6 research outputs found

    Analiza stężeń wybranych mikropierwiastków w krwi pępowinowej noworodka

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    Microelements and trace elements play a vital role in the body. Low quantities of these elements are essential to ensure proper metabolic processes. The aim of the thesis was to determine levels of selected microelements (zinc, copper, iron, manganese, chromium and aluminium) in cord blood plasma, and to find out if the gestational age, gender and birth weight of a newborn affect these concentrations. The research was conducted on the cord blood of 71 newborns. Regarding the gesta- tional age, three groups were distinguished: I ? neonates born after 37 week of pregnancy ( n =7), II ? neonates born between 38 and 41 week ( n =59), and III ? neonates born after 42 week of pregnancy ( n =5). Subsequently, another division concerned the gender: male ( n =35) and female ( n =36) neonates, as well as their weight: neonates with regular birth weight ? 2.500-3.500 g ( n =61), and neonates with high birth weight ? over 3.500 g ( n =10). The concentrations of zinc, copper, iron, manganese, chromium, and aluminium in cord blood plasma were determined on the basis of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy method. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Statistica 10.0 software, with the assumption that the level of significance was p <0.05. The average concentrations of analysed elements in umbilical cord blood were the following: 18.67±3.05 µmol Zn dm ?3 , 16.60±2.64 µmol Cu dm ?3 , 23.32±3.29 µmol Fe dm ?3 , 0.96±0.21 µmol Mn dm ?3 , 2.81±0.14 µmol Cr dm ?3 and 0.041±0.028 µmol Al dm ?3 , which is within the standard ranges, suggesting efficient regulating mechanisms of the developing foetuses. The research proved that the neonate?s gestational age, gender and birth weight had no substantial impact on concentrations of these elements in the cord blood, except the concentration of iron, which was statistically significantly correlated with the gender of neonates

    Health behaviors and knowledge of birth control methods among students

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    Introduction: Thanks to preventive medicine and shaping health behaviors such as habits, customs and attitudes towards health, it is possible to control everyday life civilization threats and new outbreaks of diseases. Purpose: To assess health behaviors and level of knowledge of birth control methods among university students in Bialystok. Materials and methods: A total of 222 students of the Bialystok Polytechnic University and Medical University of Bialystok were recruited. The study used a health behavior catalogue by Juczynski and our own questionnaire. Results: The study showed a high percentage of students with poor knowledge of health behaviors. Students of both universities positively assessed their eating habits, mental attitudes, and preventive behaviors. Students of the Bialystok Polytechnic University showed significantly higher scores concerning proper health behaviors. The most common method of contraception were: condoms and contraceptive pills. Students of Medical University were characterized by significantly higher level of knowledge of birth control methods. The vast majority of respondents derived their knowledge of birth control methods from the internet. Conclusions: The results indicate that it is advisable to introduce preventive actions to the study curriculum in order to facilitate formation of proper habits and health behaviors. The level of knowledge among students of the methods of natural birth control is insufficient. It is important to search for various forms and methods to provide young people with objective information according to the latest research

    Quality of life and the level of knowledge and utilization of lymphedema prevention principles among mastectomized patients

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most prevalent female malignancy in Poland. Oncological treatment and its adverse effects diminish quality of life of breast cancer patients, which is determined by a number of somatic, psychological and social factors. Purpose: To assess the quality of life and the level of knowledge and utilization of lymphedema prevention principles among women after surgical treatment of breast cancer. Materials and methods: The study included 145 breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy. The respondents were examined with the validated EORTC QLQ-BR23 questionnaire and a custom-designed survey. Results: Examination with the QLQ-BR23 questionnaire revealed that mastectomized women scored low on the body image scale. The most frequently reported ailments were arm and breast symptoms. While the respondents showed high level of knowledge with regards to lymphedema prevention, they poorly adhered to the prophylactic guidelines. The participants were well aware of the risk factors of lymphedema, and most of them declared avoidance of their harmful effects. Conclusions: Quality of life assessment should constitute an integral component of rehabilitation in every breast cancer patient, as mastectomy exerts significant effect on the outcome of perioperative period. Apart from specialist physiotherapy, also education of patients with regards to principles of lymphedema prevention and autotherapy constitutes an important component of complex management of lymphatic insufficiency

    Quality of life during the first year after breast cancer resection

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    Introduction: Quality of life can be determined by a number of factors, including subjective perception of various spheres of health and health-unrelated factors. Purpose: To compare the quality of life of women who had breast cancer one month and one year after mastectomy, and to verify the usefulness of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scales in early identification of patients having problems in various functional spheres. Materials and methods: The study included the group of 110 mastectomized women. Quality of life of the participants was estimated with EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-BR23 questionnaires. Results: Global health status (QoL) determined with the aid of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire turned out to be significantly higher in women surveyed one year after mastectomy than in those examined one month after the surgery (74.23 vs. 58.33, p<0.001). Moreover, the two groups of patients differed significantly in terms of physical, cognitive, social and role functioning scores. Most of the symptoms assessed were resolved within a year after the breast cancer surgery. No significant intergroup differences were revealed with regard to emotional and socioeconomic functioning or future perspective scores. Conclusions: Quality of life of most mastectomized women improves considerably within one year after the surgery. The use of quality of life instruments can be useful in early postoperative identification of patients who score low on functional and symptom scales. Such patients require support and/or psycho-oncological treatment during the early postoperative period. Quality of life of breast cancer patients during the early postoperative period can be a predictor of this parameter in a longer-term perspective