7 research outputs found

    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and nonsuicidal self-injury in a clinical sample of adolescents: the role of comorbidities and gender.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible association between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) with special focus on the role of comorbidities and gender in a clinical sample of adolescents with both a dimensional and a categorical approach to psychopathology. METHODS: Using a structured interview, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Kid and a self-rated questionnaire, the Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory, the authors examined 202 inpatient adolescents (aged: 13-18 years) in the Vadaskert Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital and Outpatient Clinic, Budapest, Hungary. Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test and mediator model were used. RESULTS: Fifty-two adolescents met full criteria for ADHD and a further 77 showed symptoms of ADHD at the subthreshold level. From the 52 adolescents diagnosed with ADHD, 35 (67.30%) had NSSI, of whom there were significantly more girls than boys, boys: n = 10 (28.60%), girls: n = 25 (71.40%) ((chi(2)(1) = 10.643 p < .001 varphi = .452). Multiple mediation analyses resulted in a moderated mediation model in which the relationship between symptoms of ADHD and the prevalence of current NSSI was fully mediated by the symptoms of comorbid conditions in both sex. Significant mediators were the symptoms of affective and psychotic disorders and suicidality in both sexes and the symptoms of alcohol abuse/dependence disorders in girls. CONCLUSIONS: ADHD symptoms are associated with an increased risk of NSSI in adolescents, especially in the case of girls. Our findings suggest that clinicians should routinely screen for the symptoms of ADHD and comorbidity, with a special focus on the symptoms of affective disorders and alcohol abuse/dependence psychotic symptoms to prevent NSSI

    Psychometric Characteristics of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) and the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test-Extended (DUDIT-E) Among Young Drug Users in Hungary.

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    BACKGROUND: The Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) was developed for problematic substance use screening, and for a more detailed assessment of problematic use, the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test-Extended (DUDIT-E) was additionally developed. PURPOSE: Examining the psychometric properties of DUDIT and DUIT-E across diverse settings in populations of young drug users. METHODS: We examined the psychometric characteristics of these instruments across various settings in populations of young substance users differing in substance use severity and treatment status. Data were collected from three clinically relevant groups (n = 259) as well as a control sample of college students (n = 109). RESULTS: Reliability analyses indicated good internal consistency for both instruments; high intraclass correlations further indicated good test-retest reliability. Differences among study groups were significant on the DUDIT scale and all DUDIT-E subscales (p < 0.01), with the target groups exhibiting higher scores compared to controls. A two-factor solution was identified for the factor structure of DUDIT. CONCLUSION: The Hungarian version of DUDIT and DUDIT-E can effectively identify substance use problems among young users