772 research outputs found

    Beneficial and detrimental actions of histamine H1- and H2-receptor antagonists in circulatory shock

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    Absence of Magnetism in Hcp Iron-Nickel at 11 K

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    Synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy (SMS) was performed on an hcp-phase alloy of composition Fe92Ni8 at a pressure of 21 GPa and a temperature of 11 K. Density functional theoretical calculations predict antiferromagnetism in both hcp Fe and hcp Fe-Ni. For hcp Fe, these calculations predict no hyperfine magnetic field, consistent with previous experiments. For hcp Fe-Ni, however, substantial hyperfine magnetic fields are predicted, but these were not observed in the SMS spectra. Two possible explanations are suggested. First, small but significant errors in the generalized gradient approximation density functional may lead to an erroneous prediction of magnetic order or of erroneous hyperfine magnetic fields in antiferromagnetic hcp Fe-Ni. Alternately, quantum fluctuations with periods much shorter than the lifetime of the nuclear excited state would prohibit the detection of moments by SMS

    Vibrational modes in nanocrystalline iron under high pressure

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    The phonon density of states (DOS) of nanocrystalline 57Fe was measured using nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS) at pressures up to 28 GPa in a diamond anvil cell. The nanocrystalline material exhibited an enhancement in its DOS at low energies by a factor of 2.2. This enhancement persisted throughout the entire pressure range, although it was reduced to about 1.7 after decompression. The low-energy regions of the spectra were fitted to the function AEn, giving values of n close to 2 for both the bulk control sample and the nanocrystalline material, indicative of nearly three-dimensional vibrational dynamics. At higher energies, the van Hove singularities observed in both samples were coincident in energy and remained so at all pressures, indicating that the forces conjugate to the normal coordinates of the nanocrystalline materials are similar to the interatomic potentials of bulk crystals

    Cooperation across multiple healthcare clinics on the cloud

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    Many healthcare units are creating cloud strategies and mi- gration plans in order to exploit the benefits of cloud based computing. This generally involves collaboration between healthcare specialists and data management researchers to create a new wave of healthcare tech- nology and services. However, in many cases the technology pioneers are ahead of government policies as cloud based storage of healthcare data is not yet permissible in many jurisdictions. One approach is to store anonymised data on the cloud and maintain all identifying data locally. At login time, a simple protocol can be developed to allow clinicians to combine both sets of data for selected patients for the current session. However, the management of o↵-cloud identifying data requires a frame- work to ensure sharing and availability of data within clinics and the ability to share data between users in remote clinics. In this paper, we introduce the PACE healthcare architecture which uses a combination of Cloud and Peer-to-Peer technologies to model healthcare units or clin- ics where o↵-cloud data is accessible to all, and where exchange of data between remote healthcare units is also facilitated

    Network-wide Configuration Synthesis

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    Computer networks are hard to manage. Given a set of high-level requirements (e.g., reachability, security), operators have to manually figure out the individual configuration of potentially hundreds of devices running complex distributed protocols so that they, collectively, compute a compatible forwarding state. Not surprisingly, operators often make mistakes which lead to downtimes. To address this problem, we present a novel synthesis approach that automatically computes correct network configurations that comply with the operator's requirements. We capture the behavior of existing routers along with the distributed protocols they run in stratified Datalog. Our key insight is to reduce the problem of finding correct input configurations to the task of synthesizing inputs for a stratified Datalog program. To solve this synthesis task, we introduce a new algorithm that synthesizes inputs for stratified Datalog programs. This algorithm is applicable beyond the domain of networks. We leverage our synthesis algorithm to construct the first network-wide configuration synthesis system, called SyNET, that support multiple interacting routing protocols (OSPF and BGP) and static routes. We show that our system is practical and can infer correct input configurations, in a reasonable amount time, for networks of realistic size (> 50 routers) that forward packets for multiple traffic classes.Comment: 24 Pages, short version published in CAV 201

    Structural, electronic, and magnetic characteristics of Np_2Co_(17)

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    A previously unknown neptunium-transition-metal binary compound Np_2Co_(17) has been synthesized and characterized by means of powder x-ray diffraction, ^(237)Np Mössbauer spectroscopy, superconducting-quantum-interference-device magnetometry, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The compound crystallizes in a Th_2Ni_(17)-type hexagonal structure with room-temperature lattice parameters α=8.3107(1) Å and c=8.1058(1) Å. Magnetization curves indicate the occurrence of ferromagnetic order below T_C>350 K. Mössbauer spectra suggest a Np^(3+) oxidation state and give an ordered moment of μ_(Np)=1.57(4) μ_B and μ_(Np)=1.63(4) μ_B for the Np atoms located, respectively, at the 2b and 2d crystallographic positions of the P6_3/mmc space group. Combining these values with a sum-rule analysis of the XMCD spectra measured at the neptunium M_(4,5) absorption edges, one obtains the spin and orbital contributions to the site-averaged Np moment [μ_S=−1.88(9) μ_B, μ_L=3.48(9) μ_B]. The ratio between the expectation value of the magnetic-dipole moment and the spin magnetic moment (m_(md)/μS=+1.36) is positive as predicted for localized 5f electrons and lies between the values calculated in intermediate-coupling (IC) and jj approximations. The expectation value of the angular part of the spin-orbit-interaction operator is in excellent agreement with the IC estimate. The ordered moment averaged over the four inequivalent Co sites, as obtained from the saturation value of the magnetization, is μ_(Co)≃1.6 μ_B. The experimental results are discussed against the predictions of first-principles electronic-structure calculations based on the spin-polarized local-spin-density approximation plus the Hubbard interaction

    Dynamics of iron atoms across the pressure-induced Invar transition in Pd_3Fe

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    The ^(57)Fe phonon partial density of states (PDOS) in L1_2-ordered Pd_3Fe was studied at high pressures by nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS) measurements and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The NRIXS spectra showed that the stiffening of the ^(57)Fe PDOS with decreasing volume was slower from 12 to 24 GPa owing to the pressure-induced Invar transition in Pd_3Fe, with a change from a high-moment ferromagnetic (FM) state to a low-moment (LM) state observed by nuclear forward scattering. Force constants obtained from fitting to a Born–von Kármán model showed a relative softening of the first-nearest-neighbor (1NN) Fe-Pd longitudinal force constants at the magnetic transition. For the FM low-pressure state, the DFT calculations gave a PDOS and 1NN longitudinal force constants in good agreement with experiment, but discrepancies for the high-pressure LM state suggest the presence of short-range magnetic order

    Electronic structure and vibrational entropies of fcc Au-Fe alloys

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    Phonon density of states (DOS) curves were measured on alloys of face-centered-cubic (fcc) Au-Fe using nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS) and inelastic neutron scattering (INS). The NRIXS and INS results were combined to obtain the total phonon DOS and the partial phonon DOS curves of Au and Fe atoms from which vibrational entropies were calculated. The main effect on the vibrational entropy of alloying comes from a stiffening of the Au partial phonon DOS with Fe concentration. Force constants were calculated from first principles for several compositions and show a local stiffening of Au-Au bonds close to Fe atoms. The calculated phonon DOS curves reproduce the experimental trend. The stiffening is attributed to two main effects comparable in magnitude: (i) an increase in electron density in the free-electron-like states and (ii) stronger sd hybridization

    Phonon densities of states of face-centered-cubic Ni-Fe alloys

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    Inelastic neutron scattering and nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering were used to determine the phonon densities of states of face-centered-cubic Ni-Fe alloys. Increasing Fe concentration results in an average softening of the phonon modes. Chemical ordering of the Ni_(0.72)Fe_(0.28) alloy results in a reduction of the partial vibrational entropy of the Fe atoms but does not significantly change the partial vibrational entropy of the Ni atoms. Changes in the phonon densities of states with composition and chemical ordering are discussed and analyzed with a cluster expansion method