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8 research outputs found
Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: On the Pathway from Temporary Foreign Workers to One of the Largest Minority Groups
B Zilynskyj
D Drbohlav
+21Â more
D Drbohlav
D Drbohlav
D Čermáková
D Čermáková
E Janská
J Bernard
J Bernard
M Horáková
N Valášková
O HofĂrek
O Valenta
P Ezzeddine
V Markus
W Strielkowski
Y Leontiyeva
Y Leontiyeva
Y Leontiyeva
Y Leontiyeva
Y Leontiyeva
Z Uherek
Z Uherek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Demonstration of Antibody to Bovine Leukosis Virus by the ELISA Test
B. HofĂrek
Marta Granátová
Publication venue
'University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
“My parents did everything for us but nothing with us”: Parenting and mothering in Vietnamese immigrant families in the Czech Republic
Anderson B
Bourdieu P
+10Â more
Erel U
Foner N
HofĂrek O
Höhne S
Kibria N
Macdonald CL
MartĂnková Ĺ
Nelson MK
Souralová A
Tse L
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effect of dietary supplementation with silkworm pupae meal on gastrointestinal function, nitrogen retention and blood biochemical parameters in rabbits
A Gasmi-Boubaker
A Gugołek
+48Â more
A Gugołek
A Gugołek
A Gugołek
A Gugołek
A Jurgoński
AA Njidda
AA Pilny
AOAC International
B Fotschki
B HofĂrek
C De Blas
C Martins
D Kowalska
DE Beasley
E Blas
E Cholewińska
E Klewicka
E Tabata
E Tabata
F Bovera
H Duwa
H Flint
HN Suresh
HPS Makkar
IO Oladunjoye
J Jankowski
J Juśkiewicz
J Kylie
J Strychalski
JM Fotso
KE Lesmeister
L Borrelli
L Chrastinová
L Drouilhet
L Gasco
ML Liu
NA Irlbeck
O Jintasataporn
OJEU. Official Journal of the European Union
P Konieczka
PJ Van Soest
R Loponte
R Ullah
RD Carregal
SS Ahlawat
StatSoft Inc
WJ Fan
Z Volek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Natural and Experimental Transmission of Bovine Leukemia Virus
A Hjärre
A LĂĽbke
+103Â more
A Rojahn
AA Ressang
AF Valikhov
AL Parodi
B HofĂrek
BA Buxton
C Olson
C Olson
C Olson
C Olson
CE Piper
CH Romero
CH Romero
CH Romero
D Amaddeo
D Rutili
D Severini
DE Jasper
DH Roberts
E Mitscherlich
E Weinhold
E Weinhold
E Wiesner
F Lacour
F Maas-Inderwiesen
F Schöttler
FW Schmidt
G Gentile
G Rosenberger
GA Simonyan
GH Theilen
GH Theilen
H Adldinger
H Ritter
HE Hoss
J Aleksandrowicz
J Dobberstein
J Dobberstein
JF Ferrer
JF Ferrer
JF Ferrer
JM Miller
JW Wilesmith
K MĂĽller
K Ohshima
KH Enke
KJ Donham
KL Jacobsen
LD Koller
LD Miller
LE Baumgartener
M Mammerickx
M Mammerickx
M Mammerickx
M Seelemann
MA Gonda
MC Thurmond
MC Thurmond
MH Lucas
MH Lucas
MJ Maaten van der
MJ Maaten van der
MJ Rubino
N Avram
NL Huber
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OC Straub
OR Kaaden
OR Kaaden
OR Kaaden
P Knuth
P Schöss
PM Cereda
R Götze
R Götze
R Kettmann
RR Marshak
S Bech-Nielsen
SJ Kenyon
SR Kenyon
T Böttger
W Rohde
W Wittmann
W Wittmann
W Wittmann
W Wittmann
W Wittmann
Z Horváth
Z Horváth
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text