396 research outputs found

    The adjuvant treatment of kidney cancer: a multidisciplinary outlook

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    Approximately 70% of cases of kidney cancer are localized or locally advanced at diagnosis. Among patients who undergo surgery for these cancers, 30–35% will eventually develop potentially fatal metachronous distant metastases. Effective adjuvant treatments are urgently needed to reduce the risk of recurrence of kidney cancer and of dying of metastatic disease. To date, almost all of the tested adjuvant agents have failed to demonstrate any benefit. Only two trials of an autologous renal tumour cell vaccine and of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib have shown positive results, but these have been criticized for methodological reasons and conflicting data, respectively. The results of two additional trials of targeted agents as adjuvant therapies have not yet been published. Novel immune checkpoint inhibitors are promising approaches to adjuvant therapy in kidney cancer, and a number of trials are now underway. An important component of the management of patients with kidney cancer, particularly those who undergo radical resection for localized renal cell carcinoma, is the preservation of kidney function to reduce morbidity and mortality. The optimal management of these patients therefore requires a multidisciplinary approach involving nephrologists, oncologists, urologists and pathologists

    Shape-Function Effects and Split Matching in B-> Xs l+ l-

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    We derive the triply differential spectrum for the inclusive rare decay B -> Xs l+ l- in the shape function region, in which Xs is jet-like with mX2mbΛQCDmX^2 \lesssim mb \Lambda_QCD. Experimental cuts make this a relevant region. The perturbative and non-perturbative parts of the matrix elements can be defined with the Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, which is used to incorporate alphas corrections consistently. We show that, with a suitable power counting for the dilepton invariant mass, the same universal jet and shape functions appear as in B-> Xs gamma and B-> Xu l nu decays. Parts of the usual alphas(m_b) corrections go into the jet function at a lower scale, and parts go into the non-perturbative shape function. For B -> Xs l+ l-, the perturbative series in alphas are of a different character above and below mu=mb. We introduce a ``split matching'' method that allows the series in these regions to be treated independently.Comment: 33 pages; journal versio

    Remarks on Semileptonic B and D Decays into Orbitally Excited Mesons

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    We have obtained the differential decay rate and calculated the branching ratios of the exclusive semileptonic decays B(D)XlνB(D) \to Xl\nu, where XX is a p-wave meson, using the nonrelativistic ISGW quark model. Our results are compared with the predictions of the ISGW2 model. We have computed some branching ratios that were not reported or were reported with 0.00 in this model. For example, we find that Br(BcBs20ˉlνˉ)=4.03×105Br(B_c^- \to \bar{B_{s2}^{*0}}l^-\bar{\nu}) = 4.03 \times 10^{-5}, Br(BcB20ˉlνˉ)=3.65×106Br(B_c^- \to \bar{B_2^{*0}}l^- \bar{\nu}) =3.65 \times 10^{-6} and Br(Ds+f2l+ν)=2.7×105Br(D_s^+ \to f_2l^+\nu) = 2.7 \times 10^{-5}, which seems to be at the reach of forthcoming experiments. Furthermore, we have classified the Bu,d,sTlνB_{u,d,s} \to Tl\nu decays in two groups and compared the semileptonic and nonleptonic decays including a tensor meson in the final state.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Soft-Collinear Factorization in Effective Field Theory

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    The factorization of soft and ultrasoft gluons from collinear particles is shown at the level of operators in an effective field theory. Exclusive hadronic factorization and inclusive partonic factorization follow as special cases. The leading order Lagrangian is derived using power counting and gauge invariance in the effective theory. Several species of gluons are required, and softer gluons appear as background fields to gluons with harder momenta. Two examples are given: the factorization of soft gluons in B->D pi, and the soft-collinear convolution for the B->Xs gamma spectrum.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figs, journal versio

    Radiation reaction and gravitational waves in the effective field theory approach

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    We compute the contribution to the Lagrangian from the leading order (2.5 post-Newtonian) radiation reaction and the quadrupolar gravitational waves emitted from a binary system using the effective field theory (EFT) approach of Goldberger and Rothstein. We use an initial value formulation of the underlying (quantum) framework to implement retarded boundary conditions and describe these real-time dissipative processes. We also demonstrate why the usual scattering formalism of quantum field theory inadequately accounts for these. The methods discussed here should be useful for deriving real-time quantities (including radiation reaction forces and gravitational wave emission) and hereditary terms in the post-Newtonian approximation (including memory, tail and other causal, history-dependent integrals) within the EFT approach. We also provide a consistent formulation of the radiation sector in the equivalent effective field theory approach of Kol and Smolkin.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Bounds on Heavy-to-Heavy Mesonic Form Factors

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    We provide upper and lower bounds on the form factors for B -> D, D^* by utilizing inclusive heavy quark effective theory sum rules. These bounds are calculated to leading order in Lambda_QCD/m_Q and alpha_s. The O(alpha_s^2 beta_0) corrections to the bounds at zero recoil are also presented. We compare our bounds with some of the form factor models used in the literature. All the models we investigated failed to fall within the bounds for the combination of form factors (omega^2 - 1)/(4 omega)|omega h_{A2}+h_{A3}|^2.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Testing factorization in B -> D(*)X decays

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    In QCD the amplitude for B0 -> D(*)+pi- factorizes in the large Nc limit or in the large energy limit Q >> Lambda_QCD where Q = {m_b, m_c, m_b-m_c}. Data also suggests factorization in exclusive processes B-> D* pi+ pi- pi- pi0 and B-> D* omega pi-, however by themselves neither large Nc nor large Q can account for this. Noting that the condition for large energy release in B0-> D+ pi- is enforced by the SV limit, m_b, m_c >> m_b-m_c >> Lambda, we propose that the combined large Nc and SV limits justify factorization in B -> D(*) X. This combined limit is tested with the inclusive decay spectrum measured by CLEO. We also give exact large Nc relations among isospin amplitudes for B -> D(*)X and B -> D(*) D-bar(*)X, which can be used to test factorization through exclusive or inclusive measurements. Predictions for the modes B-> D(*) pi pi, B-> D(*)K K-bar and B-> D(*) D-bar(*) K are discussed using available data.Comment: 15 pages, 3 included .eps figures, minor change

    Sum rules in the heavy quark limit of QCD

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    In the leading order of the heavy quark expansion, we propose a method within the OPE and the trace formalism, that allows to obtain, in a systematic way, Bjorken-like sum rules for the derivatives of the elastic Isgur-Wise function ξ(w)\xi(w) in terms of corresponding Isgur-Wise functions of transitions to excited states. A key element is the consideration of the non-forward amplitude, as introduced by Uraltsev. A simplifying feature of our method is to consider currents aligned along the initial and final four-velocities. As an illustration, we give a very simple derivation of Bjorken and Uraltsev sum rules. On the other hand, we obtain a new class of sum rules that involve the products of IW functions at zero recoil and IW functions at any ww. Special care is given to the needed derivation of the projector on the polarization tensors of particles of arbitrary integer spin. The new sum rules give further information on the slope ρ2=ξ(1)\rho^2 = - \xi '(1) and also on the curvature σ2=ξ(1)\sigma^2 = \xi '' (1), and imply, modulo a very natural assumption, the inequality σ254ρ2\sigma^2 \geq {5\over 4} \rho^2, and therefore the absolute bound σ21516\sigma^2 \geq {15 \over 16}.Comment: 64 pages, Late

    Illuminating Dense Quark Matter

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    We imagine shining light on a lump of cold dense quark matter, in the CFL phase and therefore a transparent insulator. We calculate the angles of reflection and refraction, and the intensity of the reflected and refracted light. Although the only potentially observable context for this phenomenon (reflection of light from and refraction of light through an illuminated quark star) is unlikely to be realized, our calculation casts new light on the old idea that confinement makes the QCD vacuum behave as if filled with a condensate of color-magnetic monopoles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Angular Momentum Mixing in Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    In crystalline color superconductivity, quark pairs form at non-zero total momentum. This crystalline order potentially enlarges the domain of color superconductivity in cold dense quark matter. We present a perturbative calculation of the parameters governing the crystalline phase and show that this is indeed the case. Nevertheless, the enhancement is modest, and to lowest order is independent of the strength of the color interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Revte