16 research outputs found
Achievements in the titanium production development
Titanium sponge process flowchart includes the following main operations: concentrates reduction melting (example for concentrate from the Obukhovskoe field, the Republic of Kazakhstan), chlorination of obtained titanium slug, refining of industrial tetrachloride and ma gnesium-thermic reduction of titanium tetrachloride purified from any impurities. This paper presents the results of material flows balance studies and quality analysis of the technological products. It is shown that stillage bottoms pulp feed on the melt mirror of potassium chloride electrolyte with a speed less than 2,5 t/h excludes the temperature overshoot within 570 - 620 °C of titanium tetrachloride vapors sublimation. Chlorinator melt bubbling in the process initial period with dried air (nitrogen) can significantly improve the quality of titanium products
Modelowanie filtracji dwufazowej podczas zabiegu szczelinowania
Aim of this work is to demonstrate a simulation of two-phase filtration in ruptures of breakdown which stated by mechanical conception of interpenetrating continuums. The worked out computing method forecasts degree of drowning, an amount of stocked up oil extraction and oil extraction ratio. Design data is in satisfactory fit with hydraulic fracturing coefficients got in industrial acceptance of oil fields.Celem pracy jest pokazanie symulacji filtracji dwufazowej w szczelinach w trakcie zabiegu mechanicznego przerywania ciągłości wzajemnie penetrujących się continuów. Opracowana metoda obliczeniowa stosowana jest do szacowania stopnia zatopienia, stosunku ilości produktywnej ropy do produktywnego gazu. Dane projektowe w pełni zgadzają się ze współczynnikami uzyskanymi ze złóż naftowych
Effects of microorganisms and their metabolites on nonferrous and precious metal ores leaching
There were spent researches and elaboration on biochemical leaching of persistent gold-bearing raw materials. Alongside, properties of bacterial solutions were studied, with the help of mathematical planning of experiments there was spent an analysis of the process on biochemical leaching of gold-bearing flotation concentrate and gold sorption from solutions, kinetic floating concentrate leaching parameters in alkaline-cyanide and bacterial solution process were established.
There were spent huge laboratory tests on biochemical sorption leaching of flotation concentrate technology of one of gold mining enterprises of Kazakhstan, recommendations on elaborated technology into industrial manufacture were presented as well
Elecrocemical formation of semiconductor nanocrystalline thin films from complex electrolyts
The present paper deals with the influence of 2, 2/-dipyridil and 1,10-fenantroline heterocyclic amines on electrochemical formation of nanocrystalline thin-film of CdTe, Cu2Se, CuInSe2 semi-conductor compounds are established. Used heterocyclic amines are waterproof surface-active substances which are specifically adsorbed on an electrode surface at the expense of waterproof interactions and π-eleсtrons of aromatic rings. As a result of it the change of superficial activity of protondonors without change of рН in the volume of solution are observed. The heterocyclic amines form thermodinamic steady complexes with Cd (II) and In (III) ions and stabilize Cu (I) ions. Changing concentration of heterocyclic amines at electrochemical formation of CdTe, Cu2Se, CuInSe2 semiconductor thin films with the necessary qualitative and quantitative characteristics are received. The size of semiconductor compounds particles has made 30–50 Å
Study and development of advanced technology for silver sorption recovery from multicomponent leaching solutions
We thoroughly studied chemo-physical mechanisms of selective silver recovery from multicomponent cyanide solutions with polycondensate anionites. Proposed study was aimed at developing technological pattern of silver sorption recovery from cyanide solutions produced in ores and concentrates leaching processes. The ion-exchange silver recovery from cyanide solutions was performed with hard, chemically stable polycondensate anionites series “Ional”. The Ional А-1 and Ional А-1а were selected due to their earlier proved unreactiveness to gold cyanide complexes while they are effective sorbents of nonferrous metals cyanide complexes, at the same time the Ional А-7 shows a higher gold sorption capacity and improved kinetics in gold as compared to the AM-2B. Completed study proved that the Ional А-1 and Ional А-1а weakly sorbed silver while they effectively sorbed associated manganese, sulfur and arsenic anions; at that, the Ional А-7 showed higher sorption and kinetic capacity in silver as compared to the AM-2B. Scaled-up laboratory tests of leaching solution of gold-containing flotation concentrate, mg/dm3: 10.0 Au; 6.4 Ag-silver holding capacity of Ional А-7 was increased by 19.8 times as compared to the same capacity without purification and amounted 81.4 mg/g by precious metals. Individual gold and silver eluates, which rich fractions contained: Au-3500 mg/dm3, Ag-4020 mg/dm3, were produced through desorption process
Zastosowanie procesorów graficznych GPU w rozwoju trójwymiarowych symulatorów hydrodynamicznych w planowaniu wtórnego wydobycia ropy naftowej
In this article computer's graphics card application in prediction of oil recovery using the CUDA architecture is studied. CUDA is architecture of parallel computing made by NVIDIA Company. It allows increasing dramatically the calculating performance due to GPU (graphical processors) usage. Calculations were executed on field models with 3 million grid blocks. Material balance equation approximated with IMPES method. As the result of numerical modeling of oil recovery prediction with GPU, dozens of times acceleration of calculations comparing with CPU has been taken.Artykuł przedstawia badania nad programem graficznym wykorzystywanym w planowaniu wtórnego wydobycia ropy naftowej z wykorzystaniem równoległego systemu obliczeniowego CUDA. CUDA jest systemem stworzonym przez firmę NVIDIA. Pozwala on na ogromne zwiększenie mocy obliczeniowej poprzez zastosowanie procesorów graficznych GPU. Porównane zostały wyniki osiągnięte od roku 2003 obliczone z wykorzystaniem zwykłego procesora CPU oraz procesora graficznego GPU. Obliczenia zostały wykonane na modelu złożowym wykonanym na siatce przestrzennej złożonej z 3 milionów komórek. Równanie bilansu masowego w przybliżeniu opisuje metoda przepływu dwufazowego w ośrodku porowatym typu IMPES. W rezultacie modelowania numerycznego wtórnego wydobycia ropy naftowej z wykorzystaniem procesora graficznego GPU, wyniki obliczeń uzyskano wielokrotnie szybciej niż w przypadku stosowania procesora typu CPU
Modelowanie wypierania ropy przez iniekcję ciepłej wody przez odśrodkowe kanały o wysokiej przepuszczalności
In this paper we investigate the efficiency of water-oil displacement by injecting hot water into the stratum through the highly permeable radial channels, created by jetting method of drilling. Increasing of the oil recovery factor and the volume of cumulative production by 7-12% showed as a result of our calculations.W niniejszym artykule opisano badania wydajności wypierania ropy przez wstrzyknięcie ciepłej wody w warstwę przepuszczalną przez kanały promieniste o dużej przepuszczalności, wytworzone metodą "jettingu". W wyniku przeprowadzonych obliczeń stwierdzono zwiększenie współczynnika wydobycia ropy naftowej oraz całkowitej wielkości produkcji o 7-12%
Extraction of gold from heap cyanic solutions of polymetallic ores by polycondensational anionites
The object of the research are polycondensational anionites on the basis of Diglicydil Resorcin Ether (DGRE), Allyl-Bromide (АB) and Poly-2-Methyl-5-Vinylpyridine (PMVP) – Ional A-7; Allyl-Glycide Ether (AGE) with PMVP – Ional A-13, model and technological solutions having different microbiological concentration of cyanide complexes of gold and extrinsic metals. The goal of the work lies in setting the main physico-chemical rules of gold and competitive extrinsic metals behavior in ion exchange system, and in developing an effective method to extract gold from multicomponent cyanic solutions by means of using less expensive ionites. Standardized analysis, potentiometer titration, element, chemical, infrared spectroscopic, spectral, and roentgen-phase analysis methods were used in the present research. Scientific and applied researches defined and scientifically justified sorption characteristics of kazakhstani resins Ional A-7 and Ional A-13, possessing the same relative turgescence in water as anionite AM-2B. Ional A-7 and Ional A-13 as anionite AM-2B are related to anionites of mixed basicity, containing relatively same quantity of Quaternary Aluminium Base (QAB). Resin AM-2B is exceeded by Anionite Ional A-7 regarding its capacity and kinetic characteristics, and by Anionite Ional А-13 on selectivity according to iones of gold cyanic complexes. It is justified by higher concentration of QAB in the first ionite and, admittedly, higher density of structural links lacing of the second ionite
Development of resource saving technology for gold recovery with intensifying additives
Study of biochemical leaching performances in gold-bearing sulfide minerals processing enabled to develop environmentally sound technology of enhanced gold recovery from rebellious gold-containing raw materials.
It was found that the Т-10 IMO bacteria activity contributes to increasing system oxygen concentrations and incrementing in rates of oxygen delivery onto surface of gold-bearing minerals. Bacteria activity products, i.e., amino-acids (А), support the formation of such heterocomplexes as [A-Au-CN]– , providing additional gold recovery into solutions.
Technological properties of proposed bacteria solutions were studied. It was found that the proposed bacteria inoculants are capable to growing directly in process of raw materials leaching within a large pH range of media containing cyanides and thiosulfates. They oxidize the sulfur to the sulfate, as well as the antimony (III) and arsenic (III) sulfides to the pentads. For the first time, the hydrophobic cells properties, metabolites emulsifying efficiency, adsorption properties, wetting ability, surface tension and electro-kinetic potential of new bacteria strain solutions were studied as compared with chemical solutions. It was found that the proposed bacteria inoculants reduce surface tension at the solvent-mineral and solvent-concentrate phase boundaries. All above-mentioned effects enhance mass-transfer processes efficiency. IR-spectroscopy of new bacteria strain culture liquid allowed identifying available amino acids which substantially contribute to heterocomplex anion [A-Au-CN]– formation. Active involvement of heterotrophic bacteria in gold dissolving processes was identified. It was shown that the structure of metals complexes is substantially modified at intensive pulp agitation and during long-term storage.
Fractional-order reaction in biochemical and chemical gold leaching was identified. It evidences that the gold and impurity metals dissolving processes advance in synchronism. The both processes are running in diffusion zone. Biochemical leaching has advantages over chemical leaching, i.e., it provides enhanced rates of precious metals dissolving, improved gold recovery by 20–30%, decreased cyanide consumption by 50%. At the same time it allows to decontaminate dangerous substances contained in productive solutions produced in rebellious gold-containing raw materials processing
Development of new modifying reagent- assisted technology for rebellious gold-bearing ores processing
Due to ever-aggravating depletion of grade raw materials reserves lean persistent ores are involved in processing operations. Fine gold impregnations in sulphides and rock-forming minerals require increased volumes of rock masses to be mined and processed. Also, before to start dressing processes such raw materials shall be subjected to finish grinding, i.e., gravitation, flotation, cyanide leaching etc., that results in decreasing technological parameters and excess consumption of toxic flotation reagents