124,543 research outputs found

    Non-Thermal Production of WIMPs and the Sub-Galactic Structure of the Universe

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    There is increasing evidence that conventional cold dark matter (CDM) models lead to conflicts between observations and numerical simulations of dark matter halos on sub-galactic scales. Spergel and Steinhardt showed that if the CDM is strongly self-interacting, then the conflicts disappear. However, the assumption of strong self-interaction would rule out the favored candidates for CDM, namely weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), such as the neutralino. In this paper we propose a mechanism of non-thermal production of WIMPs and study its implications on the power spectrum. We find that the non-vanishing velocity of the WIMPs suppresses the power spectrum on small scales compared to what it obtained in the conventional CDM model. Our results show that, in this context, WIMPs as candidates for dark matter can work well both on large scales and on sub-galactic scales.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; typo corrected; to appear in PR

    The Reionization of Carbon

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    Observations suggest that CII was more abundant than CIV in the intergalactic medium towards the end of the hydrogen reionization epoch. This transition provides a unique opportunity to study the enrichment history of intergalactic gas and the growth of the ionizing background (UVB) at early times. We study how carbon absorption evolves from z=10-5 using a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation that includes a self-consistent multifrequency UVB as well as a well-constrained model for galactic outflows to disperse metals. Our predicted UVB is within 2-4 times that of Haardt & Madau (2012), which is fair agreement given the uncertainties. Nonetheless, we use a calibration in post-processing to account for Lyman-alpha forest measurements while preserving the predicted spectral slope and inhomogeneity. The UVB fluctuates spatially in such a way that it always exceeds the volume average in regions where metals are found. This implies both that a spatially-uniform UVB is a poor approximation and that metal absorption is not sensitive to the epoch when HII regions overlap globally even at column densites of 10^{12} cm^{-2}. We find, consistent with observations, that the CII mass fraction drops to low redshift while CIV rises owing the combined effects of a growing UVB and continued addition of carbon in low-density regions. This is mimicked in absorption statistics, which broadly agree with observations at z=6-3 while predicting that the absorber column density distributions rise steeply to the lowest observable columns. Our model reproduces the large observed scatter in the number of low-ionization absorbers per sightline, implying that the scatter does not indicate a partially-neutral Universe at z=6.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted to MNRA

    On Kostant's partial order on hyperbolic elements

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    We study Kostant's partial order on the elements of a semisimple Lie group in relations with the finite dimensional representations. In particular, we prove the converse statement of [3, Theorem 6.1] on hyperbolic elements.Comment: 7 page

    Agegraphic Chaplygin gas model of dark energy

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    We establish a connection between the agegraphic models of dark energy and Chaplygin gas energy density in non-flat universe. We reconstruct the potential of the agegraphic scalar field as well as the dynamics of the scalar field according to the evolution of the agegraphic dark energy. We also extend our study to the interacting agegraphic generalized Chaplygin gas dark energy model.Comment: 8 page

    Adhesion-induced lateral phase separation of multi-component membranes: the effect of repellers and confinement

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    We present a theoretical study for adhesion-induced lateral phase separation for a membrane with short stickers, long stickers and repellers confined between two hard walls. The effects of confinement and repellers on lateral phase separation are investigated. We find that the critical potential depth of the stickers for lateral phase separation increases as the distance between the hard walls decreases. This suggests confinement-induced or force-induced mixing of stickers. We also find that stiff repellers tend to enhance, while soft repellers tend to suppress adhesion-induced lateral phase separation

    Duality and phase diagram of one dimensional transport

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    The observation of duality by Mukherji and Mishra in one dimensional transport problems has been used to develop a general approach to classify and characterize the steady state phase diagrams. The phase diagrams are determined by the zeros of a set of coarse-grained functions without the need of detailed knowledge of microscopic dynamics. In the process, a new class of nonequilibrium multicritical points has been identified.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures (4 eps files

    Anomalous Strength Characteristics of Tilt Grain Boundaries in Graphene

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations and first principles calculations, we have studied the structure and mechanical strength of tilt grain boundaries in graphene sheets that arise during CVD growth of graphene on metal substrates. Surprisingly, we find that for tilt boundaries in the vicinity of both the zig-zag and arm-chair orientations, large angle boundaries with a higher density of 5-7 defect pairs are stronger than the low-angle boundaries which are comprised of fewer defects per unit length. Interestingly, the trends in our results cannot be explained by a continuum Griffith-type fracture mechanics criterion, which predicts the opposite trend due to that fact that it does not account for the critical bonds that are responsible for the failure mechanism. We have identified the highly-strained bonds in the 7-member rings that lead to the failure of the sheets, and we have found that large angle boundaries are able to better accommodate the strained 7-rings. Our results provide guidelines for designing growth methods to obtain grain boundary structures that can have strengths close to that of pristine graphene
