2 research outputs found

    Polarographic Determination of Stability Constants of Glycerato Complexes of Cadmium and Lead

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    Stability constants of glycerato complexes of cadmium and lead were determined by the polarographic method. Measurements were performed in buffer solutions of sod1um salt of DL-glyceDic acid. The concentration of the glyceric aoid in the buffer solutions was constant: 0.0 7 M for cadmium, and 0.05 NI for lead. The ionic strenght of solutions was 2 and -it was kept constant by m e ans of sodium perchlorate . The following cumulative stability constants were obta;ined: Cadmium: Bi = 40, B2 = 130, B3 = 340, B = 2.10. Lead: [3 1 = 340, B2 = 5.7 X 10 3, Ba = 2.8 X 10 3, B4 = 4.8 X 10 3

    Determination of Stability Constants of Metal Complexes by Polarographic Methods - A Review

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