4,706 research outputs found


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    Amending State Constitutions

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    In the dual system of Federal and State government as it exists in the United States of America, the constitution is the solemnly formulated chart by which the people of a State in their sovereign capacity prescribe the limits within which the natural rights of persons may be regulated by law for the public welfare, and define and limit the authority, powers and duties of those who are charged with the administration of the government of the State. The existing constitution of a State is the last and paramount word of authority and control from the sovereign people; and its mandates are subject only to the provisions and principles of the Federal constitution. By the latter instrument the people of the States, in order to conserve the general welfare, granted to the United States certain specified governmental functions and powers, to be exercised within the stated limits as the supreme law of the land, to which all State authority should yield

    A multi-agent based system to enable strategic and operational design coordination

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    This paper presents two systems which individually focus on different aspects of design coordination, namely strategic and operational. The systems were developed in parallel and individually contain related models that represent specific frames from a Design Coordination Framework developed by Andreasen et al. [1]. The focus of the strategic design management system is the management of design tasks, decisions, information, goals and rationale within the design process, whereas the focus of the operational design coordination system is the coordination of tasks and activities with respect to the near-optimal utilisation of available resources. A common interface exists which enables the two systems to be integrated and used as a single system with the aim of managing both strategicand operational design coordination. Hence, the objective of this work is to enable the design process to be conducted in a timely and appropriate manner

    Coordination approaches and systems - part II : an operational perspective

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    This is the second of two papers surveying research in coordination approaches and systems. This paper is concerned with operational coordination, which is aimed at coordinating activities such that the design process can be performed in a near optimal manner with respect to time, and the allocation and utilisation of resources. Aspects of coordination categorised as operational include resource management, scheduling and planning. The first of these two papers presents a review of coordination from a strategic perspective, which is concerned with the decision management aspects of coordination. Greater emphasis is now being placed on the significance of organising the design process as this affects time to market, product quality, cost, and consequently product success. The aim of this paper is to present a fundamental review of operational coordination approaches and systems. The 1990s has seen much progress being made towards a greater understanding and appreciation of coordination in various disciplines through the development of a wide range of approaches and systems. However, there remains a requirement to formally identify the key issues involved in coordination such that a widely accepted representation can be agreed upon. Consequently, research should continue to be supported in the exploration for a unified approach to coordination which will permit a broader and greater understanding of those aspects involved

    Intelligent design guidance

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    This paper presents results from an investigation regarding the use of the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) as a means to guide a designer through the calculation of numerical relationships within the early design system Designer. Characteristics, relationships and goals are used within Designer to enable the evaluation and approximation of the design model and are represented within the system as a digraph. Despite being a useful representation of the interactions within the design model, the digraph does not aid the designer in identifying a sequence of activities that need to be performed in order to evaluate the model. The DSM system was used to represent the characteristics and the dependencies obtained through the relationships. The sequence of characteristics within the DSM was optimised and used to produce a design process to guide the designer in model evaluation. The objective of the optimisation was to minimise the amount of iteration within the design process. The process enabled a designer who is unfamiliar with the model to evaluate it and satisfy the design goals and requirements. Both the DSM system and the Designer system are generic in nature andmay be applied to any design problem

    A system for co-ordinating concurrent engineering

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    Design of large made-to-order products invariably involves design activities which are increasingly being distributed globally in order to reduce costs, gain competitive advantage and utilise external expertise and resources. Designers specialise within their domain producing solutions to design problems using the tools and techniques with which they are familiar. They possess a relatively local perception of where their expertise and actions are consumed within the design process. This is further compounded when design activities are geographically distributed, resulting with the increased disassociation between an individual designer's activities and the overall design process. The tools and techniques used by designers rarely facilitate concurrency, producing solutions within a particular discipline without using or sharing information from other disciplines, and seldom considering stages within the product's life-cycle other than conceptual, embodiment or detail [1, 2]. Conventional management and maintenance of consistency throughout the product model can subsequently become difficult to achieve since there are many factors that need to be simultaneously considered whilst making achange to the product model

    Towards an understanding of the impact of resources on the design process

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    Considerable effort has been devoted within the design research community to understanding the structure of design processes and their development for different design problems. Whilst much work has examined the impact of design goals upon the structure of a design process, less attention has been paid to the role that design resources can play. This paper describes an experiment directed towards gaining an understanding of the impact that both active resources (which perform design tasks) and passive resources (which are used by active resources) can have upon design process structure. Main outcomes from the experiment were the conclusive identification that resources can significantly impact design process structure and a number of examples of how these impacts manifest themselves. The main conclusion of the paper is that given the sizeable impact resources can have upon process structure, there is a considerable need to obtain a greater understanding of these impacts to facilitate the development of techniques that can support design process definition based upon an understanding of the design resources being used to solve a design problem

    Coordination approaches and systems - part I : a strategic perspective

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    This is the first part of a two-part paper presenting a fundamental review and summary of research of design coordination and cooperation technologies. The theme of this review is aimed at the research conducted within the decision management aspect of design coordination. The focus is therefore on the strategies involved in making decisions and how these strategies are used to satisfy design requirements. The paper reviews research within collaborative and coordinated design, project and workflow management, and, task and organization models. The research reviewed has attempted to identify fundamental coordination mechanisms from different domains, however it is concluded that domain independent mechanisms need to be augmented with domain specific mechanisms to facilitate coordination. Part II is a review of design coordination from an operational perspective

    The Beautiful Struggle: A Qualitative Examination of Black Educator Experiences Creating Academic Spaces for Student Success

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    While any student is susceptible to experiencing a traumatic incident, students living in socio-economically marginalized communities are often exposed at higher rates. Students from racial minority groups are more likely to experience distress from acts of violence committed against People of color than their White counterparts. For educators working in predominantly Black, Chicago communities, exposure to violence directly and via the shared experiences from students occurs disproportionately compared to educators working in other areas of the city. Educators working within particular communities battle the effects of chronic stress and structural racism, while striving to create hope and academic success within their students. Research suggests that African-American educators’ use of culturally responsive pedagogical methods in tandem with their humanistic commitment to students is integral to student success. It is critical that the perspectives of Black educators committed to creating environments where students can thrive academically amidst stressful conditions found outside the classroom are captured. Their narratives can further identify practices necessary to better support success within Black students while also highlighting the impacts felt by educators working in chronically stressed communities. The purpose of this research study is to present educator personal narratives on how they create supportive academic spaces for students to thrive, while highlighting the barriers faced by students and educators on the road to academic success. This study employs Critical Race Theory as both the methodological and theoretical framework to analyze the experiences of participant narratives