulation Processes: Analytical and Numerical Results

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    We formulate dynamical rate equations for physical processes driven by a combination of diffusive growth, size fragmentation and fragment coagulation. Initially, we consider processes where coagulation is absent. In this case we solve the rate equation exactly leading to size distributions of Bessel type which fall off as exp(x3/2)\exp(-x^{3/2}) for large xx-values. Moreover, we provide explicit formulas for the expansion coefficients in terms of Airy functions. Introducing the coagulation term, the full non-linear model is mapped exactly onto a Riccati equation that enables us to derive various asymptotic solutions for the distribution function. In particular, we find a standard exponential decay, exp(x)\exp(-x), for large xx, and observe a crossover from the Bessel function for intermediate values of xx. These findings are checked by numerical simulations and we find perfect agreement between the theoretical predictions and numerical results.Comment: (28 pages, 6 figures, v2+v3 minor corrections

    On the Early History of Current Algebra

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    The history of Current Algebra is reviewed up to the appearance of the Adler-Weisberger sum rule. Particular emphasis is given to the role current algebra played for the historical struggle in strong interaction physics of elementary particles between the S-matrix approach based on dispersion relations and field theory. The question whether there are fundamental particles or all hadrons are bound or resonant states of one another played an important role in this struggle and is thus also regarded.Comment: 17 page

    Stabilizing single atom contacts by molecular bridge formation

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    Gold-molecule-gold junctions can be formed by carefully breaking a gold wire in a solution containing dithiolated molecules. Surprisingly, there is little understanding on the mechanical details of the bridge formation process and specifically on the role that the dithiol molecules play themselves. We propose that alkanedithiol molecules have already formed bridges between the gold electrodes before the atomic gold-gold junction is broken. This leads to stabilization of the single atomic gold junction, as observed experimentally. Our data can be understood within a simple spring model.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Classical Open String Models in 4-Dim Minkowski Spacetime

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    Classical bosonic open string models in fourdimensional Minkowski spacetime are discussed. A special attention is paid to the choice of edge conditions, which can follow consistently from the action principle. We consider lagrangians that can depend on second order derivatives of worldsheet coordinates. A revised interpretation of the variational problem for such theories is given. We derive a general form of a boundary term that can be added to the open string action to control edge conditions and modify conservation laws. An extended boundary problem for minimal surfaces is examined. Following the treatment of this model in the geometric approach, we obtain that classical open string states correspond to solutions of a complex Liouville equation. In contrast to the Nambu-Goto case, the Liouville potential is finite and constant at worldsheet boundaries. The phase part of the potential defines topological sectors of solutions.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, preprint TPJU-28-93 (the previous version was truncated by ftp...

    Crossover from Electronic to Atomic Shell Structure in Alkali Metal Nanowires

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    After making a cold weld by pressing two clean metal surfaces together, upon gradually separating the two pieces a metallic nanowire is formed, which progressively thins down to a single atom before contact is lost. In previous experiments [1,2] we have observed that the stability of such nanowires is influenced by electronic shell filling effects, in analogy to shell effects in metal clusters [3]. For sodium and potassium at larger diameters there is a crossover to crystalline wires with shell-closings corresponding to the completion of additional atomic layers. This observation completes the analogy between shell effects observed for clusters and nanowires.Comment: 4 page

    Colour-Dielectric Gauge Theory on a Transverse Lattice

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    We investigate in some detail consequences of the effective colour-dielectric formulation of lattice gauge theory using the light-cone Hamiltonian formalism with a transverse lattice. As a quantitative test of this approach, we have performed extensive analytic and numerical calculations for 2+1-dimensional pure gauge theory in the large N limit. Because of Eguchi-Kawai reduction, one effectively studies a 1+1-dimensional gauge theory coupled to matter in the adjoint representation. We study the structure of coupling constant space for our effective potential by comparing with the physical results available from conventional Euclidean lattice Monte Carlo simulations of this system. In particular, we calculate and measure the scaling behaviour of the entire low-lying glueball spectrum, glueball wavefunctions, string tension, asymptotic density of states, and deconfining temperature. We employ a new hybrid DLCQ/wavefunction basis in our calculations of the light-cone Hamiltonian matrix elements, along with extrapolation in Tamm-Dancoff truncation, significantly reducing numerical errors. Finally we discuss, in light of our results, what further measurements and calculations could be made in order to systematically remove lattice spacing dependence from our effective potential a priori.Comment: 48 pages, Latex, uses macro boxedeps.tex, minor errors corrected in revised versio

    QCD corrections to decay-lepton polar and azimuthal angular distributions in e+e- -> t tbar in the soft-gluon approximation

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    QCD corrections to order alpha_s in the soft-gluon approximation to angular distributions of decay charged leptons in the process e+e- -> t tbar followed by semileptonic decay of t or tbar, are obtained in the e+e- centre-of-mass frame. As compared to distributions in the top rest frame, these have the advantage that they would allow direct comparison with experiment without the need to reconstruct the top rest frame. The results also do not depend on the choice of a spin quantization axis for t or tbar. Analytic expression for the triple distribution in the polar angle of t and polar and azimuthal angles of the lepton is obtained. Analytic expression is also derived for the distribution in the charged-lepton polar angle. Numerical values are discussed for total c.m. energies of 400 GeV, 800 GeV and 1500 GeV.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 6 figures included in the submission. To appear in Pramana - Journal of Physics; expanded version of hep-ph/0011321, v