74 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of a technique to generate arbitrary quantum superposition states

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    Using a single, harmonically trapped 9^9Be+^+ ion, we experimentally demonstrate a technique for generation of arbitrary states of a two-level particle confined by a harmonic potential. Rather than engineering a single Hamiltonian that evolves the system to a desired final sate, we implement a technique that applies a sequence of simple operations to synthesize the state

    Inducing LIPSS by multi-pass and cross-directional scanning of femtosecond beam over surface of thin metal films

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    During interaction of femtosecond laser beam with metal surfaces, laser induced pe- riodic nanostructures, LIPSS can be formed, which may improve properties of materials. Having excellent mechanical properties, multilayer thin films, like 5x(Al/Ti)@Si, are con- venient for forming of high quality LIPSS [1] due to their multilayer structure. We have exposed the multilayer thin film metal systems 5x(Al/Ti)@Si with femtosecond beam from the laser system Coherent Mira 900 in NIR with various scanning configurations [2]. The irradiated samples have been analyzed by Tescan Mira3 SEM. The beam scanned over the surface of the samples with multi-pass and cross-directional scanning configurations with the change of polarization direction. The formation of LIPSS is most probably due to the occurence of surface plasmon polariton, which leads to the periodic distribution of energy on the sample surface. The orientation of the LIPSS is related to the direction of the beam polarization. During multi-pass scanning, LIPSS maintained its configuration. The preservation of structures occured to some extent. Depending on the accumulated energy, two forms of LIPSS were generated: “hills”, for less accumulation, and “trenches” for greater accumulation. “Hills” are non-ablative, probably are due to the build-up of the material and are parallel to the polarization direction. “Trenches” are formed by ablation and are perpendicular to the polarization direction. During cross-directional scanning, LIPSS of orthogonal directions have been generated. The value of the “hills” period was around 360 nm and the width was ∼285 nm. The values of “trenches” period fluctuated between 320 and 380 nm, while width was between 85 and 45 nm. Proposed mechanism is that, for less accumulated energy, “hills” formed, while more accumulated energy leads to the ablation and formation of “trenches”.UltrafastLight-2018 : International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science : Book of Abstracts, October 1-5, 2018, Moscow, Russi

    Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator: Experimental Application to Nonlinear Interferometers

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    We show how an experimentally realized set of operations on a single trapped ion is sufficient to simulate a wide class of Hamiltonians of a spin-1/2 particle in an external potential. This system is also able to simulate other physical dynamics. As a demonstration, we simulate the action of an nn-th order nonlinear optical beamsplitter. Two of these beamsplitters can be used to construct an interferometer sensitive to phase shifts in one of the interferometer beam paths. The sensitivity in determining these phase shifts increases linearly with nn, and the simulation demonstrates that the use of nonlinear beamsplitters (nn=2,3) enhances this sensitivity compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by a linear beamsplitter (nn=1)

    Collisional kinetics of non-uniform electric field, low-pressure, direct-current discharges in H2_{2}

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    A model of the collisional kinetics of energetic hydrogen atoms, molecules, and ions in pure H2_2 discharges is used to predict Hα_\alpha emission profiles and spatial distributions of emission from the cathode regions of low-pressure, weakly-ionized discharges for comparison with a wide variety of experiments. Positive and negative ion energy distributions are also predicted. The model developed for spatially uniform electric fields and current densities less than 10310^{-3} A/m2^2 is extended to non-uniform electric fields, current densities of 10310^{3} A/m2^2, and electric field to gas density ratios E/N=1.3E/N = 1.3 MTd at 0.002 to 5 Torr pressure. (1 Td = 102110^{-21} V m2^2 and 1 Torr = 133 Pa) The observed far-wing Doppler broadening and spatial distribution of the Hα_\alpha emission is consistent with reactions among H+^+, H2+_2^+, H3+_3^+, and HH^-H ions, fast H atoms, and fast H2_2 molecules, and with reflection, excitation, and attachment to fast H atoms at surfaces. The Hα_\alpha excitation and H^- formation occur principally by collisions of fast H, fast H2_2, and H+^+ with H2_2. Simplifications include using a one-dimensional geometry, a multi-beam transport model, and the average cathode-fall electric field. The Hα_\alpha emission is linear with current density over eight orders of magnitude. The calculated ion energy distributions agree satisfactorily with experiment for H2+_2^+ and H3+_3^+, but are only in qualitative agreement for H+^+ and H^-. The experiments successfully modeled range from short-gap, parallel-plane glow discharges to beam-like, electrostatic-confinement discharges.Comment: Submitted to Plasmas Sources Science and Technology 8/18/201

    Sympathetic cooling of 9Be+^9Be^+ and 24Mg+^{24}Mg^+ for quantum logic

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    We demonstrate the cooling of a two species ion crystal consisting of one 9Be+^9Be^+ and one 24Mg+^{24}Mg^+ ion. Since the respective cooling transitions of these two species are separated by more than 30 nm, laser manipulation of one ion has negligible effect on the other even when the ions are not individually addressed. As such this is a useful system for re-initializing the motional state in an ion trap quantum computer without affecting the qubit information. Additionally, we have found that the mass difference between ions enables a novel method for detecting and subsequently eliminating the effects of radio frequency (RF) micro-motion.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Status and New Data of the Geochemical Determination of the pp-Neutrino Flux by LOREX

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    LOREX LORandite EXperiment addresses the determination of the solar pp neutrino flux during the last four million years by exploiting the reaction 205 Tl ν e → 205 Pb e − with an incomparably low-energy threshold of 50 keV for the capture of solar neutrinos. The ratio of 205 Pb/ 205 Tl atoms in the Tl-bearing mineral lorandite provides, if corrected for the cosmic-ray induced background, the product of the flux of solar neutrinos and their capture probability by 205 Tl, averaged over the age of lorandite. To get the mean solar neutrino flux itself, four problems have to be addressed: 1 the geological age of lorandite, 2 the amount of background cosmicray-induced 205 Pb atoms which strongly depends on the erosion rate of the lorandite-bearing rocks, 3 the capture probability of solar neutrinos by 205 Tl and 4 the extraction of lorandite and the appropriate technique to "count" the small number of 205 Pb atoms in relation to the number of 205 Tl atoms. This paper summarizes the status of items 1 age and 3 neutrino capture probability and presents in detail the progress achieved most recently concerning the items 2 background/erosion and 4 "counting" of 205 Pb atoms in lorandite