8 research outputs found

    Pretvorba elektromagnetskog vala u elektronsko-zvučni val u nehomogenoj plazmi

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    The transverse electromagnetic waves and the longitudinal electron-acoustic waves are coupled to each other by the gradients of density or temperature in a plasma. There are also other coupling factors, such as the static magnetic field or nonlinearities existing in the medium. Due to coupling of waves, excitation of one leads to the generation of the other. This results in mutual transfer of power. In the present paper, the expression for the energy flux of acoustic wave due to conversion of electromagnetic wave passing through an inhomogeneous plasma has been obtained using the W. K. B. method. It is suggested that expansion of ionized shell of hot stars and mass loss would be possibly due to the energy conversion process.Poprečni elektromagnetski valovi i uzdužni elektronsko-zvučni valovi vezani su međusobno gradijentima gustoće i temperature u plazmi. Djeluju i drugi vezni čimbenici, kao statičko magnetsko polje ili nelinearnost plazme. Zbog povezivanja valova, uzbuda jednih stvara druge. Stoga imamo uzajamni prijenos energije. U ovom se radu, primjenom W. K. B. metode, izvodi izraz za tok energije zvučnog vala zbog pretvorbe elektromagnetskog vala koji prolazi nehomogenom plazmom. Izražava se mogućnost da su širenje ionizirane ljuske vrućih zvijezda i gubitak mase posljedica procesa pretvorbe energije

    Nonlinear Ion-Acoustic Waves in Gravitating Dusty Plasma with Non-Isothermal Electrons and Fluctuating Dust Charges

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    Using the reductive perturbation method a theoretical infrastructure has been developed to study the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in self-gravitating multicomponent dusty plasma consisting of positive ions, non-isothermal electrons and negatively charged warm dust particles with fluctuating dust charges and drifting motion. It is shown that instead of coupled nonlinear equations as obtained by earlier authors the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in such a plasma can be described by an uncoupled third order partial differential equation which is a modified form of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. From this equation, quasi-soliton solution is obtained for the ion-acoustic wave. The effects of non-isothermal electrons, gravity, dust charge fluctuations and drifting motion on the ion-acoustic solitary waves are discussed with application in astrophysical contexts. The importance of the model considered here has also been pointed out

    Nonlinear Ion-Acoustic Waves in Gravitating Dusty Plasma with Non-Isothermal Electrons and Fluctuating Dust Charges

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    Using the reductive perturbation method a theoretical infrastructure has been developed to study the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in self-gravitating multicomponent dusty plasma consisting of positive ions, non-isothermal electrons and negatively charged warm dust particles with fluctuating dust charges and drifting motion. It is shown that instead of coupled nonlinear equations as obtained by earlier authors the nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves in such a plasma can be described by an uncoupled third order partial differential equation which is a modified form of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. From this equation, quasi-soliton solution is obtained for the ion-acoustic wave. The effects of non-isothermal electrons, gravity, dust charge fluctuations and drifting motion on the ion-acoustic solitary waves are discussed with application in astrophysical contexts. The importance of the model considered here has also been pointed out