4 research outputs found

    Effect of screentime in college students during the COVID-19 online classes on their neck posture and postural control: an observational study

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    Background: Corona virus which is the source of severe acute pulmonary syndrome causes an airway tract contamination (COVID 19). Prolonged sitting for online classes in the college students leads to the enlarged postural deviation, increased low back pain. Prolonged static contraction of skeletal muscles of the cervical region, lower back leads to impaired flow of blood to the muscle groups together with edema and accumulation of waste metabolites will trigger the muscle spasm. Methods: Total 30 college students aged between 18-25 years who attended the online classes during COVID-19 were included in this study by using a questionnaire. The outcome measures used were the measurement of CV angle, SEBT and BBS. The postural control was estimated by using star excursion balance test and Berg balance scale. Results: Using Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a positive correlation was observed between CV angle and BBS (r = 0.82). Between BMI and CV angle there exists a statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.564). Conclusions: This study proved that there exists a forward neck posture in the students who attended the online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic and that also affected their postural control

    Incidence of tennis elbow and association of hand grip strength among college students

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    Background: Lateral epicondylitis is an overuse injury involving the origin of common extensor tendon at elbow joint. Among the college students there is more complaint on wrist and elbow. Objective was to find out the incidence of tennis elbow & grip strength among the students during the entire academic year.Methods: Three hundred and seventy subjects fulfilled the inclusion criteria with age respondents between seventeen to twenty four years. This study is done in those students who have local tenderness on palpation over the lateral epicondyle (grade 2). NPRS was used for measuring the pain intensity. Mill’s test and Cozen’s test was performed to confirm the tennis elbow. The subject is asked to squeeze the dynamometer three times with left and right hand respectively. There was one minute resting period between each squeeze were taken into account.Results: The incidence of confirmed tennis elbow was 4.05% & 2.70% in right and left respectively. Among those participants Mill’s test was positive in 16.2% on right and left side and Cozen’s test was positive in 8.1% on right side and 5.4% on left side. The mean rank of left and right grip strength for the students who are confirmed as tennis elbow were 52.75 Kg and 50.67 Kg and for not-confirmed were 36.56 Kg and 36.41 Kg respectively.Conclusions: The study concluded that 6.7% incidence rate of tennis elbow was observed in college students during the entire academic year. And also concluded there is no much significance correlation between grip strength and tennis elbow incidence rate

    Immediate and delayed effect of dry needling in musculoskeletal disorders: a quasi experimental study

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    Background: The roles of physiotherapists in managing the chronic and acute pain in musculoskeletal (Msk) conditions are inevitable now days. Physiotherapists work across the time period aiding patients with their pain in medical care settings with the aim of decreasing pain, rising quality of life wherever attainable and preventing acute and sub-acute painful conditions developing into chronic pain. Dry needling, an invasive technique in the hand of Physios is a new trend in managing acute and chronic pain. Purpose of the study is to identify the immediate and delayed response of pain and presence of soreness after the dry needling in common Msk conditions which can be managed in association with other conventional physical therapy techniques. Objective was to find out the immediate and delayed effects of dry needling over pain in musculoskeletal disorders.Methods: This study was carried out in the department of physiotherapy, Malabar medical college hospital and research centre. Patient was prepared and identified the extreme tender point over the muscle affected and needle removed after 3-5 twitch response elicited. Sterility of the treatment area and needle was well maintained. Prior to the treatment again confirmed with the NPRS score and procedure was done. After few seconds of insertion of needle subjects NPRS score assessed. After removal of needling pain score was assessed after 5 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour and after one day.Results: Study showed a marked reduction in pain after dry needling at each intervals and this suggesting promoting dry needling as an adjunct to pain relief technique in physiotherapy.Conclusions: Dry needling is effective over pain in musculoskeletal disorders

    A comparative study on hematological parameters among the social and problem drinkers admitted in a tertiary care rehabilitation centre

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    Background: Alcoholism is a broad form for problems with alcohol and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the determinant of drinker’s health, personal relationships and social standing. It is medically considered a disease, specifically an addictive illness. Alcohol has numerous adverse effects on the various types of blood cells and their functions. This study aimed to evaluate the hematological changes in alcoholic patients admitted in tertiary care hospital.Methods: The blood samples were collected from alcoholics admitted in a psychiatric and rehabilitation centre and the samples were processed in hematology laboratory in a tertiary care hospital. The hematological parameters (CBC) except ESR, were performed by using fully automated blood cell counters. The change in alcoholics was studied under two categories-social drinkers and problem drinkers. The results of these parameters were compared with age and sex matched normal population.Results: Total 200 cases included in which 110 were abstainers and 90 were alcoholics. Among alcoholics 67% were problem drinkers and 33% were social drinkers. The mean values of Hb, RBC and MCV in social drinkers were 11.1 g/dl, 3.1 million cells /μl and 100.5 fl, in problem drinkers were 9.8 g/dl, 2.89 million cells /μl and 105.5 fl, and in control population were 14.8 g/dl, 4.8 million cells / μl and 93 fl respectively.Conclusions: The study shown that parameters were changed in both social drinkers and problem drinkers. But predominant changes were observed in problem drinkers. The presence of elevated MCV and decreased RBC and Hb are suggestive of megaloblastic changes