28 research outputs found

    Optimization Aspects of Carcinogenesis

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    Any process in which competing solutions replicate with errors and numbers of their copies depend on their respective fitnesses is the evolutionary optimization process. As during carcinogenesis mutated genomes replicate according to their respective qualities, carcinogenesis obviously qualifies as the evolutionary optimization process and conforms to common mathematical basis. The optimization view accents statistical nature of carcinogenesis proposing that during it the crucial role is actually played by the allocation of trials. Optimal allocation of trials requires reliable schemas' fitnesses estimations which necessitate appropriate, fitness landscape dependent, statistics of population. In the spirit of the applied conceptual framework, features which are known to decrease efficiency of any evolutionary optimization procedure (or inhibit it completely) are anticipated as "therapies" and reviewed. Strict adherence to the evolutionary optimization framework leads us to some counterintuitive implications which are, however, in agreement with recent experimental findings, such as sometimes observed more aggressive and malignant growth of therapy surviving cancer cells

    Inverse Geometric Approach to the Simulation of the Circular Growth. The Case of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids

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    We demonstrate the power of the genetic algorithms to construct the cellular automata model simulating the growth of 2-dimensional close-to-circular clusters revealing the desired properties, such as the growth rate and, at the same time, the fractal behavior of their contours. The possible application of the approach in the field of tumor modeling is outlined