224 research outputs found

    Exploring the relationship between effective and reflective practice in applied sport psychology

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    This study offers an investigation into the concept of effective practice in applied sport psychology (ASP) with emphasis being placed upon the role that reflective practice may have in helping practitioners to develop the effectiveness of their service delivery. Focus groups (n = 2), consisting of accredited and trainee sport psychologists, were conducted to generate a working definition of effective practice, and discuss the concept of effectiveness development through engagement in reflective practices. The resulting definition encapsulated a multidimensional process involving reflection-on-practice. Initial support for the definition was gained through consensus validation involving accredited sport psychologists (n = 34) who agreed with the notion that although effectiveness is context specific it is related to activities designed to meet client needs. Reflective practice emerged as a vital component in the development of effectiveness, with participants highlighting that reflection is intrinsically linked to service delivery, and a key tool for experiential learning.</jats:p

    Characterization of Polyphosphoesters by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry

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    FT-ICR mass spectrometry, together with collision-induced dissociation and electron capture dissociation, has been used to characterize the polyphosphoester poly[1,4-bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate-alt-ethyloxyphosphate] and its degradation products. Three degradation pathways were elucidated: hydrolysis of the phosphate–[1,4-bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate]bonds; hydrolysis of the phosphate–ethoxy bonds; and hydrolysis of the ethyl–terephthalate bonds. The dominant degradation reactions were those that involved the phosphate groups. This work constitutes the first application of mass spectrometry to the characterization of polyphosphoesters and demonstrates the suitability of high mass accuracy FT-ICR mass spectrometry, with CID and ECD, for the structural analysis of polyphosphoesters and their degradation products

    Effects of precompetition state anxiety interventions on performance time and accuracy among amateur soccer players: Revisiting the matching hypothesis

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    In this study, we tested the matching ypothesis, which contends that administration of a cognitive or somatic anxiety intervention should be matched to a participant's dominant anxiety response. Sixty-one male soccer players (mean age 31.6 years, s=6.3) were assigned to one of four groups based on their responses to the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2, which was modified to include a directional scale. Interventions were randomly administered in a counterbalanced order 10 min before each performance trial on a soccer skill test. The dominantly cognitive anxious group (n=17), the dominantly somatic anxious group (n=17), and the non-anxious control intervention group (n=14) completed a baseline performance trial. The second and third trials were completed with random administration of brief cognitive and somatic interventions. The non-anxious control group (n=13) completed three trials with no intervention. A mixed-model, GroupTreatment multivariate analysis of variance indicated significant (P0.05), or performance time or accuracy (P>0.05). The present findings do not provide support for the matching hypothesis for state anxiety intensity and direction, or for performance

    A structural and catalytic model for zinc phosphoesterases

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    A structural model for the active site of phosphoesterases, enzymes that degrade organophosphate neurotoxins, has been synthesised. The ligand 2-((2-hydroxy-3-(((2-hydroxyethyl)(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)methyl)-5-methylbenzyl)(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)amino)acetic acid (H(3)L1) and two Zn(ii) complexes have been prepared and characterised as and The ligand (H(3)L1) and complex were characterised through (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, mass spectroscopy and microanalysis. The X-ray crystal structure of revealed a tetramer of dinuclear complexes, bridged by two phosphate molecules and bifurcating acetic acid arms. Functional studies of the zinc complex with the substrate bis(4-nitrophenyl)phosphate (bNPP) determined the complex with HL1(2-) to be a competent catalyst with k(cat) = 1.26 0.06 x 10(-6) s(-1)

    The Golden meteorite fall: Fireball trajectory, orbit, and meteorite characterization

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    The Golden (British Columbia, Canada) meteorite fall occurred on October 4, 2021 at 0534 UT with the first recovered fragment (1.3 kg) landing on an occupied bed. The associated fireball was recorded by numerous cameras permitting reconstruction of its trajectory and orbit. The fireball entered the atmosphere at a 54° angle from the horizontal at a speed of 18 km s−1. The fireball reached a peak brightness of −14, having first become luminous at a height of >84 km and ending at 18 km altitude. Analysis of the infrasonic record of the bolide produced an estimated mass of (Formula presented.) kg while modeling of the fireball light curve suggests an initial mass near 70 kg. The fireball experienced a major flare near 31 km altitude where more than half its mass was lost in the form of dust and gram-sized fragments under a dynamic pressure of 3.3 MPa. The strength and fragmentation behavior of the fireball were similar to those reported for other meteorite-producing fireballs (Borovička et al., 2020). Seven days after the fireball occurred, an additional 0.9 kg fragment was recovered during the second day of dedicated searching guided by initial trajectory and dark flight calculations. Additional searching in the fall and spring of 2021–2022 located no additional fragments. The meteorite is an unbrecciated, low-shock (S2) ordinary chondrite of intermediate composition, typed as an L/LL5 with a grain density of ~3530 k gm−3, an average bulk density of 3150 kg m−3 and calculated porosity of ~10%. From noble gas measurements, the cosmic ray exposure age is 25 ± 4 Ma while gas retention ages are all >2 Ga. Short-lived radionuclides and noble gas measurements of the pre-atmospheric size overlap with estimates from infrasound and light curve modeling producing a preferred pre-atmospheric mass of 70–200 kg. The orbit of Golden has a high inclination (23.5°) and is consistent with delivery from the inner main belt. The highest probability (60%) of an origin is from the Hungaria group. We propose that Golden may originate among the background S-type asteroids found interspersed in the Hungaria region. The current collection of 18 L/LL—chondrite orbits shows a strong preference for origins in the inner main belt, suggesting multiple parent bodies may be required to explain the diversity in CRE ages and shock states

    An EBSD study of the deformation of service-aged 316 austenitic steel

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to examine the plastic deformation of an ex-service 316 austenitic stainless steel at 297K and 823K (24 °C and 550 °C)at strain rates 3.5x10-3 to 4 x 10-7 s-1. The distribution of local misorientations was found to depend on the imposed plastic strain following a lognormal distribution at true strains 0.1. At 823 K (550 °C), the distribution of misorientations depended on the applied strain rate. The evolution of lattice misorientations with increasing plastic strain up to 0.23 was quantified using the metrics kernel average misorientation, average intragrain misorientation, and low angle misorientation fraction. For strain rate down to 10-5 s-1 all metrics were insensitive to deformation temperature, mode (tension vs. compression) and orientation of the measurement plane. The strain sensitivity of the different metrics was found to depend on the misorientation ranges considered in their calculation. A simple new metric, proportion of undeformed grains, is proposed for assessing strain in both aged and unaged material. Lattice misorientations build up with strain faster in aged steel than in un-aged material and most of the metrics were sensitive to the effects of thermal aging. Ignoring aging effects leads to significant overestimation of the strains around welds. The EBSD results were compared with nanohardness measurements and good agreement established between the two techniques of assessing plastic strain in aged 316 steel