107 research outputs found

    Terahertz response of patterned epitaxial graphene

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    We study the interaction between polarized terahertz (THz) radiation and micro-structured large-area graphene in transmission geometry. In order to efficiently couple the radiation into the two-dimensional material, a lateral periodic patterning of a closed graphene sheet by intercalation doping into stripes is chosen. We observe unequal transmittance of the radiation polarized parallel and perpendicular to the stripes. The relative contrast, partly enhanced by Fabry-Perot oscillations reaches 20 %. The effect even increases up to 50 % when removing graphene stripes in analogy to a wire grid polarizer. The polarization dependence is analyzed in a large frequency range from < 80 GHz to 3 THz, including the plasmon-polariton resonance. The results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on the electronic energy spectrum of graphene and the electrodynamics of the patterned structureThe authors thank J. Jobst for fruitful discussions. The research was performed in the framework of the Sonderforschungsbereich 953 "Synthetic carbon allotropes", funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. We acknowledge support from the EC under Graphene Flagship (contract no. CNECT-ICT-604391)

    Maximization of the optical intra-cavity power of whispering-gallery mode resonators via coupling prism

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    In this paper, a detailed description of the optical coupling into a Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonator through a prism via frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) is presented. The problem is modeled as three media with planar interfaces and closed expressions for FTIR are given. Then, the curvature of the resonator is taken into account and the mode overlap is theoretically studied. A new analytical expression giving the optimal geometry of a disc-shaped or ring-shaped resonator for maximizing the intra-cavity circulating power is presented. Such expression takes into consideration the spatial distribution of the WGM at the surface of the resonator, thus being more accurate than the currently used expressions. It also takes into account the geometry of the prism. It is shown an improvement in the geometry values used with the current expressions of about 30%. The reason why the pump laser signal can be seen in experiments under critical coupling is explained on this basis. Then, the conditions required for exciting the highest possible optical power inside the resonator are obtained. The aim is to achieve a highly-efficient up-conversion of a THz signal into the optical domain via the second-order nonlinearity of the resonator material.This work has been financially supported by "DiDaCTIC: Desarrollo de un sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico en rango THz integrado de alta tasa de datos", TEC2013-47753-C3, CAM S2013/ICE-3004 "DIFRAGEOS" projects, "Proyecto realizado con la Ayuda Fundación BBVA a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016" and "Estancias de movilidad de profesores PRX16/00021"

    Terahertz response of patterned epitaxial graphene

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    We study the interaction between polarized terahertz (THz) radiation and micro-structured large-area graphene in transmission geometry. In order to efficiently couple the radiation into the two-dimensional material, a lateral periodic patterning of a closed graphene sheet by intercalation doping into stripes is chosen. We observe unequal transmittance of the radiation polarized parallel and perpendicular to the stripes. The relative contrast, partly enhanced by Fabry–Perot oscillations reaches 20%. The effect even increases up to 50% when removing graphene stripes in analogy to a wire grid polarizer. The polarization dependence is analyzed in a large frequency range from <80 GHz to 3 THz, including the plasmon–polariton resonance. The results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on the electronic energy spectrum of graphene and the electrodynamics of the patterned structure

    A multi factor trafficking site on the spliceosome remodeling enzyme BRR2 recruits C9ORF78 to regulate alternative splicing

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    The intrinsically unstructured C9ORF78 protein was detected in spliceosomes but its role in splicing is presently unclear. We find that C9ORF78 tightly interacts with the spliceosome remodeling factor, BRR2, in vitro. Affinity purification mass spectrometry and RNA UV crosslinking analyses identify additional C9ORF78 interactors in spliceosomes. Cryogenic electron microscopy structures reveal how C9ORF78 and the spliceosomal B complex protein, FBP21, wrap around the C terminal helicase cassette of BRR2 in a mutually exclusive manner. Knock down of C9ORF78 leads to alternative NAGNAG 3 splice site usage and exon skipping, the latter dependent on BRR2. Inspection of spliceosome structures shows that C9ORF78 could contact several detected spliceosome interactors when bound to BRR2, including the suggested 3 splice site regulating helicase, PRPF22. Together, our data establish C9ORF78 as a late stage splicing regulatory protein that takes advantage of a multi factor trafficking site on BRR2, providing one explanation for suggested roles of BRR2 during splicing catalysis and alternative splicin

    Solar cell process development in the european integrated project crystalclear

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    CrystalClear is a large integrated project funded by the European Commission that aims to drastically reduce the cost of crystalline Si PV modules, down to 1 Euro/Wp. Among the different subprojects, the one dealing with the development of advanced solar cells is relatively large (with 11 partners out of the 15 Crystal Clear partners taking part) and has a crucial role. The goal of the subproject is to develop cell design concepts and manufacturing processes that would enable a reduction in the order of 40% of the cell processing costs per Wp. In this paper, we give an overview of all the development work that has taken place in the CrystalClear solar cells subproject so far. World class results have been achieved, particularly on high efficiency cells on Si ribbons, and on industrial-type solar cells on very thin (120 (j.m thick) substrates

    Oceanographic processes and products around the Iberian margin: a new multidisciplinary approach

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    Our understanding of the role of bottom currents and associated oceanographic processes (e.g, overflows, barotropic tidal currents) including intermittent processes (e.g, vertical eddies, deep sea storms, horizontal vortices, internal waves and tsunamis) is rapidly evolving. Many deep-water processes remain poorly understood due to limited direct observations, but may generate significant depositional and erosional features on both short-and long-term time scales. This paper describes these oceanographic processes and examines their potential role in the sedimentary features around the Iberian margin. The paper explores the implications of the processes studied, given their secondary role relative to other factors such as mass-transport and turbiditic processes. An integrated interpretation of these oceanographic processes requires an understanding of contourites, sea-floor features, their spatial and temporal evolution, and the near-bottom flows that form them. Given their complex, three-dimensional and temporally-variable nature, integration of these processes into sedimentary, oceanographic and climatological frameworks will require a multidisciplinary approach that includes Geology, Physical Oceanography, Paleoceanography and Benthic Biology. This approach will synthesize oceanographic data, seafloor morphology, sediments and seismic images to improve our knowledge of permanent and intermittent processes around Iberia, and evaluate their conceptual and regional role in the sedimentary evolution of the margin. © 2015, Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana. All rights reservedEl conocimiento del papel de las corrientes de fondo y los procesos oceanográficos asociados (overflows, corrientes de marea barotrópicas, etc), incluyendo procesos intermitentes (eddies, tormentas profundas, ondas internas, tsunamis, etc), está evolucionando rápidamente. Muchos de estos procesos son poco conocidos, en parte debido a que las observaciones directas son limitadas, si bien pueden generar importantes rasgos deposicionales y/o erosivos a escalas temporales de corto o largo periodo. Este artículo describe dichos procesos oceanográficos y examina su influencia en la presencia de rasgos sedimentarios alrededor del margen Ibérico. El trabajo discute las implicaciones de dichos procesos y el papel secundario que juegan en relación a otros factores tales como los procesos de transporte gravitacionales en masa y los turbidíticos. Para un mejor conocimiento de la sedimentación marina profunda, y en concreto de los sistemas contorníticos, se requiere de una interpretación de estos procesos oceanográficos, cuál es su evolución espacial y temporal, cómo afectan a las corrientes de fondo y cómo se ven afectados por la topografía submarina. Sin embargo, dada su complejidad y su variable naturaleza tridimensional y temporal, es necesario que estos procesos se integren en un marco sedimentológico, oceanográfico y climatológico con un enfoque multidisciplinar que incluyan la Geología, la Oceanografía Física, la Paleoceanografía y la Biología bentónica. Esta integración requiere de una mayor compilación de datos oceanográficos, de un mejor conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino, y de una mejor caracterización de los sedimentos en ambientes profundos. Todo ello permitirá mejorar nuestro conocimiento de los procesos permanentes e intermitentes alrededor de Iberia y evaluar su verdadero efecto en la evolución sedimentaria delos márgenes continentales que le rodeanPostprint0,000