1,702 research outputs found

    Some taste substances are direct activators of G-proteins

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    Amphiphilic substances may stimulate cellular events through direct activation of G-proteins. The present experiments indicate that several amphiphilic sweeteners and the bitter tastant, quinine, activate transducin and Gi/Go-proteins. Concentrations of taste substances required to activate G-proteins in vitro correlated with those used to elicit taste. These data support the hypothesis that amphiphilic taste substances may elicit taste through direct activation of G-proteins

    Dynamics of Three Agent Games

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    We study the dynamics and resulting score distribution of three-agent games where after each competition a single agent wins and scores a point. A single competition is described by a triplet of numbers pp, tt and qq denoting the probabilities that the team with the highest, middle or lowest accumulated score wins. We study the full family of solutions in the regime, where the number of agents and competitions is large, which can be regarded as a hydrodynamic limit. Depending on the parameter values (p,q,t)(p,q,t), we find six qualitatively different asymptotic score distributions and we also provide a qualitative understanding of these results. We checked our analytical results against numerical simulations of the microscopic model and find these to be in excellent agreement. The three agent game can be regarded as a social model where a player can be favored or disfavored for advancement, based on his/her accumulated score. It is also possible to decide the outcome of a three agent game through a mini tournament of two-a gent competitions among the participating players and it turns out that the resulting possible score distributions are a subset of those obtained for the general three agent-games. We discuss how one can add a steady and democratic decline rate to the model and present a simple geometric construction that allows one to write down the corresponding score evolution equations for nn-agent games

    Statistics of Partial Minima

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    Motivated by multi-objective optimization, we study extrema of a set of N points independently distributed inside the d-dimensional hypercube. A point in this set is k-dominated by another point when at least k of its coordinates are larger, and is a k-minimum if it is not k-dominated by any other point. We obtain statistical properties of these partial minima using exact probabilistic methods and heuristic scaling techniques. The average number of partial minima, A, decays algebraically with the total number of points, A ~ N^{-(d-k)/k}, when 1<=k<d. Interestingly, there are k-1 distinct scaling laws characterizing the largest coordinates as the distribution P(y_j) of the jth largest coordinate, y_j, decays algebraically, P(y_j) ~ (y_j)^{-alpha_j-1}, with alpha_j=j(d-k)/(k-j) for 1<=j<=k-1. The average number of partial minima grows logarithmically, A ~ [1/(d-1)!](ln N)^{d-1}, when k=d. The full distribution of the number of minima is obtained in closed form in two-dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Os recursos rurais de Esposende: avaliação baseada em indicadores de sustentabilidade na Zona Vulnerável 1

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    Considerando que o concelho de Esposende está incluído numa Zona Vulnerável (ZV1), desenvolveu-se este trabalho nas freguesias cuja economia está dependente do sector agrícola, tendo como principais objectivos a identificação e a quantificação das fontes de poluição difusa associadas à actividade agrícola no domínio dos recursos hídricos, a utilização de indicadores de sustentabilidade e de uma proposta de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento local. Foi possível apurar, através da análise dos indicadores, que a qualidade das águas subterrâneas e de alguns cursos de água superficial da zona de estudo está longe do que a Directiva Quadro da Água (DQA) considera como um “Bom estado”, sendo factores responsáveis o elevado consumo de fertilizantes azotados, a elevada produção de efluentes pecuários e o aumento do encabeçamento pecuário. Achou-se pertinente, assim, elaborar uma proposta de estratégia de desenvolvimento local, em que se delineou três grandes objectivos: a competitividade do sector agrícola baseada num crescimento sustentado, a melhoria do ambiente e da paisagem rural e a melhoria da qualidade de vida das zonas rurais. Para cada um deles definiram-se as prioridades e os vectores estratégicos, e as respectivas metas, as quais indicam, em grandes traços, a direcção final da estratégia de desenvolvimento local

    Dynamics of Multi-Player Games

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    We analyze the dynamics of competitions with a large number of players. In our model, n players compete against each other and the winner is decided based on the standings: in each competition, the mth ranked player wins. We solve for the long time limit of the distribution of the number of wins for all n and m and find three different scenarios. When the best player wins, the standings are most competitive as there is one-tier with a clear differentiation between strong and weak players. When an intermediate player wins, the standings are two-tier with equally-strong players in the top tier and clearly-separated players in the lower tier. When the worst player wins, the standings are least competitive as there is one tier in which all of the players are equal. This behavior is understood via scaling analysis of the nonlinear evolution equations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Discrete Analog of the Burgers Equation

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    We propose the set of coupled ordinary differential equations dn_j/dt=(n_{j-1})^2-(n_j)^2 as a discrete analog of the classic Burgers equation. We focus on traveling waves and triangular waves, and find that these special solutions of the discrete system capture major features of their continuous counterpart. In particular, the propagation velocity of a traveling wave and the shape of a triangular wave match the continuous behavior. However, there are some subtle differences. For traveling waves, the propagating front can be extremely sharp as it exhibits double exponential decay. For triangular waves, there is an unexpected logarithmic shift in the location of the front. We establish these results using asymptotic analysis, heuristic arguments, and direct numerical integration.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Popularity-Driven Networking

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    We investigate the growth of connectivity in a network. In our model, starting with a set of disjoint nodes, links are added sequentially. Each link connects two nodes, and the connection rate governing this random process is proportional to the degrees of the two nodes. Interestingly, this network exhibits two abrupt transitions, both occurring at finite times. The first is a percolation transition in which a giant component, containing a finite fraction of all nodes, is born. The second is a condensation transition in which the entire system condenses into a single, fully connected, component. We derive the size distribution of connected components as well as the degree distribution, which is purely exponential throughout the evolution. Furthermore, we present a criterion for the emergence of sudden condensation for general homogeneous connection rates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Entropic Tightening of Vibrated Chains

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    We investigate experimentally the distribution of configurations of a ring with an elementary topological constraint, a ``figure-8'' twist. Using vibrated granular chains, which permit controlled preparation and direct observation of such a constraint, we show that configurations where one of the loops is tight and the second is large are strongly preferred. This agrees with recent predictions for equilibrium properties of topologically-constrained polymers. However, the dynamics of the tightening process weakly violate detailed balance, a signature of the nonequilibrium nature of this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kinetics of Heterogeneous Single-Species Annihilation

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    We investigate the kinetics of diffusion-controlled heterogeneous single-species annihilation, where the diffusivity of each particle may be different. The concentration of the species with the smallest diffusion coefficient has the same time dependence as in homogeneous single-species annihilation, A+A-->0. However, the concentrations of more mobile species decay as power laws in time, but with non-universal exponents that depend on the ratios of the corresponding diffusivities to that of the least mobile species. We determine these exponents both in a mean-field approximation, which should be valid for spatial dimension d>2, and in a phenomenological Smoluchowski theory which is applicable in d<2. Our theoretical predictions compare well with both Monte Carlo simulations and with time series expansions.Comment: TeX, 18 page

    Stochastic Aggregation: Scaling Properties

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    We study scaling properties of stochastic aggregation processes in one dimension. Numerical simulations for both diffusive and ballistic transport show that the mass distribution is characterized by two independent nontrivial exponents corresponding to the survival probability of particles and monomers. The overall behavior agrees qualitatively with the mean-field theory. This theory also provides a useful approximation for the decay exponents, as well as the limiting mass distribution.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure