101 research outputs found
Rarely mentioned species in Hungary: Can we step into the same lake?
International and national protection strategies and directives focus mainly on macroscopic organism and attempt to maintain their endangered habitats. However, microscopic communities are also threatened by decreasing biodiversity and many species including freshwater algae can disappear without even knowing they were present in the habitat. Defining rarity of microscopic taxa is not easy. The species’ rarity is based on detailed knowledge of distribution and abundance of species. But only limited information is available about rare algal species especially in a given ecoregion. Reducing the data gaps, here, we present altogether 20 phytoplankton taxa rare in Hungary: three species of Chlorophyceae, eight species of Trebouxiophyceae, two taxa of Euglenophyceae, one-one species of Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Mediophyceae and three species of Xanthophyceae. One of them, the Cylindrotheca gracilis is on the Hungarian Red List. Physical and ecological characteristics of standing waters where these species were found as well as their former occurrence all over the world are also reviewed
First report of Navicula jakovljevicii Hustedt (Bacillariophyta) from Hungary: distribution, comparative morphology and a related species
In Hungary Navicula jakovljevicii was firstly recorded in biofilm of Elodea nuttallii in 2005 in an oxbow of the catchment area of the River Danube. Subsequently, in 2006, N. jakovljevicii was also found in the same oxbow on reed stems as well. In the following years it appeared in another oxbow, suggesting an expanding distribution in the tributaries of the Danube in Hungary. The Hungarian population can be characterised as having mixed morphological features in comparison with other known N. jakovljevicii populations of Europe. When the morphological study was expanded, a similar, but \u27giant form\u27 was detected in fossil material. We found similarities and a possible connection between N. jakovljevicii and Navicula lucida, a diatom taxon described from a Neogene deposit in the Carpathian Basin. Despite the morphological similarities in the shape, apices, striae pattern and raphe structure of these two species, there are significant differences in valve dimensions: the valves of N. lucida are larger and more heavily silicified than N. jakovljevicii
Az extrém száraz időjárás hatása az Achnanthidium minutissimum és Achnanthidium eutrophilum egyedszámára (Sebes-Körös, Körösszakál)
A 2012-es Ă©v nyara Ă©s az Ĺ‘sz rendkĂvĂĽl száraz volt Magyarországon, aminek köszönhetĹ‘en hazai vĂzfolyásaink
vĂzhozama, ill. vĂzszintje jelentĹ‘sen csökkent. Vizsgálataink során arra a kĂ©rdĂ©sre kerestĂĽk a választ, mikĂ©nt befolyásolta a 2012-es Ă©v extrĂ©m száraz idĹ‘járása – Ă©s az ezzel egyĂĽtt járĂł vĂzhozam csökkenĂ©s Ă©s tápanyag-dĂşsulás – a Sebes-Körös (Körösszakál) Achnanthidium minutissimum Ă©s A. eutrophilum populáciĂłinak dinamikáját. A kĂ©t Achnanthidium taxon minĂ©l pontosabb határozása azĂ©rt fontos, mert eltĂ©rĹ‘ ökolĂłgiai állapotĂş vizek indikátor fajai. EredmĂ©nyeink alapján elmondhatĂł, hogy mĂg az A. minutissium egyedszám-változása pozitĂvan korrelált a vĂzhozammal Ă©s negatĂvan a nitrátkoncentráciĂłval, addig az A. eutrophilum esetĂ©ben az elĹ‘zĹ‘ekkel ellentĂ©tes tendenciát figyeltĂĽnk meg. EredmĂ©nyeink rávilágĂtanak arra, hogy mĂ©g egy stabilan jĂł ökolĂłgiai állapottal jellemezhetĹ‘ vĂzfolyás kovaalga-közössĂ©ge is feltűnĹ‘en Ă©rzĂ©kenyen reagálhat a szĂ©lsĹ‘sĂ©ges idĹ‘járási viszonyok okozta vĂzhozam csökkenĂ©sre Ă©s az ezzel szorosan összefĂĽggĹ‘ tápanyag-koncentrálĂłdásra
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