9 research outputs found


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    Data on distribution of coenurosis in sheep, its economic damage and dеvelopment of vaccine against this disease are submitted. Coenurosis is being registered yearly in 5–12 % of sheep in sheep farms. In sheep farms each sheep produces yearly 2–3 kg less wool, 15–20 kg less meet products. About 5 % of lambs die annually from coenurosis. While the average price for a lamb is 3 thousand roubles the total damage is more than 3 billion roubles. Economic losses can be reduced by hundreds of times due to implementation of vaccine against coenurosis. According to the results of immunization of sheep with vaccine developed by authors the number of infected sheep has been reduced by 10 times in the first year, in the second year – up to 0,5–0,01 %, in the third year – the vaccine hasn't been used.Приведены данные о распространении, экономическом ущербе от ценуроза овец и разработке вакцины для борьбы с ним. Ценуроз ежегодно регистрируют у 5–12 % поголовья овец в овцеводческих хозяйствах. От каждой овцы хозяйства недополучают в год по 2–3 кг шерсти, 15–20 кг мясной продукции. Около 5 % ягнят ежегодно погибают от ценуроза. При средней стоимости ягненка 3 тыс. рублей общий ущерб составляет более 3 млрд рублей. При внедрении противоценурозной вакцины экономические потери можно сократить в сотни раз. По результатам иммунизации ягнят вакциной, разработанной авторами, число заболевших овец в первый год уменьшилось в 10 раз, на второй – снизилось до 0,5–0,01 %, на третий год применения вакцины заболевания не отмечали.


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    Objective of research: the analysis of Coenurus cerebralis found in the brain of a bison from Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Biosphere Reserve of the Moscow region. Materials and methods. We have conducted the euthanasia and dissection of the brain of a bison calf due to manifestation of clinical neurological symptoms. Results and discussion: After brain dissection, a strange large dumb-bell shaped vesicle was revealed in the brain tissue. On the inner surface of the vesicle the protoscolexes of helminth were found. The surrounding brain tissue was significantly atrophied, cerebral meninges were swollen, and fissures were smoothed. To confirm the species belonging of the parasite, a part of surface with 50 protoscolexes was fed to a 6 mo. aged dog. 2,5 months later, Тaenia multiceps proglottids were revealed in dog’s feces, which confirmed the belonging of Coenurus cerebralis. It was found, that the bison might be one of the intermediate hosts for this helminthЦель исследования – анализ обнаружения Coenurus cerebralis в головном мозге зубра в Приокско-Террасном заповеднике Московской области. Материалы и методы. Проведена эвтаназия и вскрытие черепной коробки бычка зубра по причине проявления клинических симптомов нервной этиологии. Результаты и обсуждение. После вскрытия черепной коробки в толще ткани мозга был обнаружен крупный пузырь необычной гантелевидной формы. На внутренней оболочке пузыря были обнаружены протосколексы гельминта. Окружающая мозговая ткань была в значительной степени атрофирована, оболочки головного мозга отечны, борозды сглажены. Для подтверждения видовой принадлежности паразита часть оболочки с 50 протосколексами была скормлена 6-месячной собаке. Через 2,5 мес в фекалиях собаки были обнаружены членики Тaenia multiceps, что указывало на принадлежность пузыря Coenurus cerebralis. Выяснено, что одним из промежуточных хозяев данного гельминта может являться зубр


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    Data on distribution of coenurosis in sheep, its economic damage and dеvelopment of vaccine against this disease are submitted. Coenurosis is being registered yearly in 5–12 % of sheep in sheep farms. In sheep farms each sheep produces yearly 2–3 kg less wool, 15–20 kg less meet products. About 5 % of lambs die annually from coenurosis. While the average price for a lamb is 3 thousand roubles the total damage is more than 3 billion roubles. Economic losses can be reduced by hundreds of times due to implementation of vaccine against coenurosis. According to the results of immunization of sheep with vaccine developed by authors the number of infected sheep has been reduced by 10 times in the first year, in the second year – up to 0,5–0,01 %, in the third year – the vaccine hasn't been used


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    Objective of research: the analysis of Coenurus cerebralis found in the brain of a bison from Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Biosphere Reserve of the Moscow region. Materials and methods. We have conducted the euthanasia and dissection of the brain of a bison calf due to manifestation of clinical neurological symptoms. Results and discussion: After brain dissection, a strange large dumb-bell shaped vesicle was revealed in the brain tissue. On the inner surface of the vesicle the protoscolexes of helminth were found. The surrounding brain tissue was significantly atrophied, cerebral meninges were swollen, and fissures were smoothed. To confirm the species belonging of the parasite, a part of surface with 50 protoscolexes was fed to a 6 mo. aged dog. 2,5 months later, Тaenia multiceps proglottids were revealed in dog’s feces, which confirmed the belonging of Coenurus cerebralis. It was found, that the bison might be one of the intermediate hosts for this helmint

    Kinship, ethnicity and religion in post-Communist societies:Russia's autonomous republic of Kabardino-Balkariya

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    International audienceAmong the consequences of and the subsequent breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 has been the rise of ethnic nationalism. In the non-Russian parts of the former USSR this process has been accompanied by the reactivation of clan and other primordial social networks which under Soviet Communism had been in abeyance. This article, based on extensive field research material, examines political and social transformation in post-Communist Kabardino-Balkariya, a Russian Muslim autonomy in the North Caucasus. In particular, it analyses the nature of the nation-building policies of the ruling regime, and its relationship with the clan system. It is also concerned with Islamic revival and Islamic radicalism in the region and their correlation with the Islam-related republican and wider federal policies. The article reveals some grey areas in the current academic debate on ethnicity and nationalism and injects more conceptual syncretism into the study of post-Communist societies


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