26 research outputs found

    Search for a signal on intermediate baryon systems formation in hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions at high energies

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    We have analyzed the behavior of different characteristics of hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions as a function of centrality to get a signal on the formation of intermediate baryon systems. We observed that the data demonstrate the regime change and saturation. The angular distributions of slow particles exhibit some structure in the above mentioned reactions at low energy. We believe that the structure could be connected with the formation and decay of the percolation cluster. With increasing the mass of colliding nuclei, the structure starts to become weak and almost disappears ultimately. This shows that the number of secondary internuclear interactions increases with increasing the mass of the colliding nuclei. The latter could be a reason of the disintegration of any intermediate formations as well as clusters, which decrease their influence on the angular distribution of the emitted particles.Comment: 2 pages and one figur

    Single - particle correlations in events with the total disintegration of nuclei

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    New experimental data on the behaviour of the single-particle two-dimensional correlation functions R versus Q (Q is the number of nucleons emitted from nuc- lei) and Ap (Ap is the mass of projectile nuclei) are presented in this paper. The interactions of protons, d, 4He and 12C nuclei with carbon nuclei (at a momentum of 4.2 A GeV/c) are considered.The values of R are obtained separately for pi minus mesons and protons.In so doing,the values of R are normalized so that -1=<R=<1.The value of R=0 corresponds to the case of the absence of corre- lations.It has been found that the Q- and Ap-dependence of R takes place only for weak correlations (R< 0.3).In the main (90 %),these correlations are con- nected with the variable pt and have a nonlinear character, that is the regi- ons with different characters of the Q-dependence of R are separated: there is a change of regimes in the Q-dependences of R.The correlations weaken with increasing Ap, and the variable R gets the least values of all the considered ones in 12CC interactions.Simultaneously with weakening the correlations in the region of large Q, the character of the Q-dependence of R changes.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to Phys. Rew.

    Some Properties of the Central pi--Meson Carbon Interactions at 40 Gev/C

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    We discuss some properties of the central pi--meson carbon reactions at 40 GeV/c. While these results were obtained many years ago they have not been explained completely. We attempt to interpret following: results regime change on the behavior of some characteristics of the events as a function of the centrality; anomaly peak on the angular distributions of the slow protons emitted in these reactions; charge asymmetry on the pi--mesons production in the back hemisphere in lcs. Understanding of the results could help to explain the new ones coming from the modern central experiments at high and ultrarelativistic energies.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 10th nternational Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON 2008), Krakow, Poland, 6 - 10 June 2008. 4 pages and 4 figure