38 research outputs found

    Protein rotational motion in solution measured by polarized fluorescence depletion.

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    A microscope-based system is described for directly measuring protein rotational motion in viscous environments such as cell membranes by polarized fluorescence depletion (PFD). Proteins labeled with fluorophores having a high quantum yield for triplet formation, such as eosin isothiocyanate (EITC), are examined anaerobically in a fluorescence microscope. An acousto-optic modulator generates a several-microsecond pulse of linearly polarized light which produces an orientationally-asymmetric depletion of ground state fluorescence in the sample. When the sample is then probed with light polarized parallel to the excitation pulse, fluorescence recovers over 0-1,000 microseconds as the sum of two exponentials. One exponential corresponds to triplet decay and the other to the rotational relaxation. An exciting pulse perpendicular to the probe beam is then applied. Fluorescence recovery following this pulse is the difference of the same two exponentials. Equations for fluorescence recovery kinetics to be expected in various experimentally significant cases are derived. Least-squares analysis using these equations then permits the triplet lifetime and rotational correlation time to be determined directly from PFD data. Instrumentation for PFD measurements is discussed that permits photobleaching recovery measurements of lateral diffusion coefficients using the same microscope system. With this apparatus, both rotational and translational diffusion coefficients (Dr, Dt) were measured for EITC-labeled bovine serum albumin in glycerol solutions. Values obtained for Dr and Dt are discussed in light of both the PFD models and the experimental system

    Lateral diffusion of ganglioside GM1 in phospholipid bilayer membranes.

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    The lateral diffusion coefficient of ganglioside GM1 incorporated into preformed dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles has been investigated under a variety of conditions using the technique of fluorescence photobleaching recovery. For these studies the fluorescent probe 5-(((2-Carbohydrazino)methyl)thio)acetyl) amino eosin was covalently attached to the periodate-oxidized sialic acid residue of ganglioside GM1. This labeled ganglioside exhibited a behavior similar to that of the intact ganglioside, and was able to bind cholera toxin. The lateral diffusion coefficient of the ganglioside was dependent upon the gel-liquid crystalline transition of DMPC. Above Tm the lateral diffusion coefficient of the ganglioside was 4.7 X 10(-9) cm2 s-1 (with greater than 80% fluorescence recovery). This diffusion coefficient is significantly slower than the one previously observed for phospholipids in DMPC bilayers. The addition of increasing amounts of ganglioside, up to a maximum of 10 mol %, did not have a significant effect on the lateral diffusion coefficient or in the percent recovery. At 30 degrees C, the lateral mobility of ganglioside GM1 was not affected by the presence of 5 mM Ca2+, suggesting that, at least above Tm, Ca2+ does not induce a major perturbation in the lateral organization of the ganglioside molecules. The addition of stoichiometric amounts of cholera toxin to samples containing either 1 or 10 mol % ganglioside GM1 produced only a small decrease in the measured diffusion coefficient. The fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments were complemented with excimer formation experiments using pyrene-phosphatidylcholine. Above the transition temperature the presence of 10 mol % ganglioside GMI induced a large decrease in the rate of excimer formation. These results also indicated that the addition of ganglioside GMI to phospholipid bilayer vesicles induces a significant restriction in the lateral mobility parameters of the lipid bilayer and that the presence of Ca2' does not have a further effect in the mobility of the probe molecules

    Measurement of protein rotational motion using frequency domain polarized fluorescence depletion.

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    Polarized fluorescence depletion (PFD) methods (Yoshida, T. M. and B. G. Barisas. Biophys. J. 1986. 50:41-53) are approximately 10(3)-10(4) fold more sensitive than other techniques for measuring protein rotational motions in cell membranes and other viscous environments. Proteins labeled with fluorophores having a high quantum yield for triplet formation are examined anaerobically in a fluorescence microscope. In time domain PFD experiments a several-microsecond pulse of linearly polarized light produces an orientationally-asymmetric depletion of ground state fluorescence in the sample. Monitoring the decay of ground state depletion with a probe beam alternatively polarized, parallel, and perpendicular to the depletion pulse permits the triplet lifetime and rotational correlation time to be resolved and evaluated. We have now explored fluorescence depletion methods in the frequency domain to see whether such measurements could provide simpler and more efficient routine measurements of protein rotational relaxation than previous time domain PFD methods. An acousto-optic modulator (AOM) modulates the intensity of a 514.5 nm argon ion laser beam and a Pockels cell (PC) rotates its plane of polarization. These devices are driven by sinusoidal or square waves in fixed frequency relation, and rigidly phase locked, one to another. The fluorescence emitted from a sample then contains various overtones and combinations of the AOM and PC frequencies. The magnitude and phase of individual fluorescence signal frequencies are measured by a lock-in amplifier using a reference also phase-locked to both the AOM and PC. Specific frequencies permit evaluation of the rotational correlation time of the macromolecule and of the fluorophore triplet state lifetime, respectively. Measurement of bovine serum albumin rotation in glycerol solutions by this method is described

    Rotational dynamics of type I Fc epsilon receptors on individually-selected rat mast cells studied by polarized fluorescence depletion.

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    We report the first application of polarized fluorescence depletion (PFD), a technique which combines the sensitivity of fluorescence detection with the long lifetimes of triplet probes, to the measurement of membrane protein rotational diffusion on individually selected, intact mammalian cells. We have examined the rotation of type I Fc epsilon receptors (Fc epsilon RI) on rat mucosal mast cells of the RBL-2H3 line in their resting monomeric and differently oligomerized states using as probes IgE and three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs; H10, J17, and F4) specific for the Fc epsilon RI. PFD experiments using eosin (EITC)-IgE show that individual Fc epsilon RI on cells have a rotational correlation time (RCT) at 4 degrees C of 79 +/- 4 microseconds. Similarly, Fc epsilon RI-bound EITC-Fab fragments of the J17 Fc epsilon RI-specific mAb exhibit an RCT of 76 +/- 6 microseconds. These values agree with previous measurements of Fc epsilon RI-bound IgE rotation by time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy methods. Receptor-bound EITC-conjugated divalent J17 antibody exhibits an increased RCT of 140 +/- 6 microseconds. This is consistent with the ability of this mAb to form substantial amounts of Fc epsilon RI dimers on these cell surfaces. The ratio of limiting to initial anisotropy in these experiments remains constant at about 0.5 from 5 degrees C through 25 degrees C for IgE, Fab, and intact mAb receptor ligands. Extensive cross-linking by second antibody of cell-bound IgE, of intact Fc epsilon RI-specific mAbs or of their Fab fragments, however, produced large fixed anisotropies demonstrating, under these conditions, receptor immobilization in large aggregates. PFD using the mAbs H10 and F4 as receptor probes yielded values for triplet lifetimes, RCT values, and anisotropy parameters essentially indistinguishable from those obtained with the mAb J17 clone. Possible explanations for these observations are discussed

    Interferometric fringe fluorescence photobleaching recovery interrogates entire cell surfaces.

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    Fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) measurements of cell surface protein lateral diffusion typically employ an interrogated spot of 0.5 microm 1/e2 radius. The effective spot area represents only 1/500 of the total surface of an 8-microm cell. An FPR measurement of a protein expressed as 50,000 copies per cell reflects the dynamics of 100 molecules. This limits the precision and reproducibility of FPR measurements. We describe a method for interferometric fringe pattern FPR that permits simultaneous interrogation of the entire cell's surface. Fringe patterns are generated interferometrically within the optical path of an FPR system. Methods for interpreting fluorescence recovery kinetics on cells and for determining the protein mobile fraction are presented. With fringe FPR, the murine major histocompatibility complex class II antigen I-Ak expressed on M12.C3.F6 cells has 100-fold improved fluorescence signals relative to spot FPR, with corresponding improvements in signal-to-noise ratios of recovery traces. Diffusion coefficients (+/- standard deviation) of (2.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-10) and (1.8 +/- 1.0) x 10(-10) cm2 s-1 with corresponding mobile fractions of I-Ak of 66.1 +/- 7.8% and 63.4 +/- 18.0% were obtained by fringe and spot methods, respectively. The improved reproducibility of fringe over spot results is less than signal improvements predict. There may thus be substantial variation from cell to cell in protein dynamics, and this method may permit the assessment of such variation