39 research outputs found

    Anionic lanthanide complexes with 3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-formylpyrazole-5-one and hydroxonium as counter ion

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    AbstractA series of [H3O]+[LnL4]−·nH2O complexes (n=1–3, Ln=Nd, (1), Sm (2), Eu (3), Tb (4); HL=3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-formylpyrazole-5-one) were synthesized and characterized. The structures of the SmIII and EuIII complexes were investigated by X-ray diffraction. The isostructutal crystalls 2 and 3 consist the tetrakis [LnL4]− anions which are linked by H-bonding with the hydroxonium counter-ion and water molecules. The lanthanide ion is situated in the center of distorted tetragonal antiprism formed by eight oxygen atoms of 4-formyl-5-hydroxypyrazolonate anions. The TbIII and SmIII complexes show strong luminescence in solid state, whereas the EuIII and NdIII complexes show low luminescence activity


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    Guidelines for the implementation and interpretation of myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with CT-based attenuation correction (AC) are compiled on the basis of long-term (since 1978) experience of the group of authors regarding the research of myocardial perfusion in various cardiovascular diseases, and aligned with the current EANM guidelines.Методические рекомендации по выполнению и интерпретации данных перфузионной однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии (ОЭКТ) миокарда с КТ-коррекцией поглощения излучения составлены на основании многолетнего (с 1978 г.) опыта авторского коллектива по исследованию перфузии миокарда при различных заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы и приведены в соответствие с текущими рекомендациями EANM


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    The optimal conditions for complexation of lanthanide (III) ions with 1-phenyl-3- methyl-4-formyl-pyrazol-5-one (L) and its derivatives, the molar ratio lanthanide:ligand in the complexes and their spectral-luminescent properties were established. It is shown that the introduction of additional ligands, organic solvents and surfactants increases the luminescence intensity up to 100 times

    Phantom kidney at angionephroscintigraphy

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    Based on the analysis of the data available in the literature and own clinical observations, the authors consider the diagnostic value of the little known scintigraphic phantom kidneyphenomenon, a vascular pool that is detected at the angiographic stage of 99mТс-DTPA dynamic renal scintigraphy and that mimics a removed or absent kidney. The paper  describes two cases of the phantom kidney. In one case, the phantom kidneydetected on the side of nephrectomy manifested a kidney cancer recurrence in the bed of the removed organ; in the other, the kidney-like vascular pool in the patient with left-sided pelvic dystopic kidney was due to the recording of the intestinal vasculature at the site of the expected kidney location. Adherence to a number of methodical conditions for  conducting a study, as well as combined single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography examination will be able to avoid interpretation errors and to ensure an adequate further diagnostic algorithm