448 research outputs found

    Enhanced Expression of TRAP1 Protects Mitochondrial Function in Motor Neurons under Conditions of Oxidative Stress

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    TNF‐receptor associated protein (TRAP1) is a cytoprotective mitochondrial‐specific member of the Hsp90 heat shock protein family of protein chaperones that has been shown to antagonise mitochondrial apoptosis and oxidative stress, regulate the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and control protein folding in mitochondria. Here we show that overexpression of TRAP1 protects motor neurons from mitochondrial dysfunction and death induced by exposure to oxidative stress conditions modelling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a fatal neurodegenerative disease in which motor neurons degenerate, leading to muscle weakness and atrophy and death, typically within 3 years of diagnosis. In primary murine motor neurons, shRNAmediated knockdown of TRAP1 expression results in mitochondrial dysfunction but does not further exacerbate damage induced by oxidative stress alone. Together, these results show that TRAP1 may be a potential therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, where mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown to be an early marker of pathogenesis

    Histamine release after intravenous application of short-acting hypnotics. A comparison of etomidate, Althesin (CT1341) and propanidid

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    The subject of histamine release was investigated in 16 volunteers by means of plasma histamine determination after the administration of etornidate, Althesin, propanidid, and Cremophor EL. Althesin and propanidid caused release of histamine in various degrees of frequency. Blood pressure changes were rather pronounced with both anaesthetic agents; tachycardia reached its maximum in the first and second minute, which seems to be an argument against histamine release as the underlying cause of this reaction. Histamine was, indeed, only released to such an extent (with the exception of one borderline case) that no clinical symptoms other than secretion of gastric juice and erythema were to be expected. After the application of etomidate and Cremophor EL an increase in plasma histamine was not detectable. Changes in the differential blood picture in terms of a decrease in basophils only occurred after Althesin and propanidid; not, however, after etomidate and Cremophor EL. Etomidate is, therefore, the first hypnotic drug for intravenous application which is unlikely to cause chemical histamine release

    Regional Differences in Heat Shock Protein 25 Expression in Brain and Spinal Cord Astrocytes of Wild-Type and SOD1 (G93A) Mice

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    Heterogeneity of glia in different CNS regions may contribute to the selective vulnerability of neuronal populations in neurodegenerative conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, we explored regional variations in the expression of heat shock protein 25 in glia under conditions of acute and chronic stress. Hsp27 (Hsp27; murine orthologue: Hsp25) fulfils a number of cytoprotective functions and may therefore be a possible therapeutic target in ALS. We identified a subpopulation of astrocytes in primary murine mixed glial cultures that expressed Hsp25. Under basal conditions, the proportion of Hsp25-positive astrocytes was twice as high in spinal cord cultures than in cortical cultures. To explore the physiological role of the elevated Hsp25 expression in spinal cord astrocytes, we exposed cortical and spinal cord glia to acute stress, using heat stress and pro-inflammatory stimuli. Surprisingly, we observed no stress-induced increase in Hsp25 expression in either cortical or spinal cord astrocytes. Similarly, exposure to endogenous stress, as modelled in glial cultures from SOD1 G93A-ALS mice, did not increase Hsp25 expression above that observed in astrocytes from wild-type mice. In vivo, Hsp25 expression was greater under conditions of chronic stress present in the spinal cord of SOD1 G93A mice than in wild-type mice, although this increase in expression is likely to be due to the extensive gliosis that occurs in this model. Together, these results show that there are differences in the expression of Hsp25 in astrocytes in different regions of the central nervous system, but Hsp25 expression is not upregulated under acute or chronic stress conditions

    Expression of Kv3.1b potassium channel is widespread in macaque motor cortex pyramidal cells: A histological comparison between rat and macaque

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    There are substantial differences across species in the organisation and function of the motor pathways. These differences extend to basic electrophysiological properties. Thus, in rat motor cortex, pyramidal cells have long duration action potentials, while in the macaque, some pyramidal neurons exhibit short duration 'thin' spikes. These differences may be related to the expression of the fast potassium channel Kv3.1b, which in rat interneurons is associated with generation of thin spikes. Rat pyramidal cells typically lack these channels, while there are reports that they are present in macaque pyramids. Here we made a systematic, quantitative comparison of the expression of Kv3.1b in sections from macaque and rat motor cortex, using two different antibodies (NeuroMab, Millipore). As our standard reference, we examined, in the same sections, Kv3.1b staining in parvalbumin-positive interneurons, which show strong Kv3.1b immunoreactivity. In macaque motor cortex, a large sample of pyramidal neurons were nearly all found to express Kv3.1b in their soma membranes. These labelled neurons were identified as pyramidal based either by expression of SMI32 (a pyramidal marker), or by their shape and size, lack of expression of parvalbumin (a marker for some classes of interneuron). Large (Betz cells), medium and small pyramidal neurons all expressed Kv3.1b. In rat motor cortex, SMI32-postive pyramidal neurons expressing Kv3.1b were very rare and weakly stained. Thus, there is a marked species difference in the immunoreactivity of Kv3.1b in pyramidal neurons, and this may be one of the factors explaining the pronounced electrophysiological differences between rat and macaque pyramidal neurons

    Sectioning and Counting of Motor Neurons in the L3 to L6 Region of the Adult Mouse Spinal Cord

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    Histology is the study of the microscopic structure of tissues. This protocol permits the generation of frozen transverse sections of lumbar spinal cord regions L3 to L6. It enables counting of murine ventral horn lumbar motor neurons in a reproducible manner. Methods include spinal column dissection, hydraulic extrusion, and histological processing. The preparation for cryo-sectioning includes embedding lumbar spinal cord in optimal cutting temperature (OCT) medium. The correct orientation of the tissue is critical as calculating the amount of tissue to discard saved time overall. Specific details regarding section thickness and mounting are described. These requirements not only allow optimum coverage of specific regions but also ensure that no individual motor neuron was counted twice. The Nissl bodies of the motor neurons were stained using gallocyanin. The sections obtained are all of a comparable area and quality assurance is consistent. The specificity of the staining enables the scientist to identify and reliably quantify lumbar motor neurons. © 2022 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Euthanasia of mouse and isolation of spinal cord. Basic Protocol 2: Hydraulic extrusion of the spinal cord. Basic Protocol 3: Identification of the lumbar region. Basic Protocol 4: Embedding cord in OCT. Basic Protocol 5: Collection of frozen sections onto slides. Basic Protocol 6: Gallocyanin staining. Basic Protocol 7: Motor neuron counting

    Hereditary sensory neuropathy type 1-associated deoxysphingolipids cause neurotoxicity, acute calcium handling abnormalities and mitochondrial dysfunction in vitro

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    Hereditary sensory neuropathy type 1 (HSN-1) is a peripheral neuropathy most frequently caused by mutations in the SPTLC1 or SPTLC2 genes, which code for two subunits of the enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT). SPT catalyzes the first step of de novo sphingolipid synthesis. Mutations in SPT result in a change in enzyme substrate specificity, which causes the production of atypical deoxysphinganine and deoxymethylsphinganine, rather than the normal enzyme product, sphinganine. Levels of these abnormal compounds are elevated in blood of HSN-1 patients and this is thought to cause the peripheral motor and sensory nerve damage that is characteristic of the disease, by a largely unresolved mechanism. In this study, we show that exogenous application of these deoxysphingoid bases causes dose- and time-dependent neurotoxicity in primary mammalian neurons, as determined by analysis of cell survival and neurite length. Acutely, deoxysphingoid base neurotoxicity manifests in abnormal Ca2+ handling by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria as well as dysregulation of cell membrane store-operated Ca2+ channels. The changes in intracellular Ca2+ handling are accompanied by an early loss of mitochondrial membrane potential in deoxysphingoid base-treated motor and sensory neurons. Thus, these results suggest that exogenous deoxysphingoid base application causes neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction and Ca2+ handling deficits, which may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of HSN-1

    Regional differences in the inflammatory and heat shock response in glia: implications for ALS

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    Preferential neuronal vulnerability is characteristic of several neurodegenerative diseases including the motor neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It is well established that glia play a critical role in ALS, but it is unknown whether regional differences in the ability of glia to support motor neurons contribute to the specific pattern of neuronal degeneration. In this study, using primary mixed glial cultures from different mouse CNS regions (spinal cord and cortex), we examined whether regional differences exist in key glial pathways that contribute to, or protect against, motor neuron degeneration. Specifically, we examined the NF-κB-mediated inflammatory pathway and the cytoprotective heat shock response (HSR). Glial cultures were treated with pro-inflammatory stimuli, tumour necrosis factor-ɑ/lipopolysaccharide or heat stressed to stimulate the inflammatory and HSR respectively. We found that spinal cord glia expressed more iNOS and produced more NO compared to cortical glia in response to inflammatory stimuli. Intriguingly, we found that expression of ALS-causing SOD1G93A did not elevate the levels of NO in spinal cord glia. However, activation of the stress-responsive HSR was attenuated in SOD1G93A cultures, with a reduced Hsp70 induction in response to stressful stimuli. Exposure of spinal cord glia to heat shock in combination with inflammatory stimuli reduced the activation of the inflammatory response. The results of this study suggest that impaired heat shock response in SOD1G93A glia may contribute to the exacerbated inflammatory reactions observed in ALS mice. Graphical abstract Mixed primary glial cultures were established from cortical and spinal cord regions of wild-type mice and mice expressing ALS-causing mutant human SOD1 and the inflammatory and heat shock responses were investigated in these cultures. In the absence of stress, all cultures appeared to have similar cellular composition, levels of inflammatory mediators and similar expression level of heat shock proteins. When stimulated, spinal cord glia were more reactive and activated the inflammatory pathway more readily than cortical glia; this response was similar in wild-type and SOD1G93A glial cultures. Although the heat shock response was similar in spinal cord and cortical glial, in SOD1G93A expressing glia from both the spinal cord and cortex, the induction of heat shock response was diminished. This impaired heat shock response in SOD1G93A glia may therefore contribute to the exacerbated inflammatory reactions observed in ALS mice

    In vivo imaging of axonal transport in murine motor and sensory neurons

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    BACKGROUND: Axonal transport is essential for neuronal function and survival. Defects in axonal transport have been identified as an early pathological feature in several disorders of the nervous system. The visualisation and quantitative analysis of axonal transport in vivo in rodent models of neurological disease is therefore crucial to improve our understanding of disease pathogenesis and for the identification of novel therapeutics. NEW METHOD: Here, we describe a method for the in vivo imaging of axonal transport of signalling endosomes in the sciatic nerve of live, anaesthetised mice. RESULTS: This method allows the multiparametric, quantitative analysis of in vivo axonal transport in motor and sensory neurons of adult mice in control conditions and during disease progression. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Previous in vivo imaging of the axonal transport of signalling endosomes has been limited to studies in nerve explant preparations or non-invasive approaches using magnetic resonance imaging; techniques that are hampered by major drawbacks such as tissue damage and low temporal and spatial resolution. This new method allows live imaging of the axonal transport of single endosomes in the sciatic nerve in situ and a more sensitive analysis of axonal transport kinetics than previous approaches. CONCLUSIONS: The method described in this paper allows an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of axonal transport in both motor and sensory neurons in vivo. It enables the detailed study of alterations in axonal transport in rodent models of neurological diseases and can be used to identify novel pharmacological modifiers of axonal transport

    Creating viable muscle-motor neurone synaptic interactions in an in vitro 3D collagen co-culture gel model

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    The ability to generate biomimetic 3D skeletal muscle tissues in vitro would have important implications for both cell biology and medicine. To that end, a significant body of work has recently been published detailing the efforts of various groups to synthesise such a model. These protocols involve the seeding of muscle derived cells (MDCs) within a biomimetic scaffold of extra cellular matrix proteins and rely on the ability of MDCs to self-orientate between two fixed points. The contractile ability of our collagen based 3D model, constructed in such a way, is well established1 and our goal now is towards making the model more biomimetic. Since denervated muscle quickly undergoes atrophy, it is likely that the introduction of a neural input will significantly improve the maturation of MDCs within our culture system, as well as establish a complex 3D co-culture model that better mimics in vivo conditions that exist within innervated muscle. Furthermore, the possibility of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) formation in vitro opens the door to future research testing the effects of neuromuscular agents in culture, which may help to minimize the need for in vivo testing of such agents. Here we present our data characterising the development and maturation of this 3D co-culture system, compare results with both 2D and in vivo controls and discuss the implications for the future of skeletal muscle tissue culture techniques

    Astrocytes display cell autonomous and diverse early reactive states in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a rapidly progressive and fatal disease. Although astrocytes are increasingly recognized contributors to the underlying pathogenesis, the cellular autonomy and uniformity of astrocyte reactive transformation in different genetic forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis remain unresolved. Here we systematically examine these issues by using highly enriched and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived astrocytes from patients with VCP and SOD1 mutations. We show that VCP mutant astrocytes undergo cell-autonomous reactive transformation characterized by increased expression of complement component 3 (C3) in addition to several characteristic gene expression changes. We then demonstrate that isochronic SOD1 mutant astrocytes also undergo a cell-autonomous reactive transformation, but that this is molecularly distinct from VCP mutant astrocytes. This is shown through transcriptome-wide analyses, identifying divergent gene expression profiles and activation of different key transcription factors in SOD1 and VCP mutant human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived astrocytes. Finally, we show functional differences in the basal cytokine secretome between VCP and SOD1 mutant human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived astrocytes. Our data therefore reveal that reactive transformation can occur cell autonomously in human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis astrocytes and with a striking degree of early molecular and functional heterogeneity when comparing different disease-causing mutations. These insights may be important when considering astrocyte reactivity as a putative therapeutic target in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis