46 research outputs found

    Open string T-duality in double space

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    The role of double space is essential in new interpretation of T-duality and consequently in an attempt to construct M-theory. The case of open string is missing in such approach because until now there have been no appropriate formulation of open string T-duality. In the previous paper [1], we showed how to introduce vector gauge fields AaNA^N_a and AiDA^D_i at the end-points of open string in order to enable open string invariance under local gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field and its T-dual "restricted general coordinate transformations". We demonstrated that gauge fields AaNA^N_a and AiDA^D_i are T-dual to each other. In the present article we prove that all above results can be interpreted as coordinate permutations in double space.Comment: 18 page

    Dilaton field induces commutative Dp-brane coordinate

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    It is well known that space-time coordinates and corresponding Dp-brane world-volume become non-commutative, if open string ends on Dp-brane with Neveu-Schwarz background field BμνB_{\mu \nu}. In this paper we extend these considerations including the dilaton field Φ\Phi, linear in coordinates xμx^\mu. In that case the conformal part of the world-sheet metric appears as new non-commutative variable and the coordinate in direction orthogonal to the hyper plane Φ=const\Phi = const, becomes commutative.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, Added reference and improve conten

    Canonical approach to 2D induced gravity

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    Using canonical method the Liouville theory has been obtained as a gravitational Wess-Zumino action of the Polyakov string. From this approach it is clear that the form of the Liouville action is the consequence of the bosonic representation of the Virasoro algebra, and that the coefficient in front of the action is proportional to the central charge and measures the quantum braking of the classical symmetry.Comment: RevTeX, 19 page

    Gauge symmetries decrease the number of Dp-brane dimensions

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    It is known that the presence of antisymmetric background field BμνB_{\mu\nu} leads to noncommutativity of Dp-brane manifold. Addition of the linear dilaton field in the form Φ(x)=Φ0+aμxμ\Phi(x)=\Phi_0+a_\mu x^\mu, causes the appearance of the commutative Dp-brane coordinate x=aμxμx=a_\mu x^\mu. In the present article we show that for some particular choices of the background fields, a2≡Gμνaμaν=0a^2\equiv G^{\mu\nu}a_\mu a_\nu=0 and $\tilde a^2\equiv [ (G-4BG^{-1}B)^{-1}\ ]^{\mu\nu}a_\mu a_\nu=0$, the local gauge symmetries appear in the theory. They turn some Neuman boundary conditions into the Dirichlet ones, and consequently decrease the number of the Dp-brane dimensions.Comment: We improve Sec.4. and Conclusion and we added the Appendix in order to clarify result

    CT-duality as a local property of the world-sheet

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    In the present article, we study the local features of the world-sheet in the case when probe bosonic string moves in antisymmetric background field. We generalize the geometry of surfaces embedded in space-time to the case when the torsion is present. We define the mean extrinsic curvature for spaces with Minkowski signature and introduce the concept of mean torsion. Its orthogonal projection defines the dual mean extrinsic curvature. In this language, the field equation is just the equality of mean extrinsic curvature and extrinsic mean torsion, which we call CT-duality. To the world-sheet described by this relation we will refer as CT-dual surface.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, 2 Figure

    Type I background fields in terms of type IIB ones

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    We choose such boundary conditions for open IIB superstring theory which preserve N=1 SUSY. The explicite solution of the boundary conditions yields effective theory which is symmetric under world-sheet parity transformation Ω:σ→−σ\Omega:\sigma\to-\sigma. We recognize effective theory as closed type I superstring theory. Its background fields,beside known Ω\Omega even fields of the initial IIB theory, contain improvements quadratic in Ω\Omega odd ones.Comment: 4 revtex pages, no figure

    Nongeometric background arising in the solution of Neumann boundary conditions

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    We investigate the open string propagation in the weakly curved background with the Kalb-Ramond field containing an infinitesimal part, linear in coordinate. Solving the Neumann boundary conditions, we find the expression for the space-time coordinates in terms of the effective ones. So, the initial theory reduces to the effective one. This effective theory is defined on the nongeometric doubled space (qμ,q~μ)(q^\mu,\tilde{q}_\mu), where qμq^\mu is the effective coordinate and q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu is its T-dual. The effective metric depends on the coordinate qμq^\mu and there exists non-trivial effective Kalb-Ramond field which depends on the T-dual coordinate q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu. The fact that q~μ\tilde{q}_\mu is Ω\Omega-odd leads to the nonvanishing effective Kalb-Ramond field