76 research outputs found

    Cytokinesis in pollen mother cells. I. Tradescantia yirginiana

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    A cytochemical investigations of dry and germinating. Iris prseudoacorus seeds

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    The composition and distribution of storage substances such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and phosphates and also some enzymes in dry Iris pseudoacorus endosperm and their changes during germination were investigated with light microscope

    Characteristics of achenes in Potentilla collina group [Rosaceae]

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    Achenes morphology in taxa from Potentilla collina s.l. i.e., P. collina Wibel s.s., P. leucopolitana P.J. Müller, P. thyrsiflora Hülsen ex Zimmet., P. thyrsiflora var. isosepala Th. W., P. silesiaca Uechtr. And P. wimanniana Günther and Schummel was examined with stereoscope and scanning electron microscopy. Achenes of these taxa varied slightly in shape, size and colour, while marked differences among them appeared in the surface sculpture and in the dimensions of aril, dorsal ridge and ribs. SEM analyses allowed to distinguish two distinct morphological types of achenes. Type I - with ruminate sculpture and aggregates of some material, various in shape and size, at the surface of partly destroyed epidermal cells covering fruit wall in P. leucopolitana, P. wimanniana and P. thyrsiflora. Type II - with ruminate-reticulate sculpture due to well preserved epidermal cells in P. silesiaca and P. thyrsiflora var. isosepala. The obtained results have supported Błocki’s suggestion to treat P. thyrsiflora var. isosepala as a separate species named P. isosepala. However, similarities in the surface sculpture of achenes in some taxa of P. collina group did not facilitate their classification, therefore this feature may be a valuable taxonomical criterium only in combination with others

    Fungicidal effect on N,N-BIS(3-aminopropyl) dodecylamine action on moulds

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    Materiały konferencyjne zostały wydane jako numer specjalny czasopisma "Ochrona przed Korozją - 9s/A/2006".Badania dotyczyły wrażliwości konidiów i grzybni szczepu Aspergillus niger na N,N-bis(3- aminopropylo )dodecyloaminę (APDA), substancję dezynfekcyjną. Stężenie, które hamowało rozwój konidiów badanego szczepu wynosiło 0,03%. Niższe stężenia triaminy opóźniały jedynie ich kiełkowanie, natomiast całkowita dezaktywacja grzybni występowała dopiero przy stężeniu 0,1 %. Po 24 godzinach działania preparatu wnętrze komórki wypełnione było tylko strukturami błoniastymi. Stwierdzono, że preparat użyty w stężeniu 0,05% i 0,1 % powodował gromadzenie się na powierzchni materiału biologicznego drobnych kropelek, oklejających zarówno konidia jak i grzybnie. Wyniki badań wskazują, że praktyczne stężenie preparatu dezynfekcyjnego powinno być ustalane zarówno w odniesieniu do konidiów jak i grzybni.Sensitivity of conidia and the mycelium of an Aspergillus niger strain to disinfectant N,N-bis(3- aminopropyl )dodecylamine (APDA) was examined. The minimum inhibitory concentration was 0.03%. The lowest triamine concentrations only slowed down the development of conidia, and inactivation of the mycelium occurred at the concentration 0.1 %. After 24 hours of the treatment with the agent, the intracellular space became filled only with membranous structures. It was observed that agent concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1 % resulted in the accumulation of tiny droplets on the surface of the biologica! materiał, coating both the conidia and the mycelium. The results show that the practical concentration of the disinfectant should be determined both for the conidia and the mycelium

    Activity and localization of some hydrolytic enzymes during the development of Iris pseudoacorus endosperm

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    The changes in the activity of some hydrolytic enzymes during the development of Iris pseudoacorus endosperm were investigated using biochemical and cytochemical methods. In the early stages of development the chalazal pole shows a greater enzymatic activity than the micropylar pole. These differences decline as the seeds mature, and the activity of the studied enzymes becomes lower as the endosperm develops. Considerable activity of ß-galactosidase has been observed at the time of deposition of storage hemi-celluloses in the cell walls of the endosperm. Activity of the cytochemically datectable -hydrolases is localised in granules up to 2μ in diameter. Cytochemical observations in the electron microscope indicate that the activity of acid phosphatase is associated with spherosomes