118 research outputs found

    Speculative trading: the price multiplier effect

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    During a speculative episode the price of an item jumps from an initial level p_1 to a peak level p_2 before more or less returning to level p_1. The ratio p_2/p_1 is referred to as the amplitude A of the peak. This paper shows that for a given market the peak amplitude is a linear function of the logarithm of the price at the beginning of the speculative episode; with p_1 expressed in 1999 euros the relationship takes the form: A=alnp1+b A=a\ln p_1 +b ; the values of the parameter a turn out to be relatively independent of the market considered: a0.5 a \simeq 0.5 , the values of the parameter b are more market-dependent, but are stable in the course of time for a given market. This relationship suggests that the higher the stakes the more "bullish" the market becomes. Possible mechanisms of this "risk affinity" effect are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, one figure (4 graphics); to appear in European Physical Journal

    Determining bottom price-levels after a speculative peak

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    During a stock market peak the price of a given stock (i i ) jumps from an initial level p1(i) p_1(i) to a peak level p2(i) p_2(i) before falling back to a bottom level p3(i) p_3(i) . The ratios A(i)=p2(i)/p1(i) A(i) = p_2(i)/p_1(i) and B(i)=p3(i)/p1(i) B(i)= p_3(i)/p_1(i) are referred to as the peak- and bottom-amplitude respectively. The paper shows that for a sample of stocks there is a linear relationship between A(i) A(i) and B(i) B(i) of the form: B=0.4A+b B=0.4A+b . In words, this means that the higher the price of a stock climbs during a bull market the better it resists during the subsequent bear market. That rule, which we call the resilience pattern, also applies to other speculative markets. It provides a useful guiding line for Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 6 pages 5 figures To appear in European Physical Journal

    "Thermometers" of Speculative Frenzy

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    Establishing unambiguously the existence of speculative bubbles is an on-going controversy complicated by the need of defining a model of fundamental prices. Here, we present a novel empirical method which bypasses all the difficulties of the previous approaches by monitoring external indicators of an anomalously growing interest in the public at times of bubbles. From the definition of a bubble as a self-fulfilling reinforcing price change, we identify indicators of a possible self-reinforcing imitation between agents in the market. We show that during the build-up phase of a bubble, there is a growing interest in the public for the commodity in question, whether it consists in stocks, diamonds or coins. That interest can be estimated through different indicators: increase in the number of books published on the topic, increase in the subscriptions to specialized journals. Moreover, the well-known empirical rule according to which the volume of sales is growing during a bull market finds a natural interpretation in this framework: sales increases in fact reveal and pinpoint the progress of the bubble's diffusion throughout society. We also present a simple model of rational expectation which maps exactly onto the Ising model on a random graph. The indicators are then interpreted as ``thermometers'', measuring the balance between idiosyncratic information (noise temperature) and imitation (coupling) strength. In this context, bubbles are interpreted as low or critical temperature phases, where the imitation strength carries market prices up essentially independently of fundamentals. Contrary to the naive conception of a bubble and a crash as times of disorder, on the contrary, we show that bubbles and crashes are times where the concensus is too strong.Comment: 15 pages + 10 figure

    The sharp peak-flat trough pattern and critical speculation

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    We find empirically a characteristic sharp peak-flat trough pattern in a large set of commodity prices. We argue that the sharp peak structure reflects an endogenous inter-market organization, and that peaks may be seen as local ``singularities'' resulting from imitation and herding. These findings impose a novel stringent constraint on the construction of models. Intermittent amplification is not sufficient and nonlinear effects seem necessary to account for the observations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures (only fig.4 and 6 available in ps format), 3 tables, European Physical Journal B (in press

    To sell or not to sell? Behavior of shareholders during price collapses

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    It is a common belief that the behavior of shareholders depends upon the direction of price fluctuations: if prices increase they buy, if prices decrease they sell. That belief, however, is more based on ``common sense'' than on facts. In this paper we present evidence for a specific class of shareholders which shows that the actual behavior of shareholders can be markedly different.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Response Functions to Critical Shocks in Social Sciences: An Empirical and Numerical Study

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    We show that, provided one focuses on properly selected episodes, one can apply to the social sciences the same observational strategy that has proved successful in natural sciences such as astrophysics or geodynamics. For instance, in order to probe the cohesion of a policy, one can, in different countries, study the reactions to some huge and sudden exogenous shocks, which we call Dirac shocks. This approach naturally leads to the notion of structural (as opposed or complementary to temporal) forecast. Although structural predictions are by far the most common way to test theories in the natural sciences, they have been much less used in the social sciences. The Dirac shock approach opens the way to testing structural predictions in the social sciences. The examples reported here suggest that critical events are able to reveal pre-existing ``cracks'' because they probe the social cohesion which is an indicator and predictor of future evolution of the system, and in some cases foreshadows a bifurcation. We complement our empirical work with numerical simulations of the response function (``damage spreading'') to Dirac shocks in the Sznajd model of consensus build-up. We quantify the slow relaxation of the difference between perturbed and unperturbed systems, the conditions under which the consensus is modified by the shock and the large variability from one realization to another

    Three-state herding model of the financial markets

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    We propose a Markov jump process with the three-state herding interaction. We see our approach as an agent-based model for the financial markets. Under certain assumptions this agent-based model can be related to the stochastic description exhibiting sophisticated statistical features. Along with power-law probability density function of the absolute returns we are able to reproduce the fractured power spectral density, which is observed in the high-frequency financial market data. Given example of consistent agent-based and stochastic modeling will provide background for the further developments in the research of complex social systems.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual (SBOL Visual) Version 2.0

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    People who are engineering biological organisms often find it useful to communicate in diagrams, both about the structure of the nucleic acid sequences that they are engineering and about the functional relationships between sequence features and other molecular species. Some typical practices and conventions have begun to emerge for such diagrams. The Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual (SBOL Visual) has been developed as a standard for organizing and systematizing such conventions in order to produce a coherent language for expressing the structure and function of genetic designs. This document details version 2.0 of SBOL Visual, which builds on the prior SBOL Visual 1.0 standard by expanding diagram syntax to include functional interactions and molecular species, making the relationship between diagrams and the SBOL data model explicit, supporting families of symbol variants, clarifying a number of requirements and best practices, and significantly expanding the collection of diagram glyphs