1,367 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetism in NiO Observed by Transmission Electron Diffraction

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    Neutron diffraction has been used to investigate antiferromagnetism since 1949. Here we show that antiferromagnetic reflections can also be seen in transmission electron diffraction patterns from NiO. The diffraction patterns taken here came from regions as small as 10.5 nm and such patterns could be used to form an image of the antiferromagnetic structure with a nanometre resolution.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Typos corrected. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Non-classical photon pair generation in atomic vapours

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    A scheme for the generation of non-classical pairs of photons in atomic vapours is proposed. The scheme exploits the fact that the cross correlation of the emission of photons from the extreme transitions of a four-level cascade system shows anti-bunching which has not been reported earlier and which is unlike the case of the three level cascade emission which shows bunching. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality which is the ratio of cross-correlation to the auto correlation function in this case is estimated to be 10310610^3-10^6 for controllable time delay, and is one to four orders of magnitude larger compared to previous experiments. The choice of Doppler free geometry in addition to the fact that at three photon resonance the excitation/deexcitation processes occur in a very narrow frequency band, ensures cleaner signals.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Theory and it ab initio calculation of radiative lifetime of excitons in semiconducting carbon nanotubes

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    We present theoretical analysis and first-principles calculation of the radiative lifetime of excitons in semiconducting carbon nanotubes. An intrinsic lifetime of the order of 10 ps is computed for the lowest optically active bright excitons. The intrinsic lifetime is however a rapid increasing function of the exciton momentum. Moreover, the electronic structure of the nanotubes dictates the existence of dark excitons nearby in energy to each bright exciton. Both effects strongly influence measured lifetime. Assuming a thermal occupation of bright and dark exciton bands, we find an effective lifetime of the order of 10 ns at room temperature, in good accord with recent experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Canonical, squeezed and fermionic coherent states in a right quaternionic Hilbert space with a left multiplication on it

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    Using a left multiplication defined on a right quaternionic Hilbert space, we shall demonstrate that various classes of coherent states such as the canonical coherent states, pure squeezed states, fermionic coherent states can be defined with all the desired properties on a right quaternionic Hilbert space. Further, we shall also demonstrate squeezed states can be defined on the same Hilbert space, but the noncommutativity of quaternions prevents us in getting the desired results.Comment: Conference paper. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.02946; substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0068

    A scheme for symmetrization verification

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    We propose a scheme for symmetrization verification in two-particle systems, based on one-particle detection and state determination. In contrast to previous proposals, it does not follow a Hong-Ou-Mandel-type approach. Moreover, the technique can be used to generate superposition states of single particles

    All-Optical Switching Using the Quantum Zeno Effect and Two-Photon Absorption

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    We have previously shown that the quantum Zeno effect can be used to implement quantum logic gates for quantum computing applications, where the Zeno effect was produced using a strong two-photon absorbing medium. Here we show that the Zeno effect can also be used to implement classical logic gates whose inputs and outputs are high-intensity fields (coherent states). The operation of the devices can be understood using a quasi-static analysis, and their switching times are calculated using a dynamic approach. The two-photon absorption coefficient of rubidium vapor is shown to allow operation of these devices at relatively low power levels.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Permutation asymmetry inducing entanglement between degrees of freedom in multiphoton states

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    We describe and examine entanglement between different degrees of freedom in multiphoton states based on the permutation properties. From the state description, the entanglement comes from the permutation asymmetry. According to the different permutation properties, the multiphoton states can be divided into several parts. It will help to deal with the multiphoton interference, which can be used as the measurement of the entanglement.Comment: Final versio


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    “ Every Child a Wanted Child” — this was the stated ambition of a campaign launched by the Family Planning Association in June, 1969. Few enlightened people would disagree with this ideal, yet the majority give little thought as to how it can be achieved and most are quite unaware of how difficult it is for women, especially among the lower social groups, to obtain advice on contraception. Millions of pounds are spent each year in anattempt to stop the world population explosion, but in Great Britain, one of the most densely populated countries in the world and one which boasts of its Welfare Services, free Family Planning advice is available to only a small percentage of women. It is estimated that in Scotland as few as 25-35% of pregnancies are planned. One in three of babies born to mothers under the age of 20 are conceived before marriage. The illegitimacy rate is rising steadily. Add to these the number of abortions which are induced therapeutically or illegally each year and a dismal picture of unplanned pregnancy emerges

    A molecular theory for two-photon and three-photon fluorescence polarization

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    In the analysis of molecular structure and local order in heterogeneous samples, multiphoton excitation of fluorescence affords chemically specific information and high-resolution imaging. This report presents the results of an investigation that secures a detailed theoretical representation of the fluorescence polarization produced by one-, two-, and three-photon excitations, with orientational averaging procedures being deployed to deliver the fully disordered limits. The equations determining multiphoton fluorescence response prove to be expressible in a relatively simple, generic form, and graphs exhibit the functional form of the multiphoton fluorescence polarization. Amongst other features, the results lead to the identification of a condition under which the fluorescence produced through the concerted absorption of any number of photons becomes completely unpolarized. It is also shown that the angular variation of fluorescence intensities is reliable indicator of orientational disorder

    Nonlinear Interferometry via Fock State Projection

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    We use a photon-number resolving detector to monitor the photon number distribution of the output of an interferometer, as a function of phase delay. As inputs we use coherent states with mean photon number up to seven. The postselection of a specific Fock (photon-number) state effectively induces high-order optical non-linearities. Following a scheme by Bentley and Boyd [S.J. Bentley and R.W. Boyd, Optics Express 12, 5735 (2004)] we explore this effect to demonstrate interference patterns a factor of five smaller than the Rayleigh limit.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure