14 research outputs found

    Noise propagation in the surroundings of high-speed railway lines

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    Artykuł opisuje problem hałasu emitowanego przez tabor kolejowy. Hałas przedstawia się jako zjawisko dźwiękowe oraz problem dla człowieka w XXI wieku. Szczegółowo omawiane są dwa główne źródła hałasu kolejowego: hałas toczenia oraz hałas aerodynamiczny. Zaprezentowane zostały wyniki pomiarów hałasu emitowanego przez pociągi Pendolino. Badania wykonano w 2013 r. na linii kolejowej numer 4. Przeanalizowano wpływ zespołu trakcyjnego na klimat akustyczny. Nowe pociągi zostały porównane do obecnie eksploatowanego taboru.The article describes the problem of noise emitted by rolling stock. The noise is presented as a phenome-non of sound and the problem for a man in the twenty-first century. These are the sources of railway noise: rolling noise, curve squeal, bridge noise, aerodynamic noise, ground noise and internal noise. The results of the tests Pendolino train recorded in 2013 on the railway line number 4 were presented. Analysed the effect of the traction unit on the acoustic climate. The new trains were compared to currently operated rolling stock

    Propagation analysis of ground vibration caused by running trains with the use of FFT and STFT

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    W pracy przedstawiono wybrane wyniki pomiarów drgań gruntu wzbudzanych przejazdami pociągu Pendolino (EMU 250). Zaprezentowano uzyskane przyspieszenia drgań w dziedzinie częstotliwości – widma ciągłe (FFT) przejazdu i ich zależności od położenia akcelerometru względem osi toru. Dokonano przedstawienia wyników w dziedzinie częstotliwościowo – czasowej przy zastosowaniu Krótkookresowej Transformaty Fouriera (STFT) w celu porównania charakteru uzyskiwanego wzbudzenia drgań w zależności od prędkości oraz odległości odbiornika od źródła drgań. W artykule wykazano, iż analizy dostarczające informacji w dziedzinie częstotliwości i pozwalające znaleźć cechy globalne sygnału powinny zostać uzupełniane (w przypadku analiz sygnałów niestacjonarnych) o analizy dające odpowiedzi w dziedzinie częstotliwościowo – czasowej.Selected results of measurement of ground vibration caused by running Pendolino train (EMU 250) have been presented in the paper. Obtained vibration acceleration in the frequency domain - a continuous spectrum (FFT) of train ride and their correlation to the position of the accelerometer relative to the axis of the track have been presented. The results in the field of frequency - time using short-term Fourier Transform (STFT) to compare the nature of the obtained excitation of vibrations depending on the speed and distance of the receiver from the source of vibration have been made. The article shows that the analysis of providing information in the frequency domain and allowing researcher to find the global characteristics of the signal should be supplemented (in the case of analysis of non-stationary signals) by the analysis with a frequency response in – time

    Calibration of vibration transducers according to iso 16063-21: methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers – part 21: vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer

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    W artykule autorzy przedstawili przegląd normy ISO 16063-21: Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers – Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer. Dyskusji poddane zostały normatywne wymogi obowiązujące przy kalibracji czujników. Użycie normy ISO przestawiono na przykładzie sprzętu firmy The Modal Shop, INC. – Model 9155. Dodatkowo zaprezentowana została istotność systemów normalizacyjnych.In the paper the authors give a review of ISO 16063-21: Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers – Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer. The standard’s basic requirements are discussed, which must be met to calibrate transducers. The way the ISO standards are applied is presented using the example of equipment The Modal Shop, INC – Model 9155. In addition, presents the significance of standardizing systems

    Use of external sources in financing the nature and forest education in regional directorates of the State Forests

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    The study objectives were to identify external sources of financing the nature and forest education and to analyze the level of their use in regional directorates of the State Forests (RDSF) in the years 2006−2016. In addition, we studied the relationship between the amount of external and internal financing. As a data source, we used reports on educational activities of the State Forests for the investigated period. The work determines the relationship between individual categories of external funds and the amount of total funding and the amount of external financing for forest and nature education in individual RDSFs. In order to examine the relationship between the amount of external and internal financing, correlation analysis of changes was carried out. The conducted research confirmed the diversity in the use of the individual external sources in the financing of forest and nature education in the State Forests. The RDSFs use mainly money from the voivodeship funds for environmental protection and water management. They also conduct extensive cooperation with various entities, which participate in expenditures, hence a significant share of these funds in the financing of forest and nature education. We found a weak correlation between the amount of funding raised from voivodeship funds for environmental protection and water management and own sources of education financing (r=0.2162) and between other external sources and own sources of funding (r=0.2717). On the other hand, a high correlation occurred between funds from voivodeship funds for environmental protection and water management and other external sources of financing and external financing (r=0.6544 and 0.617, respectively). RDSFs should intensify their activities aimed at changing the structure of financing sources, in favor of increasing the share of external funds. The priority in this respect should be to clarify the rules of financing forest and nature education from the state budget and of using the funding opportunities from this source