445 research outputs found

    Building a CCD Spectrograph for Educational or Amateur Astronomy

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    We discuss the design of an inexpensive, high-throughput CCD spectrograph for a small telescope. By using optical fibers to carry the light from the telescope focus to a table-top spectrograph, one can minimize the weight carried by the telescope and simplify the spectrograph design. We recently employed this approach in the construction of IntroSpec, an instrument built for the 16-inch Knowles Telescope on the Harvard College campus.Comment: 17 pages including 7 figures, PASP, accepted (higher resolution figures at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~sheila/introspec.ps.gz

    Spectral analysis of the background in ground-based, long-slit spectroscopy

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    This paper examines the variations, because of atmospheric extinction, of broad-band visible spectra, obtained from long-slit spectroscopy, in the vicinity of some stars, nebulae, and one faint galaxy.Comment: 12 figure

    Physical Sources of Scatter in the Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We analyze residuals from the Tully-Fisher relation for the emission-line galaxies in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, a broadly representative survey designed to fairly sample the variety of galaxy morphologies and environments in the local universe. For spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18, we find strong correlations between Tully-Fisher residuals and both B-R color and EW(Halpha). The extremes of the correlations are populated by Sa galaxies, which show consistently red colors, and spirals with morphological peculiarities, which are often blue. If we apply an EW(Halpha)-dependent or B-R color-dependent correction term to the Tully-Fisher relation, the scatter in the relation no longer increases from R to B to U but instead drops to a nearly constant level close to the scatter we expect from measurement errors. We argue that these results probably reflect correlated offsets in luminosity and color as a function of star formation history. Broadening the sample in morphology and luminosity, we find that most non-spirals brighter than M_R^i=-18 follow the same correlations as do spirals, albeit with greater scatter. However, the color and EW(Halpha) correlations do not apply to galaxies fainter than M_R^i=-18 or to emission-line S0 galaxies with anomalous gas kinematics. For the dwarf galaxy population, the parameters controlling Tully-Fisher residuals are instead related to the degree of recent disturbance: overluminous dwarfs have higher rotation curve asymmetries, brighter U-band effective surface brightnesses, and shorter gas consumption timescales than their underluminous counterparts. As a result, sample selection strongly affects the measured faint-end slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. Passively evolving, rotationally supported galaxies display a break toward steeper slope at low luminosities.Comment: 58 pages including 21 figures, AJ, accepte

    UV excess galaxies: Wolf-Rayet galaxies

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    We discuss V and R band photometry for 67% of the Sullivan et al. 2000 SA57 ultraviolet-selected galaxy sample. In a sample of 176 UV-selected galaxies, Sullivan et al. 2000 find that 24% have (UV-B) colors too blue for consistency with starburst spectral synthesis models. We propose that these extreme blue, UV excess galaxies are Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies, starburst galaxies with strong UV emission from WR stars. We measure a median (V-R)=0.38+-0.06 for the UV-selected sample, bluer than a sample optically selected at R but consistent with starburst and WR galaxy colors. We demonstrate that redshifted WR emission lines can double or triple the flux through the UV bandpass at high redshifts. Thus the (UV-B) color of a WR galaxy can be up to 1.3 mag bluer at high redshift, and the expected selection function is skewed to larger redshifts. The redshift distribution of the extreme blue, UV excess galaxies matches the selection function we predict from the properties of WR galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures. Uses AASTeX and emulateapj5.sty. Includes referee change

    The Cryogenic Refractive Indices of S-FTM16, a Unique Optical Glass for Near-Infrared Instruments

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    The Ohara glass S-FTM16 is of considerable interest for near-infrared optical designs because it transmits well through the K band and because negative S-FTM16 elements can be used to accurately achromatize positive calcium fluoride elements in refractive collimators and cameras. Glass manufacturers have sophisticated equipment to measure the refractive index at room temperature, but cannot typically measure the refractive index at cryogenic temperatures. Near-infrared optics, however, are operated at cryogenic temperatures to reduce thermal background. Thus we need to know the temperature dependence of S-FTM16's refractive index. We report here our measurements of the thermal dependence of S-FTM16's refractive index between room temperature and ~77 K. Within our measurement errors we find no evidence for a wavelength dependence or a nonlinear temperature term so our series of measurements can be reduced to a single number. We find that Delta n_{abs} / Delta T = -2.4x10^{-6} K^{-1} between 298 K and ~77 K and in the wavelength range 0.6 micron to 2.6 micron. We estimate that the systematic error (which dominates the measurement error) in our measurement is 10%, sufficiently low for most purposes. We also find the integrated linear thermal expansion of S-FTM16 between 298 K and 77 K is -0.00167 m m^{-1}.Comment: 8 pages, including 9 figures. Uses emulateapj.cls. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Ground-layer wavefront reconstruction from multiple natural guide stars

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    Observational tests of ground layer wavefront recovery have been made in open loop using a constellation of four natural guide stars at the 1.55 m Kuiper telescope in Arizona. Such tests explore the effectiveness of wide-field seeing improvement by correction of low-lying atmospheric turbulence with ground-layer adaptive optics (GLAO). The wavefronts from the four stars were measured simultaneously on a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS). The WFS placed a 5 x 5 array of square subapertures across the pupil of the telescope, allowing for wavefront reconstruction up to the fifth radial Zernike order. We find that the wavefront aberration in each star can be roughly halved by subtracting the average of the wavefronts from the other three stars. Wavefront correction on this basis leads to a reduction in width of the seeing-limited stellar image by up to a factor of 3, with image sharpening effective from the visible to near infrared wavelengths over a field of at least 2 arc minutes. We conclude that GLAO correction will be a valuable tool that can increase resolution and spectrographic throughput across a broad range of seeing-limited observations.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Astrophys.

    The Evolutionary Status of Clusters of Galaxies at z ~ 1

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    Combined HST, X-ray, and ground-based optical studies show that clusters of galaxies are largely "in place" by z∌1z \sim 1, an epoch when the Universe was less than half its present age. High resolution images show that elliptical, S0, and spiral galaxies are present in clusters at redshifts up to z∌1.3z \sim 1.3. Analysis of the CMDs suggest that the cluster ellipticals formed their stars several Gyr earlier, near redshift 3. The morphology--density relation is well established at z∌1z\sim1, with star-forming spirals and irregulars residing mostly in the outer parts of the clusters and E/S0s concentrated in dense clumps. The intracluster medium has already reached the metallicity of present-day clusters. The distributions of the hot gas and early-type galaxies are similar in z∌1z\sim1 clusters, indicating both have largely virialized in the deepest potentials wells. In spite of the many similarities between z∌1z\sim1 and present-day clusters, there are significant differences. The morphologies revealed by the hot gas, and particularly the early-type galaxies, are elongated rather than spherical. We appear to be observing the clusters at an epoch when the sub-clusters and groups are still assembling into a single regular cluster. Support for this picture comes from CL0152 where the gas appears to be lagging behind the luminous and dark mass in two merging sub-components. Moreover, the luminosity difference between the first and second brightest cluster galaxies at z∌1z\sim1 is smaller than in 93% of present-day Abell clusters, which suggests that considerable luminosity evolution through merging has occurred since that epoch. Evolution is also seen in the bolometric X-ray luminosity function.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: the Hubble Tuing Fork Strikes a New Note, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari & R. Groess. Figures degraded to meet astroph size limit; a version with higher resolution figures may be downloaded from: http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~jpb/z1clusters/ford_clusters.pd

    An analysis of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula

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    This paper presents an analysis of a series of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula. Only the reddest part of the spectra can safely be attributed to light from the nebula, and indicates Rayleigh scattering by the gas, in conformity with the large angles of scattering involved and the proximity of the star. In the blue, light from HD44179, refracted or scattered in the atmosphere, dominates the spectra. This paper questions the reliability of ground-based observations of extended objects in the blue.Comment: 25 figure

    The Color-Magnitude Relation in CL 1358+62 at z=0.33: Evidence for Significant Evolution in the S0 Population

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    We use a large mosaic of HST WFPC2 images to measure the colors and morphologies of 194 spectroscopically confirmed members of the rich galaxy cluster CL1358+62 at z=0.33. We study the color-magnitude (CM) relation as a function of radius in the cluster. The intrinsic scatter in the restframe B-V CM relation of the elliptical galaxies is very small: ~0.022 magnitudes. The CM relation of the ellipticals does not depend significantly on the distance from the cluster center. In contrast, the CM relation for the S0 galaxies does depend on radius: the S0s in the core follow a CM relation similar to the ellipticals, but at large radii (R>0.7Mpc) the S0s are systematically bluer and the scatter in the CM relation approximately doubles to ~0.043 magnitudes. The blueing of the S0s is significant at the 95% confidence level. These results imply that the S0 galaxies in the outer parts of the cluster have formed stars more recently than the S0s in the inner parts. A likely explanation is that clusters at z=0.33 continue to accrete galaxies and groups from the field and that infall extinguishes star formation. The apparent homogeneity of the elliptical galaxy population implies that star formation in recently accreted ellipticals was terminated well before accretion occurred. We have constructed models to explore the constraints that these observations place on the star formation history of cluster galaxies. We conclude that the population of S0s in clusters is likely to evolve as star forming galaxies are converted into passively evolving galaxies. Assuming a constant accretion rate after z=0.33, we estimate ~15% of the present day early-type galaxy population in rich clusters was accreted between z=0.33 and z=0. The ellipticals (and the brightest S0s) are probably a more stable population, at least since z=0.6.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 20 pages, 12 figures. Full version and plates available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~dokkum/papers.htm
